Hieronymus Rothenberg
Hieronymus Rothenberg (natus Jerome Rothenberg Novi Eboraci in urbe 11 Decembris 1931; mortuus die 21 Aprilis 2024) fuit poeta, interpres, et anthologista Americanus, operibus in ethnopoetica, imagine profunda et poesis activa notus. Multae eius scripturarum editiones in Francica, Hispanica, Lusitana, Nederlandica, Suecica, et aliis linguis divulgatae sunt, et plena editio Francica libri Technicians of the Sacred anno 2008 edita est. De Rothenberg, Carolus Bernstein scripsit: "Significatio et momentum ingenii excitantis Hieronymi Rothenberg maius in conspectum quotannis prodit. . . . [Ipse] est ultimus poeta 'hyphenatus': iudex-anthropologus-editor-anthologista-actor-magister-interpres, cuique ex quibus disciplinis infrenem affert redundantiam, et homo qui multa novare solet, res datas pertinaciter mutare conatur."[1] Anno 2014, opera Rothenbergiana in secundo fasciculo periodici The Literati Quarterly apparuit.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ↑ Anglice: "The significance of Jerome Rothenberg's animating spirit looms larger every year. . . .[He] is the ultimate ‘hyphenated’ poet: critic-anthropologist-editor-anthologist-performer-teacher-translator, to each of which he brings an unbridled exuberance and an innovator’s insistence on transforming a given state of affairs.”
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Archambeau, Robert, ed. 2001. Fasciculus praecipua de Hieronymo Rothenberg et Petro Joris. Samizdat 7 (hieme).
- Gitenstein, Barbara. 1986. Apocalyptic Messianism and Contemporary Jewish-American Poetry. State University of New York Press.
- Joris, Pierre. 1999. [Commentarius.] In Contemporary Jewish-American Dramatists and Poets, ed. Michael Taub et Joel Shatzky. Westport Connecticutae et Londinii: Greenwood Press.
- Lazer, Hank. 1996. Thinking Made in the Mouth: The Cultural Poetics of David Antin & Jerome Rothenberg. In Opposing Poetries, ed H. Lazer. Evanstoniae Illinoesiae: Northwestern University Press.
- Meilicke, Christine. 2005. Jerome Rothenberg’s Experimental Poetry and Jewish Tradition. Lehigh University Press.
- Mottram, Eric. 1986. Where the Real Song Begins: The Poetry of Jerome Rothenberg. Dialectical Anthropology 2(2-4).
- Paul, Sherman. 1986. Search of the Primitive: Rereading David Antin, Jerome Rothenberg and Gary Snyder. Louisiana State University Press.
- Polkinhorn, Harry, et Jerome Rothenberg. 1988. A Descriptive Bibliography. American Poetry Contemporary Bibliography Series. Jefferson Carolinae Septentrionalis, et Londinii: McFarland Publishing Company.
- Rasula, Jed. 1998. Jerome Rothenberg. Dictionary of Literary Biography 193: American Poets since World War II. Series sexta, ed. Joseph Conte.
- Yépez, Heriberto. 2001. Jerome Rothenberg, chamán crítico. In Escritos heteróclitos, ed. H. Yépez. Instituto de Cultura de Baja California.
Nexus externi
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Opera ab / de Hieronymus Rothenberg in bibliothecis (in catalogo WorldCat)
- Chartae Hieronymi Rothenberg, libraries.ucsd.edu
- De Hieronymo Rothenberg, wings.buffalo.edu (EPC)
- De Hieronymo Rothenberg, writing.upenn.edu (PennSound)
- Fasciculus praecipuus Samizdat, Rothenberg et Petro Joris dicatus, www.samizdateditions.com
- "A Deep Romantic Chasm," poema Hieronymi Rothenberg, mtdmagazine.tripod.com (Melancholia's Tremulous Dreadlocks)
- Hieronymus Rothenberg ex China Notes and the Treasures of Dunhuang legit, Beyond Baroque, 17 Decembris 2005 (pellicula), www.ahadadabooks.com
- Poems and Poetics blog, ab Hieronymo Rothenberg editum, poemsandpoetics.blogspot.com
- The roots and the energies of poetry ab Hieronymo Rothenberg acta (pellicula), vimeo.com