Leo Festinger
Leo (vulgo Leon) Festinger (Brooklinii Novi Eboraci 8 Maii 1919; ibidem 11 Februarii 1989) fuit psychologus socialis Americanus, qui rationibus dissonantiae cognitivae et comparationis socialis plerumque innotuit.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Allyn, J., et L. Festinger. 1961. Effectiveness of Unanticipated Persuasive Communications. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 62(1): 35–40.
- Back, K., L. Festinger, B. Hymovitch, H. Kelley, S. Schachter, et J. Thibaut. 1950. The methodology of studying rumor transmission. Human Relations 3(3): 307–312.
- Brehm, J., et Leon Festinger. 1957. Pressures toward uniformity of performance in groups. Human Relations 10(1): 85–91.
- Cartwright, D., et Leon Festinger. 1943. A quantitative theory of decision. Psychological Review 50: 595–621.
- Coren, S., et Leon Festinger. 1967. Alternative view of the "Gibson normalization effect". Perception & Psychophysics 2(12): 621–26.
- Festinger, Leon. 1942a. A theoretical interpretation of shifts in level of aspiration. Psychological Review 49: 235–250.
- Festinger, Leon. 1942b. Wish, expectation, and group standards as factors influencing level of aspiration. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 37: 184–200.
- Festinger, Leon. 1943a. Development of differential appetite in the rat. Journal of Experimental Psychology 32(3): 226–34.
- Festinger, Leon. 1943b. An exact test of significance for means of samples drawn from populations with an exponential frequency distribution. Psychometrika 8: 153–60.
- Festinger, Leon. 1943c. A statistical test for means of samples from skew populations. Psychometrika 8: 205–10.
- Festinger, Leon. 1943d. Studies in decision: I. Decision-time, relative frequency of judgment and subjective confidence as related to physical stimulus difference. Journal of Experimental Psychology 32(4): 291–306.
- Festinger, Leon. 1943e. Studies in decision: II. An empirical test of a quantitative theory of decision. Journal of Experimental Psychology 32(5): 411–23.
- Festinger, Leon. 1946. The significance of difference between means without reference to the frequency distribution function. Psychometrika 11(2): 97–105.
- Festinger, Leon. 1947a. The role of group belongingness in a voting situation. Human Relations 1(2): 154–80.
- Festinger, Leon. 1947b. The treatment of qualitative data by scale analysis. Psychological Bulletin 44(2): 149–61.
- Festinger, Leon. 1949. The analysis of sociograms using matrix algebra. Human Relations 2(2): 153–58.
- Festinger, Leon. 1950. Informal social communication. Psychological Review 57(5): 271–82.
- Festinger, Leon. 1950b. Psychological Statistics. Psychometrika 15(2): 209–13.
- Festinger, Leon. 1951. Architecture and group membership. Journal of Social Issues 7(1–2): 152–63.
- Festinger, Leon. 1952. Some consequences of de-individuation in a group. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 47(2): 382–89.
- Festinger, Leon. 1954. A theory of social comparison processes. Human Relations 7: 117–40.
- Festinger, Leon. 1955a. Handbook of social psychology, vol. 1, Theory and method, vol. 2, Special fields and applications. Journal of Applied Psychology 39(5): 384–85.
- Festinger, Leon. 1955b. Social psychology and group processes. Annual Review of Psychology 6: 187–216.
- Festinger, Leon. 1957. A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. Stanfordiae Californiae: Stanford University Press.
- Festinger, Leon. 1959a. Sampling and related problems in research methodology. American Journal of Mental Deficiency 64(2): 358–69.
- Festinger, Leon. 1959b. Some attitudinal consequences of forced decisions. Acta Psychologica 15: 389–90.
- Festinger, Leon. 1961. The psychological effects of insufficient rewards. American Psychologist 16(1): 1–11.
- Festinger, Leon. 1962. Cognitive dissonance. Scientific American 207(4): 93–107.
- Festinger, Leon. 1964. Behavioral support for opinion change. Public Opinion Quarterly 28(3): 404–17.
- Festinger, Leon, ed. 1980. Retrospections on Social Psychology. Oxoniae: Oxford University Press.
- Festinger, Leon. 1983. The Human Legacy. Novi Eboraci: Columbia University Press.
- Festinger, Leon. 1981. Human nature and human competence. Social Research 48(2): 306–21.
- Festinger, Leon, et L. K. Canon. 1965. Information about spatial location based on knowledge about efference. Psychological Review 72(5): 373–84.
- Festinger, Leon, et J. M. Carlsmith, J. M. 1959. Cognitive consequences of forced compliance. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 58(2): 203–10.
- Festinger, Leon, D. Cartwright, K. Barber, J. Fleischl, J. Gottsdanker, A. Keysen, et G. Leavitt. 1948. A study of rumor transition: Its origin and spread. Human Relations 1(4): 464–86.
- Festinger, Leon, H. Gerard, B. Hymovitch, H. H. Kelley, et B. Raven. 1952. The influence process in the presence of extreme deviates. Human Relations 5(4): 327–46.
- Festinger, Leon, et J. D. Holtzman, J. D. 1978 Retinal image smear as a source of information about magnitude of eye-movement. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Human Perception and Performance 4(4), 573–85.
- Festinger, Leon, et H. A. Hutte. 1954. An experimental investigation of the effect of unstable interpersonal relations in a group. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 49(4): 513–22.
- Festinger, Leon, et D. Katz, eds. 1953. Research methods in the behavioral sciences. Novi Eboraci: Dryden.
- Festinger, Leon, et N. Maccoby. 1964. On resistance to persuasive communications. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 68(4): 359–66.
- Festinger, Leon, H. W. Riecken, et Stanley Schachter. 1956. When Prophecy Fails. Minneapoli Minnesotae: University of Minnesota Press.
- Festinger, Leon, Stanley Schachter, S., et K. Back, K. 1950. Social Pressures in Informal Groups: A Study of Human Factors in Housing. Stanfordiae Californiae: Stanford University Press.
- Festinger, Leon, H. A. Sedgwick, et J. D. Holtzman. 1976. Visual-perception during smooth pursuit eye-movements. Vision Research 16(12): 1377–86.
- Festinger, Leon, et J. Thibaut, J. 1951. Interpersonal communication in small groups. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 46(1): 92–9.
- Festinger, Leon, J. Torrey, et B. Willerman, B. 1954. Self-evaluation as a function of attraction to the group. Human Relations 7(2): 161–74.
- Hertzman, M., et Leon Festinger. 1940. Shifts in explicit goals in a level of aspiration experiment. Journal of Experimental Psychology 27(4): 439–52.
- Hochberg, J., et Leon Festinger. 1979. Is there curvature adaptation not attributable to purely intravisual phenomena. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2(1): 71–ff.
- Hoffman, P. J., Leon Festinger, et D. H Lawrence. 1954. Tendencies toward group comparability in competitive bargaining. Human Relations 7(2): 141–59.
- Holtzman, J. D., H. A. Sedgwick, et Leon Festinger. 1978. Interaction of perceptually monitored and unmonitored efferent commands for smooth pursuit eye movements. Vision Research 18(11): 1545–55.
- Komoda, M. K., Leon Festinger, et J. Sherry. 1977. The accuracy of two-dimensional saccades in the absence of continuing retinal stimulation. Vision Research 17(10): 1231–1232.
- Miller, J., et Leon Festinger. 1977. Impact of oculomotor retraining on visual-perception of curvature. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Human Perception and Performance 3(2): 187–200.
- Schachter, S., Leon Festinger, B. Willerman, et R. Hyman. 1961. Emotional disruption and industrial productivity. Journal of Applied Psychology 45(4): 201–213.
Nexus interni
- Elliot Aronson
- Cognitio
- Dissonantia cognitiva
- Identitas
- Curtius Lewin
- Propinquitas (effectus propinquitatis)
- Psychologia socialis
- Ratio comparationis socialis
- Stanleius Schachter
[recensere | fontem recensere]- American Psychological Association. 1959. Distinguished Scientific Contribution Awards. The American Psychologist 14(12): 784–793.
- Aronson, E. 1980. [Res.] In Retrospections on Social Psychology, ed. Leon Festinger, 236–254. Oxoniae: Oxford University Press.
- Aronson, E. 1991. Leon Festinger and the art of audacity. Psychological Science 2(4): 213–217.
- Cartwright, D., et Leon Festinger. 1943. A quantitative theory of decision. Psychological Review 50: 595–621.
- Deutsch, M. 1999. A personal perspective on the development of social psychology in the twentieth century. In Reflections on 100 Years of Experimental Social Psychology, ed. A. Rodriguez et R. V. Levine, 1–34. Novi Eboraci: Basic Books.
- Greenwald, A. G., et D. L. Ronis. 1978. Twenty years of cognitive dissonance: Case study of the evolution of a theory. Psychological Review 85(1): 53–57.
- Festinger, Leon. 1942. A theoretical interpretation of shifts in level of aspiration. Psychological Review 49: 235–50.
- Festinger, Leon. 1943a. A statistical test for means of samples from skew populations. Psychometrika 8: 205–10.
- Festinger, Leon. 1943b. An exact test of significance for means of samples drawn from populations with an exponential frequency distribution. Psychometrika 8: 153–60.
- Festinger, Leon. 1943c. Development of differential appetite in the rat. Journal of Experimental Psychology 32(3): 226–34.
- Festinger, Leon. 1950. Informal social communication. Psychological Review 57(5): 271–82.
- Festinger, Leon. 1953. Laboratory Experiments. In Research methods in the behavioral sciences, ed. Leon Festinger et D. Katz, 137–72. Novi Eboraci: Dryden.
- Festinger, Leon. 1954. A theory of social comparison processes. Human Relations 7: 117–40.
- Festinger, Leon. 1957. A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. Stanfordiae Californiae: Stanford University Press.
- Festinger, Leon. 1980. Looking Backward. In Retrospections on Social Psychology, ed. Leon Festinger, 236–54). Oxoniae: Oxford University Press.
- Festinger, Leon. 1983. The Human Legacy. Novi Eboraci: Columbia University Press.
- Festinger, Leon, et J. M. Carlsmith. 1959. Cognitive consequences of forced compliance. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 58(2): 203–10.
- Festinger, Leon, Stanley Schachter, et K. Back. 1950. Social Pressures in Informal Groups: A Study of Human Factors in Housing. Stanfordiae Californiae: Stanford University Press.
- Gazzaniga, M. S. 2006. Leon Festinger: Lunch With Leon. Perspectives on Psychological Science 1(1): 88–94.
- Mooney, Chris, 2011. The Science of Why We Don't Believe Science. Mother Jones, Maius–Iunius.
- Schachter, Stanley. 1994. Leon Festinger. In Biographical Memoirs 64: 97–110. Vasingtoniae: The National Academies Press.
- Schachter, Stanley, M. S. Gazzaniga, eds. 1989. Extending Psychological Frontiers: Selected Works of Leon Festinger. Novi Eboraci: Russell Sage Foundation.
- Zanjonc, R. B. 1991. Obituaries: Leon Festinger (1919–1989). The American Psychologist 45(5): 661–662.
- Zukier, H. 1989. [1][nexus deficit] In Extending Psychological Frontiers: Selected Works of Leon Festinger, ed. Stanley Schachter et M. S. Gazzaniga, xi–xxiv. Novi Eboraci: Russell Sage Foundation.
Nexus externi
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Biographia. National Academy of Sciences.
- Faculty Profile: Trudy B. Festinger MSW, DSW. New York University.
- Viri
- Nati 1919
- Mortui 1989
- Alumni Collegii Urbani Neo-Eboracensis
- Alumni Universitatis Iovensis
- Atheistae Civitatum Foederatarum
- Auctores Anglici
- Professores Instituti Technologiae Massachusettensis
- Professores Novae Scholae
- Professores Universitatis Michiganensis
- Professores Universitatis Minnesotensis
- Psychologi Civitatum Foederatarum
- Psychologia socialis
- Scriptores Civitatum Foederatarum