Ethica pragmatica
Ethica pragmatica est theoria ethicae normativae philosophicae. Pragmatistae ethici, sicut Ioannes Dewey, putant nonnullas societates moralitatem evolvisse, multum ut progressum in scientia adepti sunt. Scientistae veritatem coniecturarum et hypothesum indagare et exitus recipere possunt, quod agere possunt etsi coniectura vel hypotheses vera sit; nihilominus, putant aetates futuras scientiam promovere, aetatesque futurae eorum coniecturarum et hypotheses, vel saltem nonnullas ex eis, approbatarum expolire vel reponere posse. Similiter, pragmatistae ethici putant normas, principia, normasque morales per indagationem meliorem fieri posse.
Nexus interni
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Bellah, Robert Neelly. 1985 Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life. Berkeleiae: University of California Press. ISBN 9780520254190. Google Books.
- Dewey, John. 1922. Human Nature and Conduct. Novi Eboraci: Henry Holt. ISBN 9780486420974. Google Books.
- Hertzke, Allen D., et Chris McRorie. 1998. The Concept of Moral Ecology. In Community and Political Thought Today, ed. Peter Augustine Lawler et Dale McConkey. Westport Connecticutae: Praeger Publishers.
- LaFollette, Hugh, ed. 2000. Pragmatic Ethics. In The Blackwell Guide to Ethical Theory, ed. Hugh LaFollette, 400–419. Wiley-Blackwell. Textus.
- Mill, John Stuart. 1863. On Liberty. Bostoniae: Ticknor and Fields. ISBN 0486421309. Google Books.
Bibliographia addita
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Bernstein, R. 1983. Beyond Objectivism and Relativism. Philadelphiaw: University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Dewey, John. 1922, 1988. Human Nature and Conduct. Southern Illinois University Press.
- Dewey, John. 1932, 1985. Ethics. Southern Illinois University Press.
- Dewey, John. 1920, 1970. Reconstruction in Philosophy. Henry Holt.
- Gibbard, Allan. 2009. Chapter 7: A pragmatic justification of morality. In Conversations on Ethics, ed. Alex Voorhoeve, 157–178. Oxoniae: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199215379.
- Lekan, T. 2003. Making Morality: Pragmatist Reconstruction in Ethical Theory. The Vanderbilt Library of American Philosophy. Vanderbilt University Press. ISBN 9780826514219.
- Margolis, J. 1986. Pragmatism without Foundations: Reconciling Realism and Relativism. Oxoniae et Novi Eboraci: Blackwell Publishers.
- Margolis, J. 1996. Life without Principles. Oxoniae: Blackwell Publishers.