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Formula:Citatio arXiv/doc

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Citatio arXiv is for formatting references to preprints at the arXiv. It links to the abstract at http://www.arxiv.org/abs/eprint.

To use the template, you need only specify the 'eprint' parameter. Once you save the page, a bot will detect the citation and complete it automatically. (Well, not on la: it won't)

Common parameters, horizontal format

{{Citatio arXiv |cognomen= |praenomen= |auctorlink= |eprint= |titulus= |classis= |annus= |versio= |accessdate= }}

  • cognomen1, cognomen2, cognomen3...: Surnames of the author(s)
  • praenomen1, praenomen2, praenomen3...: Forenames of the author(s)
    • author1, author2, author3 etc: Name(s) of the author(s) if cognomen-praenomen format is not appropriate (e.g. some east Asian names)
  • auctorlink1, auctorlink2...: Name of author's wikipedia page. Will be used to make author name a link, if present. Optional.
  • eprint (Mandatory): Eprint identifier, without any "arXiv:" prefix. Prior to April 2007, the identifiers included a classification, an optional two-letter subdivision, and a 7-digit YYMMNNN uear, month, and sequence number of submission in that category. E.g. gr-qc/0610068 or math.GT/0309136. After April 2007, the format was changed to a simple YYMM.NNNN.
  • classis: arXiv classification, e.g. hep-th. Optional. To be used only with new-style eprint identifiers, that do not include the classification.
  • titulus: Title of the cited paper.
  • anno: Year of publication. Optional.
  • versio: arXiv version, including leading "v", e.g. "v1". Optional.
  • accessdate: Date of web access. Optional, but required by many citation standards.

The template also supports most of the parameters supported by {{Citatio journal}} or {{Citatio}}, and uses the style of {{Citatio journal}}. However, once a paper is published, it is recommended to use one of those templates with, as journals have the finalized and reviewed paper. To preserve the arxiv link, add |id={{arxiv|eprint}} to the {{Citatio}}/{{Citatio journal}} templates.

  • {{Citatio arXiv |cognomen=Sparling |praenomen=George A.J. |eprint=gr-qc/0610068 |titulus=Spacetime is spinorial; new dimensions are timelike |annus=2006 |versio=v1 }}
Sparling, George A.J. (2006). arΧiv:gr-qc/0610068v1. 
  • {{Citatio arXiv |cognomen=Leinster |praenomen=Tom |eprint=0707.0835 |classis=math.CT |titulus=The Euler characteristic of a category as the sum of a divergent series |annus=2007 }}
Leinster, Tom (2007). arΧiv:0707.0835 [math.CT]. 
  • {{Citatio journal |auctor=C. Balázs, E. L. Berger, P. M. Nadolsky, C.-P. Yuan |annus=2007 |titulus=Calculation of prompt diphoton production cross sections at Tevatron and LHC energies |journal=[[Physical Review D]] |volumen=76 |emissio=1 |pagina=013009 |doi=10.1103/PhysRevD.76.013009 |id={{arxiv|0704.0001}} }}
Formula:Citatio journal

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Formula:Citatio journal

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