Libri de re culinaria aevo recentiore scripti
Hic index est imperfectus. Eum redintegra et comple si potes.
Hic habes indicem librorum de re culinaria aevo recentiore scripti, i.e. inter annos 1650 et 1900.
Praecepta culinaria
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1654 : Iosephus Cooper, The Art of Cookery Refin'd and Augmented, containing an Abstract of Some Rare and Rich Unpublished Receipts of Cookery collected from the Practise of that Incomparable Master of These Arts, Mr. Jos. Cooper, Chiefe Cook to the Late King. Londinii: R. Lowndes (Textus apud Google Books)
Libri de re cibaria
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1750 : La Chenaye-Desbois(fr), Dictionnaire des alimens (vol. 1 apud Google Books) (vol. 2) (vol. 3)
- 1808 : Grimod de la Reynière, Manuel des amphitryons
- 1803-1812 : Grimod de la Reynière, Almanach des gourmands