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John, Tyb and Sir John

Latinitas bona
E Vicipaedia

John, Tyb, and Sir John (titulo completo A Mery Play betwene Johan Johan the Husbande, Tyb his Wyfe, and Sir Jhan the Priest, scilicet "Ludus risibilis mariti Iohannis Iohannis, uxoris Tyb, et presbyteri domini Iohannis") est fabula scaenica a Ioanne Heywood scripta, die 12 Februarii 1533 a Gulielmo Rastell Londinii edita. Ludus tres tantum personas habet: Johan Johan maritus imbecillus, uxorem adulteram esse sciens, nec coercere nec corrigere valens; Tyb, uxor eius, presbyteri amasia; et Sir Johan, presbyter qui maritum dominatur et uxorem adulterat.

  • A Mery Play betwene Johan Johan the Husbande, Tyb his Wyfe, and Sir Jhan the Priest (sine nomine auctoris). Londinii: W. Rastell, 1533

Nexus externi

[recensere | fontem recensere]
John, Tyb and Sir John : Index personarum
Ioannes Heywood
Ioannes Heywood

Johan Johan maritus imbecillus • Tyb uxor eius, presbyteri amasia • Sir Johan presbyter

De hac re nexus intervici usque adhuc absunt. Adde, si reppereris.