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Geraldus Mars

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Geraldus Mars observator particeps Symposii Cibarii Oxoniensis 2012

Geraldus Mars (Mancunii natus, nomine Gerald Margolis,[1] anno 1933), e familia Iudaica ortus, est anthropologius socialis, scholae Mariae Douglas sectarius, qui praesertim operariis studet.

Geraldus Mars, in oppido Blackpool educatus, tardius in Collegium Pembrochianum apud Cantabrigienses matriculatus est doctoratumque in Schola Scientiarum Oeconomicarum et Politicarum Londiniensi anno 1972 nactus est, dissertatione rite submissa An Anthropological Study of Longshoremen and of Industrial Relations in the Port of St John's, Newfoundland, Canada quam sub aegide Universitatis Memorialis Terrae Novae inceperat. Lector Polytechnici Middlesexiensis fuit ab anno 1966 usque in 1984, deinde brevi temporis spatio Polytechnici Londinii Orientalis. Mox professor merere coepit apud scholas gestionis et politiae Cranfieldenses eodemque tempore apud universitates alias. Domus Oxoniensis academiae commercialis Scholae Studiorum Gestionis Europaeae anno 1974 creare curavit. Anno 2008 anthropologiae professor honoris causa Collegii Universitatis Londiniensis factus est.

Opera praecipua

[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • 1976 (cum P. Mitchell) : Room for Reform? A case study on industrial relations in the hotel industry. Open University Press
  • 1979 (cum D. Bryant, P. Mitchell) : Manpower Problems in Hotels and Restaurants. Saxon House
  • 1982 : Cheats at Work: an anthropology of workplace crime. Allen & Unwin
  • 1983 (cum Y. Altman) : "How a Soviet Economy Really Works" in M. Clarke, ed., Corruption. Frances Pinter
  • 1984 (cum Michael Nicod) : The World of Waiterss: an anthropology of an occupation. Allen & Unwin
  • 1986 (cum Y. Altman) : "The Cultural Bases of Soviet Central Asia's Second Economy" in Central Asian Survey vol. 5 no. 3/4
  • 1988 : "Hidden Hierarchies in Israeli Kibbutzim" in J. G. Flanagan, S. Rayner, edd., Rules, Decisions and Inequality in Egalitarian Societies (Aldershot: Avebury) pp. 98-112
  • 1993 (editor, cum Valerie Mars) : Food, Culture, and History: proceedings of the London Food Seminar vol. 1
  • 2000 (editor) : Risk Management. 2 vols. Ashgate
  • 2001 (editor) : Workplace Sabotage. Ashgate
  • 2001 (editor) : Occupational Crime. Ashgate
  • 2003 (cum Mary Douglas) : "Terrorism: a positive feedback game" in Human Relations vol. 56 pp. 763-786
  • 2008 : "Food, Family and Tradition in North Italy: the rise and fall of a Michelin-starred family restaurant" in David Berris, David Sutton, edd., The Restaurants Books: ethnographies of where people eat (Londinii: Berg)
  • 2008 (editor, cum Perri 6) : The Institutional Dynamics of Culture: the new Durkheimians. Ashgate
  • 2013 : Locating Deviance: crime, change, and organizations. Ashgate
  • 2015 : Becoming an Anthropologist [de vita sua]
  1. Mars (2015) p. 23 et nota 28


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Gerald Mars, Becoming an Anthropologist. Novo Castello: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. ISBN 978-1-4438-7692-6
  • Edward W. Sieh, "Employee Theft: an examination of Gerald Mars and an explanation based on equity theory" in Freda Adler, William S. Laufer, edd., New Directions in Criminological Theory (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1993) pp. 95-111 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
  • L. Thornthwaite, P. McGraw, "Still 'Staying Loose in a Tightening World?' Revisiting Gerald Mars' Cheats at Work" in Alison Barnes, Lucy Taksa, edd., Rethinking Misbehaviour and Resistance in Organizations (Emerald Group Publishing, 2012) pp. 29-56 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)