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{{Robert.Baruch/Audi}} allows audio files to be embedded in articles. It should be used for audio files that are set off from the text, like music clips or sound recordings.

Simple usage[fontem recensere]

{{  listen
| filename      = 
|  title        = 
| description  = 
  • filename (Required): the pagename of the media file, without the File: (formerly Image:) prefix
  • title (Required): the title of the audio file, to be displayed
  • description: a description of the audio file

Multiple files[fontem recensere]

Additional files can be embedded in an article with one template by appending a number to each parameter. Up to ten files can be included.

{{  listen
| filename      = 
|  title        = 
| alt          = 
| description   = 
|  filename2    = 
| title2       = 
| alt2          = 
|  description2 = 
| filename3    = 
| title3        = 
|  alt3         = 
| description3 = 
  • filename (Required): the pagename of the media file, without the File: (formerly Image:) prefix
  • title (Required): the title of the audio file, to be displayed
  • alt: alt text for the image displayed for the file, for visually impaired readers; see Wikipedia:Alternative text for images. This is needed for file formats such as Ogg's .ogv format that include video as well as sound. The alt text should describe just the initial static image, not the entire video or its sound.
  • description: a description of the audio file

Style parameters[fontem recensere]

The template also takes a number of style parameters to control its appearance:

  • type: can be used to alter the image displayed at the left depending on the type of audio content being embedded. Acceptable values are sound, speech and music (default)
  • header: can be used to add a header to the box.
  • help: if set |help=no, suppresses the help text that normally appears at the bottom of the box. Only do this if there are other audio files on the page which do have the help link; it must be provided on at least the first file on the article.
  • pos: by default the box floats to the right side of the screen. Setting this to left will cause the box to instead float on the left-hand side.
  • image: define a different image. Eg |image=[[File:Example.jps|20px]]. You can set |image=none to disable the image entirely.
  • style: can be used to pass specific style instructions to the box. Setting this to float:none will anchor the box when this is convenient. Setting this to float:none; clear:none will enable the anchored box to co-exist gracefully beside another floating box.
  • play#: some media files cannot be displayed inline; if this is the case set |play=no to prevent the broken inline link from displaying.
  • plain: if set |plain=yes, removes most of the ornamentation (table border, image, and help links) to give a minimalist version. This also removes the left/right float and positioning, to allow the box to be manually positioned as desired using the |style= (e.g. |style=float:right) parameter and surrounding markup.

Examples[fontem recensere]

Basic example
{{  Robert.Baruch/Audi
| nomen_codicilli      = Accordian chords-01.ogg
| titulus         = Accordion chords
| descriptio  = Chords being played on an  accordion
Example with video
 |header=Inaugural Address
 |filename=Barack  Obama inaugural address.ogv
 |alt=A black man in a black coat gestures  and talks at a lecturn surrounded by teleprompters. Behind him, in the  background, are about a dozen warmly-dressed onlookers.
 |title=Inaugural  address of Barack Obama
 |description=Barack Obama delivers his [[inaugural address]]  on January 20, 2009.<br>(Duration:  21 minutes, 21 seconds)
Example with header
{{  Robert.Baruch/Audi
| filename      = Frase de Neil Armstrong.ogg
| title        = "One small step for a  man..."
| description  = First words spoken on the [[moon]].
| type          = speech
| pos          = left
| header        = Recordings of this phrase:
Plain example
{{  Robert.Baruch/Audi
| filename =  Accordian chords-01.ogg
| title    =  Accordion chords
| plain    = yes
| style    =  float:left
Multiple files
{{  Robert.Baruch/Audi
| filename      = Accordian chords-01.ogg
| title         = Accordion chords
| description  = Chords being played on an  accordion
| type         = music
| filename2     = Moonlight.ogg
| title2       = ''Moonlight Sonata''
|  description2 = [[Beethoven]]'s  "Sonata in C-sharp  minor"
| filename3    =  Au_clair_de_la_lune_mode_do.mid
| title3       = Au Clair de la Lune
|  description3 = The traditional French children's song
| play3         = no

Microformat[fontem recensere]


See also[fontem recensere]