
International Rice Research Institute, siglas IRRI, Latine, Institutum Oryzae Investigationis est societas non gubernamentalis, condita est anno 1960. Ministerium principale eius Los Baños in Philippinis est et ministeria legatorum habet in decem regionibus. Summa fine est invenire vias quibus sustineri possit ut admelioret sospitas agricolarum pauperum emptorumque.[1]
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ↑ "International Rice Research Institute celebrates its 50th Anniversary". Manila Bulletin. Manila Bulletin Publishing Corp.. 2009-12-09,
Nexus externi
[recensere | fontem recensere]- situs interretialis
- IRRI Annual Reports, 2006-2009
- The Burning of the Rice The story of how IRRI helped Cambodia improve rice production.
- Fredenburg, P. and B. Hill. 2006. Sharing Rice for Peace and Prosperity in the Greater Mekong Subregion. Sid Harta Publishers, Victoria. ISBN 1-921206-08-X. pp271. Stories of the impact of IRRI's research in the Greater Mekong Subregion,
- Intensify to diversify. Smarter rice growing gives Cambodian farmers an opportunity to try new crops and gain more income. Rice Today, April 2005,
- "Collaborating farmers tell their story" Upland farmers in Laos work with IRRI to replace slash-and-burn practices with sustainable agriculture,
- Sowing Seeds in Lab and Field. The economic impact of IRRI's rice research in Lao PDR,
- Watch a streaming video about the Lao-IRRI Project (Windows Media Player); (Real Time Player)
- Accelerating the Impact of Rice Research
- Downloadable (free) books published by the International Rice Research Institute