Georgius Calvert
Nulla Vicipaediae Latinae pagina huc annectitur. Quaesumus in alias commentationes addas nexus ad hanc paginam relatos. Quo facto hanc formulam delere licet.
George Calvert, primus baro Baltimore (natus anno 1580, mortuus die 15 Aprilis 1632) fuit politicus Anglicus qui colonias in Americam deduxit. Iacobo I rege, senator parlamenti, deinde secretarius civitatis, prospera fortuna in rebus civilibus usus, postea infausto proposito coniugii Caroli principis Angliae et Mariae Annae principissae Hispaniae suffragatus, auctoritatem perdidit. Anno 1625 omnia officia politica, munere regis consiliarii excepto, concessit et palam se ecclesiae Romanae sectatorem esse declaravit. Post hanc abdicationem baro Baltimore inter magnatos Hiberniae creatus est. Manierum, seu praedium, Baltimore in Hibernico comitatu Longofordiensi iacebat.
Calvert studio colonizationis Americae tentus est, primum commercii de causis, deinde ad refugium pro Catholicis Anglicis persecutione affectis creandum.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Browne, William Hand (1890). George Calvert and Cecil Calvert: Barons Baltimore of Baltimore. New York: Dodd, Mead, and Company
- Brugger, Robert J. (1988). Maryland: A Middle Temperament, 1634–1980. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. ISBN 0-8018-3399-X
- Codignola, Luca (1988). The Coldest Harbour of the Land: Simon Stock and Lord Baltimore's Colony in Newfoundland, 1621–1649, Translated by Anita Weston. Kingston, Ontario: McGill-Queen's University Press. ISBN 0-7735-0540-7
- Fiske, John (1897). Old Virginia and Her Neighbors. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
- Hennesey, James (1981). American Catholics: A History of the Roman Catholic Community in the United States. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-503268-3.
- Krugler, John D. (2004). English and Catholic: the Lords Baltimore in the Seventeenth Century. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-7963-9.
- Middleton, Richard (3rd ed. 2002). Colonial America: A History. 1565–1776. Oxford, UK; Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers. ISBN 0-631-22141-7.
- Pope, Peter Edward (2004). Fish into Wine: the Newfoundland Plantation in the Seventeenth Century. Chapel Hill: Published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia, by the University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0-8078-2910-2.
- Stewart, Alan (2003). The Cradle King: A Life of James VI & I. London: Chatto & Windus. ISBN 0-7011-6984-2.
Nexus externi
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Stemma genealogicum Calvert
- Calvert, Sir George (bio), from "The Governorship of Newfoundland and Labrador: Government House" website.
- Calvert, Sir George (bio), from Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online
- Calvert, Sir George (bio), from Encyclopædia Britannica, full-article free, latest online edition.
- Calvert, Sir George (bio), from Maryland State Archives. Includes photographs and sources.