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Libri de peregrinationibus in Romaniam

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Hic habes enumerationem librorum de peregrinationibus in Romaniam.

  • 1584 : Antonius Possevino, Transilvania Textus apud archive.org
  • 1630 : John Smith, The true travels, adventures, and observations, of Captain John Smith, into Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, from ann. dom. 1593 to 1629 Textus editionis 1744 Editio recens[nexus deficit]
  • 1632 : William Lithgow, The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures and Painfull Peregrinations of Long Nineteen Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the Most Famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica editio 1910
  • 1652 : Robert Bargrave, Narration of a Journey from Constantinople to Dunkirke[1]
  • 1702 : Edmund Chishull, Travels in Turkey and Back to England (opus anno 1747 editum) (Textus apud Google Books) Textus apud archive.org
  • 1718 : Antonmaria del Chiaro, Istoria delle moderne rivoluzioni della Valachia (Textus apud Google Books) (Textus apud Google Books) Editio 1914 apud archive.org
  • 1778? : The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Captain Socivizca (Textus apud Google Books)
  • 1789 : Elizabeth Craven, A journey through the Crimea to Constantinople, in a series of letters ... Textus
  • 1797 : Robert Townson, Travels in Hungary Textus
  • 1807 : Thomas Thornton, The Present State of Turkey Textus
  • 1819 : William Macmichael, Journey from Moscow to Constantinople, in the years 1817, 1818. Londinii: John Murray Textus
  • 1820 : Adam Neale, Travels through some parts of Germany, Moldavia and Turkey (Textus apud Google Books)
  • 1820 : William Wilkinson, An Account of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia (Textus apud Google Books)
  • 1831 : Robert Walsh, Narrative of a Journey from Constantinople to England Textus editionis 4a
  • 1837 : [Charles Lemercher de Longpré] baron d’Haussez, Alpes et Danube vol. 1 vol. 2
  • 1837-1838 : Voyage du maréchal duc de Raguse en Hongrie, en Transylvanie, dans la Russie méridionale vol. 1
  • 1838 : Nathanael Burton, Narrative of a voyage from Liverpool to Alexandria touching at the island of Malta and from thence to Beirout, with a journey to Jerusalem, voyage from Jaffa to Cyprus and Constantinople, and a pedestrian journey from Constantinople, through Turkey, Wallachia, Hungary, and Prussia to the town of Hamburg in the years 1836—1837 (Textus apud Google Books)
  • 1839 : John Paget, Hungary and Transylvania vol. 1 vol. 2
  • 1850 : A. de Gérando, La Transylvanie et ses habitants Vol. 1 Vol. 2
  • 1850-1851 : James Skene, The Danubian principalities, the frontier lands of the Christian and the Turk vol. 1 vol. 2
  • 1851 : Andrew Paton, Travels in Hungary, or, Sketches of the Goth and the Hun: in Transylvania, Debreczin, Pesth, and Vienna, in 1850 Textus
  • 1858 : James Noyes, Roumania: the border land of the Christian and the Turk Textus
  • 1865 : Charles Boner, Transylvania: its products and its people Textus
  • 1877 : Florence K. Berger, A Winter in the City of Pleasure Textus
  • 1878 : Andrew F. Crosse, Round about the Carpathians Textus
  • 1878 : J. W. Ozanne, Three Years in Roumania Textus
  • 1882 : James Samuelson, Roumania Past and Present Textus
  • 1885 : Pierre-Julien Hamard, Une course aux capitales, Allemagne, Autriche, Roumanie, Russie, Suède, Norvège, Danemark Textus
  • 1886 : William James Tucker, Life and Society in Eastern Europe. Londinii: Sampson Low
  • 1887 : Rudolf Bergner, Rumänian. Breslau: J. U. Kern
  • 1888 : Mary Walker, Untrodden Paths in Roumania Textus
  • 1888 : Emily Gerard, The land beyond the forest: facts, figures, and fancies from Transylvania Vol. 1 Vol. 2
  • 1911 : William Curtis, Around the Black Sea Textus
  • 1913 : Paul Labbé, La vivante Roumanie Textus
  • 1917 : Eugène Pittard, La Roumanie: Valachie, Moldavie, Dobroudja Textus
  • 1921 : Maude Parkinson, Twenty years in Roumania Textus
  • 1924 : E. O. Hoppe, In Gipsy Camp and Royal Palace. Wanderings in Rumania
  • 1929 : Walter Starkie, Raggle Taggle
  • 1933 : Kurt Hielscher, Roumanie: son paysage, ses monuments, son people Textus
  • 1935 : William Wedgwood Benn, Beckoning Horizon: Impressions of a Balkan Journey
  • 1938 : Sacheverell Sitwell, Roumanian Journey
  • 1939 : Derek Patmore, An Invitation to Roumania
  • 1940 : Henry Baerlein, In Old Romania. Londinii: Hutchinson
  • 1953 : Jack Lindsay, Maurice Cornforth, Rumanian Summer Textus
  • 1986 : Patricius Leigh Fermor, Between the Woods and the Water
  1. Vide editionem pleniorem: Michael G. Brennan, ed., The Travel Diary of Robert Bargrave, Levant Merchant (1647-1656) (1999)


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Borbála Zsuzsanna Török, Exploring Transylvania: geographies of knowledge and entangled histories in a multiethnic province, 1790-1918. Lugduni Batavorum: Brill, 2016.
  • Alan Ogden, Romania Revisited: on the trail of English travellers 1602-1941. Iaşi: Center for Romanian Studies, 2000. ISBN 973-9432-05-0.
  • P. P. Panaitescu, Călători poloni în ţările române. Bucarestae: Cultura Naţională, 1930.

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