Ioannes Murrell
Ioannes, vulgo John Murrell, qui Londinii anno circiter 1625 floruit, fuit scriptor Anglicus de re coquinaria. Anno 1615 A New Booke of Cookerie annis insequentibus saepe reimpressum, anno 1617 A Daily Exercise for Ladies and Gentlewomen (ubi de cibis condiendis disseritur), mox etiam A New Book of Carving. Auctor stylos coquendi Franciae et Bataviae bene cognovisse censetur. Opera sua feminis honestioribus (sed haud celebribus) dicavit: anno 1615 dominae Francis Herbert, anno 1617 librum de cibis condiendis Elizabethae Bingham, anno 1630 primum librum de arte coquinaria Marthae Hayes, librum alterum dominae Browne.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1615 : A New Booke of Cookerie ... London Cookerie. Londinii: John Browne Editio interretialis; alia; catalogus
- editio 1617 catalogus
- 1617 : A Daily Exercise for Ladies and Gentlewomen, whereby they may learne and practice the whole art of making pastes, preserves, marmalades, conserves, tartstuffes, gellies, breads, sucket-candies, cordiall waters, conceits in sugar-workes of severall kindes: as also to dry lemonds, orenges, or other fruits. Londinii: The widow Helm Textus; editio interretialis
- editio 1621, titulo A delightfull daily exercise ... Londinii: Thomas Dewe catalogus
- 1630 : Murrels Two Books of Cookerie and Carving (Pars prima apud Google Books)
- editio 1641, titulo Murrels Two Bookes of Cookerie and Carving ... [A new book of carving and sewing] editio interretialis (Pars tertia cum libri omnis indice)
- editio 1650. Londinii: Rich. Marriot catalogus (Pars prima apud Google Books) (Pars altera)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Sidney Lee, "Murrell, John" in Dictionary of National Biography edd. Leslie Stephen, Sidney Lee. 63 voll., 3 voll. suppl. (Londinii, 1885-1901 ~)
- Gilly Lehmann, "At The Dramatists’ Table: The Climax and Decline of a Mannerist Cuisine in England, 1580-1630" in Pierre Kapitaniak et al., edd., Shakespeare et les arts de la table: Actes du congrès organisé par la Société Française Shakespeare les 17, 18 et 19 mars 2011 (OpenEdition Journals, 2012 ~)
- Peter Targett, "Murrell, John (fl. 1614–1630)" in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography edd. H. C. G. Matthew, Brian Harrison (Oxonii: Oxford University Press, 2004) Situs venalis