Liber Exoniensis

Liber Exoniensis (Anglice saepius Exon Domesday) est liber censualis comitatuum meridioccidentalium Angliae iussu regis Gulielmi Conquisitoris anno fere 1086 congessus et partim in Libro Wintoniae rescriptus. Censum refert comitatuum Cornubiae et Devoniae, partim Somersetensis et Dorcestriae, et de una tantum terra Wiltoniae.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Editiones
- H. Ellis, ed., Libri Censualis, vocati Domesday Book, Additamenta ex Codic. Antiquiss. Exon Domesday; Inquisitio Eliensis; Liber Winton; Boldon Book. Londinii, 1816
- The Devonshire Domesday and Geld Inquest. Exoniae, 1884-1892. 9 fascc. Fascc. 1-4 fascc. 5-9 apud
- Philologica et critica
- H. B. Clarke, "The Domesday satellites" in Peter H. Sawyer, ed., Domesday Book: a re-assessment (1985) pp. 50-70
- H. C. Darby, R. Welldon Finn, edd., The Domesday Geography of South-West England. Cantabrigiae, 1967. ISBN 0-521-04771-4 Paginae selectae et praesertim:
- "Appendix 1: Note on the 'Liber Exoniensis'", pp. 393-394
- R. Welldon Finn, H. C. Darby, G. R. Versey, "Appendix 2: comparison of Exeter and Exchequer versions", pp. 395-428
- R. W. Eyton, Domesday studies: an analysis and digest of the Somerset survey (according to the Exon codex), and of the Somerset gheld inquest of A. D. 1084, as collated with, and illustrated by, Domesday. Londinii, 1880. 2 voll. vol. 1 vol. 2
- R. W. Eyton, A Key to Domesday: showing the method and exactitude of its mensuration, and the precise meaning of its more usual formulae ; the subject being specially exemplified by an analysis and digest of the Dorset survey. Londinii: Taylor, 1878 Textus apud
- Rex Welldon Finn, Domesday Studies: The Liber Exoniensis. Londinii, 1964
- Rex Welldon Finn, "The Exeter Domesday and its Construction" in Bulletin of the John Rylands Library vol. 41 (1958/1959) pp. 360–87
- Rex Welldon Finn, "The Immediate Sources of the Exchequer Domesday" in Bulletin of the John Rylands Library vol. 40 (1957) pp. 47–78
- V. H. Galbraith, The Making of Domesday Book. Oxonii, 1961
- T. Webber, "Salisbury and the Exon Domesday: Some Observations Concerning the Origins of Exeter Cathedral MS 3500" in P. Beal, J. Griffiths, edd., English Manuscript Studies 1100–1700, vol. I (Oxonii, 1989) pp. 1–18