El Sidrón
Coordinata: 43°23′7″N 5°19′34″W / 43.38528°N 5.32611°W
Spelunca El Sidrón (vulgo Cueva de El Sidrón) est caverna in Asturiis sita in quo reliquiae hominum neanderthalensium atque picturae murales praehistoricae repertae sunt. Reliquias omnes inter 35 200 et 51 800 annis, sed maiorem partem fere 49 000 annis a. p. depositas esse constat.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Almudena Estalrrich, Antonio Rosas, "Handedness in Neandertals from the El Sidrón (Asturias, Spain): Evidence from Instrumental Striations with Ontogenetic Inferences" in Plos One (6 Maii 2013)
- Karen Hardy, Stephen Buckley, Michael Huffman, "Neanderthal self-medication in context" in Antiquity vol. 87 no. 337 (2013) pp. 873-878
- T. de Torres et al., "Dating of the hominid Homo neanderthalensis remains accumulation from El Sidrón Cave Piloña, Asturias, North Spain: an example of multi-methodological approach to the dating of Upper Pleistocene sites" in Archaeometry vol. 52 (2010) pp. 680–705 Epitome
- Laura S. Weyrich et al., "Neanderthal behaviour, diet, and disease inferred from ancient DNA in dental calculus" in Nature Letters (8 Martii 2017) Epitome
- Ed Yong, "Neanderthal Dental Plaque Shows What a Paleo Diet Really Looks Like" in The Atlantic (8/9 Martii 2017)
Nexus interni
Nexus externi
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "El Sidrón Site" apud Biology Online
- Ben Panko, "Scientists Delve Into Neanderthal Dental Plaque to Understand How They Lived and Ate" (9 Martii 2017) apud Smithsonian.com
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