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MediaWiki:Gadget-HotCat.js/local defaults

E Vicipaedia


if (typeof (HotCat) != 'undefined') {

  HotCat.messages.cat_removed      = '-[[Categoria:$1]]' ;
  HotCat.messages.template_removed = '-{{[[Categoria:$1]]}}' ;
  HotCat.messages.cat_added        = '+[[Categoria:$1]]' ;
  HotCat.messages.cat_keychange    = 'new key for [[Categoria:$1]]: "$2"' ; // $2 is the new key
  HotCat.messages.cat_notFound     = 'Categoria "$1" non est' ;
  HotCat.messages.cat_exists       = 'Categoria "$1" iam est; ergo non additur.' ;
  HotCat.messages.cat_resolved     = ' (trans redirectionem [[Categoria:$1]])' ;
  HotCat.messages.uncat_removed    = '-{{dubcat}}' ;
  HotCat.messages.prefix           = '[[Project:HotCat|HotCat]]: ' ;
        // Some text to prefix to the edit summary.
  HotCat.messages.using            = '' ;
        // Some text to append to the edit summary. Named 'using' for historical reasons. If you prefer
        // to have a marker at the front, use prefix and set this to the empty string.
  HotCat.messages.multi_change     = '$1 categoriae' ;
        // $1 is replaced by a number. If your language has several plural forms (c.f. [[:en:Dual (grammatical form)]]),
        // you can set this to an array of strings suitable for passing to mw.language.configPlural().
        // If that function doesn't exist, HotCat will simply fall back to using the last
        // entry in the array.
  HotCat.messages.commit           = 'Servare' ;
        // Button text. Localize to wgContentLanguage here; localize to wgUserLanguage in a subpage,
        // see localization hook below.
  HotCat.messages.ok               = 'OK' ;
        // Button text. Localize to wgContentLanguage here; localize to wgUserLanguage in a subpage,
        // see localization hook below.
  HotCat.messages.cancel           = 'Abrogare' ;
        // Button text. Localize to wgContentLanguage here; localize to wgUserLanguage in a subpage,
        // see localization hook below.
  HotCat.messages.multi_error      = 'Could not retrieve the page text from the server. Therefore, your category changes '
                    +'cannot be saved. We apologize for the inconvenience.' ;
        // Localize to wgContentLanguage here; localize to wgUserLanguage in a subpage,
        // see localization hook below.
  HotCat.categories                = 'Categoriae' ;
   // Plural of category_canonical.
  HotCat.disambig_category         = null ;
   // Any category in this category is deemed a disambiguation category; i.e., a category that should not contain
   // any items, but that contains links to other categories where stuff should be categorized. If you don't have
   // that concept on your wiki, set it to null. Use blanks, not underscores.
  HotCat.redir_category            = null ;
   // Any category in this category is deemed a (soft) redirect to some other category defined by the first link
   // to another category. If your wiki doesn't have soft category redirects, set this to null.
  HotCat.tooltips.change           = 'Modificare' ;
  HotCat.tooltips.remove           = 'Removere' ;
  HotCat.tooltips.add              = 'Novam categoriam addere' ;
  HotCat.tooltips.restore          = 'Abrogare' ;
  HotCat.tooltips.undo             = 'Abrogare' ;
  HotCat.tooltips.down             = 'Recensere dum subcategorias monstrantur' ;
  HotCat.tooltips.up               = 'Recensere dum supercategorias monstrantur' ;
   // The HTML content of the "enter multi-mode" link at the front.
  HotCat.multi_tooltip             = 'Categorias plurimas modificare' ;
   // Tooltip for the "enter multi-mode" link
  HotCat.uncat_regexp              = /\{\{\s*([Dd]ubcat)[^}]*\}\}\s*(<\!--.*?--\>)?/g ;
   // A regexp matching a templates used to mark uncategorized pages, if your wiki does have that.
   // If not, set it to null.
  HotCat.template_categories       = {
    'Paginae non annexae' : '[Pp]agina[_ ]non[_ ]annexa'
  } ;
   // a list of categories which can be removed by removing a template
   // key: the category without namespace
   // value: A regexp matching the template name, again without namespace
   // If you don't have this at your wiki, or don't want this, set it to an empty object {}.
  HotCat.engine_names.searchindex = 'Search index' ;
  HotCat.engine_names.pagelist    = 'Page list' ;
  HotCat.engine_names.combined    = 'Combined search' ;
  HotCat.engine_names.subcat      = 'Subcategorias' ;
  HotCat.engine_names.parentcat   = 'Supercategorias' ;
   // Names for the search engines
  HotCat.capitalizePageNames      = true ;
   // Set to false if your wiki has case-sensitive page names. MediaWiki has two modes: either the first letter
   // of a page is automatically capitalized ("first-letter"; Category:aa == Category:Aa), or it isn't
   // ("case-sensitive"; Category:aa != Category:Aa). It doesn't currently have a fully case-insensitive mode
   // (which would mean Category:aa == Category:Aa == Category:AA == Category:aA)
   // HotCat tries to set this correctly automatically using an API query. It's still a good idea to manually
   // configure it correctly; either directly here if you copied HotCat, or in the local configuration file
   // MediaWiki:Gadget-HotCat.js/local_defaults if you hotlink to the Commons-version, to ensure it is set even
   // if that API query should fail for some strange reason.
  HotCat.upload_disabled           = true ;
   // If upload_disabled is true, HotCat will not be used on the Upload form.
  HotCat.blacklist                 = null ;
   // Single regular expression matching blacklisted categories that cannot be changed or
   // added using HotCat. For instance /\bstubs?$/ (any category ending with the word "stub"
   // or "stubs"), or /(\bstubs?$)|\bmaintenance\b/ (stub categories and any category with the
   // word "maintenance" in its title.

  HotCat.single_minor              = false ;
   // If true, single category changes are marked as minor edits. If false, they're not.

} // end if
