Ioannes Worlidge
Ioannes, vulgo John Worlidge, qui saeculo 17 exeunte floruit urbemque Petersfield Angliae habitavit, opera de re rustica conscripsit. In Vineto Britannico pomacium utilius quam vinum apud Anglos arguit; hoc enim climate mala facilius, uvas difficilius florescere et maturescere.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1669 : Systema Agriculturae; the mystery of husbandry discovered. To which is added, kalendarium rusticum: or the husbandman’s monethly directions ... and dictionarium rusticum: or the interpretation of rustick terms
- 1676 : Vinetum Britannicum, or a treatise of cider
- 1676 : Apiarium, or a discourse of bees
- 1677 : Systema Horticulturae, or the art of gardening
- 1687 : The most easie method for making the best cyder
- 1689 : The second parts of Systema agriculturae, or, The mystery of husbandry; and, Vinetum Britannicum, or, A treatise of cider; wherein are contained many selected and curious observations ... with the best and most natural rules and methods for the making of cider, and other English liquors
- 1698 : The Compleat Bee-Master, or a discourse of bees
- 1704 : Dictionarium rusticum et urbanicum: or, a dictionary of all sorts of country affairs, handicraft, trading, and merchandizing
Nexus externi
[recensere | fontem recensere]Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Ioannem Worlidge spectant. |
[recensere | fontem recensere]- J. Beal, "Advertisements on the Vinetum Britannicum Mentioned in the Last Foregoing Tract, Sent to the Publisher by the Reverend Dr. J. Beal" (1753) Textus apud
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