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Disputatio Vicipaediae:Collaboratio hebdomadalis

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Disputationes antiquae

Hoc est tabularium antiquarum disputationum. Non est recensendum.

Sententiae hic collectae inter dies et scriptae sunt.

Collaboratio prima

Cur terra iam electa est? Nonne paginae die solis fere eliguntur? -Adamas 01:44, 23 Martii 2006 (UTC)

Terra has enough votes. And the field was empty, so I put terra in it. Of course it is for next week. If you think it should be changed, just do. Terra is the first and at present the only Page which was suggested. I think, votes are not yet necessary. Maybe later. What do you think? --Misericordia 14:00, 23 Martii 2006 (UTC)

I feel this was very premature and poorly-executed. We need to establish a consistent and meaningful system for choosing the collaboratio hebdomalis from the very start, so people who aren't already familiar with it from the English Wikipedia (or elsewhere) can quickly come to understand how it works. In fact, I'm very tempted to propose a second collaboratio hebdomalis to this page myself, not because I want to shoot myself in the foot by creating competition for an article I strongly feel needs help, Terra, but because I want to get people used to the idea that a number of collaborations will be listed, and of those the one with the most votes will be selected. The key to collaborations like this is that there have to be a fair number of users involved in it; right now our primary focus should be (1) advertising this page a bit more so it gets more attention, (2) explaining the rules more clearly at the top of the page, and (3) ammassing a few more votes and CH candidates so this thing really gets rolling. That's because if we rush too much to nominate "Terra", we'll end up with very little actual work being done for the article because CH is still so young: CHs typically require that there be at least 5 or 6 involved users to make the process meaningful and useful. Furthermore, if we nominate "terra" we will have to delete the comments section immediately (perhaps we could move it to Disputatio:Terra?), which will leave this page completely empty again! And then, presumably, the next time any article gets proposed, it will be immediately promoted to "collaboration" too? That just seems waaaay too disorganized to be at all effective or consistent. If you have no objections, in fact, I'll nominate a second article now to complete with "Terra", and whichever has the most votes will become the CH on Sunday. OK? -Adamas 16:36, 23 Martii 2006 (UTC)

OK. I'm understanding what you mean. Thank you for your detailed answer. I've got no objections against nominating another page, no, I support this! This was the reason for creating the page. My action was too fast. --Misericordia 18:31, 23 Martii 2006 (UTC)

Excellent. And your speedy-nom wasn't a big deal; we don't have any established policies or conventions yet, so you didn't have anything to go on. I just would rather that we establish a consistent method for nominating articles now, so it's easier to figure out how to handle future collabs as well. As for nominating a second article, any preferences for one to choose? If it gets enough votes, it could easily be our second collaboration. -Adamas 22:57, 23 Martii 2006 (UTC)

is this still working?

just curious. --Alexis Hellmer 06:04, 16 Octobris 2006 (UTC)