Herbertus Fisher
Res apud Vicidata repertae:

Nativitas: 21 Martii 1865; Londinium
Obitus: 18 Aprilis 1940; Londinium
Patria: Britanniarum Regnum, Britanniarum Regnum
Obitus: 18 Aprilis 1940; Londinium
Patria: Britanniarum Regnum, Britanniarum Regnum
Genitores: Herbert William Fisher; Mary Louisa Jackson
Coniunx: Lettice Fisher
Proles: Mary Bennett
Coniunx: Lettice Fisher
Proles: Mary Bennett
Herbertus Fisher, vulgo Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher seu H. A. -. Fisher (natus Londinii die 21 Martii 1865; mortuus die 18 Aprilis 1940) fuit rerum gestarum scriptor et rerum politicarum peritus Anglicus. Ab anno 1916 usque ad annum 1926 legatus apud Parlamentum Britannicum fuit.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1898 : Roman Canon Law in the Church of England: six essays (Londinii: Methuen)
- 1903 : Studies in Napoleonic Statesmanship: Germany (Oxonii: Clarendon Press)
- 1906 : The History of England from the Accession of Henry VII to the Death of Henry VIII (1485-1547) (Londinii: Longmans, Green)
- 1908 : Bonapartism: six lectures (Oxonii)
- 1910 : Frederic William Maitland, Downing Professor of the Laws of England; a biographical sketch (Cantabrigiae)
- 1911 : The Republican Tradition in Europe (Londinii: Methuen)
- 1920 : Studies in History and Politics (Oxonii: Clarendon Press)
- 1924 : Napoleon (Londinii)
- 1927 : James Bryce, Viscount Bryce of Dechmont, O.M. (2 voll. Londinii: Macmillan)
- 1935 : A History of Europe (3 voll. Londinii: Eyre & Spottiswoode)
- 1939 : Pages from the Past (Oxonii: Clarendon Press)
- 1940 (praef. Lettice Fisher) : An Unfinished Autobiography
Politica et minora
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1911 : "Lord Acton's Historical Work" in Quarterly review no. 428 (Iul. 1911)
- 1911 : Political Unions: the Creighton lecture (Oxonii: Clarendon Press)
- 1914 : The War, its Causes and Issues: three addresses (Londinii: Longmans, Green)
- 1917 : Educational Reform: an address delivered in the Whitworth Hall of the University of Manchester ... to the Associated Educational Societies (Mancunii: Manchester University Press)
- 1918 : Educational Reform: speeches (Oxonii)
- 1919 : Political Prophecies: an address to the Edinburgh Philosophical Society (Oxonii: Clarendon Press)
- 1919 : The Place of the University in National Life (Londinii: Oxford University Press)
- 1921 : An International Experiment: the Earl Grey memorial lecture (Oxonii)
- 1922 : Orthodoxy (Londinii: Lindsey Press)
- 1924 : The Common Weal (Oxonii)
- 1925 : The Pacification of Europe (Sheffield: J. W. Northend)
- 1927 : Paul Valéry (Oxonii: Clarendon Press)
- 1927 : Paul Vinogradoff: a memoir (Oxonii: Clarendon Press)
- 1928 : "The Whig Historians" in Proceedings of the British Academy vol. 14 (1928)
- 1929 : Our New Religion (Londinii)
- 1930 : The Bay Colony: a tercentenary address (Boston: Houghton Mifflin)
- 1936 (cum aliis) : Essays in Honour of Gilbert Murray (Londinii: Allen & Unwin)
- 1940 (cum aliis) : The Background and Issues of the War (Oxonii: Clarendon Press)
Ab Herberto Fisher edita
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1902 : Social Germany in Luther's Time, being the memoirs of Bartholomew Sastrow; translated by Albert D. Vandam, with an introduction by Herbert A. L. Fisher (Westmonasterii: Constable)
- 1911 : The Collected Papers of Frederic William Maitland, Downing Professor of the Laws of England (Cantabrigiae)
- 1924-1935 : The Modern World: a survey of historical forces (24 voll.)
Scripta ab aliis collecta
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 2006 (ed. F. Russell Bryant) : The Coalition Diaries and Letters of H.A.L. Fisher, 1916-1922 (4 voll. Lampeter: Mellen)
Nexus externus
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Herbert Fisher" apud Spartacus Educational
[recensere | fontem recensere]- D. Ogg, Herbert Fisher, 1865–1940: a short biography (1947)
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Haec stipula ad biographiam spectat. Amplifica, si potes! |