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Michael Stryphnus

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Michael Stryphnus, Graece Μιχαὴλ Στρυφνός, qui saeculo XII exeunte floruit, fuit protovestiarius, titulo Sebastus, anno fere 1192 (imperatore Isaacio Angelo). Theodoram Ducaenam Camaterinam in matrimonium duxerat, filiam Andronici Ducae Camateri et sororem Euphrosynae quae Alexio Angelo, Isaacii fratre et imperatori futuro, nupserit. Sub imperio Alexii Michael Stryphnus magnus dux i.e. praefectus classis meruit. Anno circiter 1201/1202 Athenas properavit ad bellum contra Leonem Sgurum faciendum, malo ut videtur successu. Encomium de eo Michael Choniates archiepiscopus Athenarum scripsit.


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Charles M. Brand, Anthony Cutler, "Stryphnos, Michael" in Alexander Kazhdan, ed., The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium (Oxonii: Oxford University Press, 1991. ISBN 978-0-19-504652-6) p. 1968
  • Lynda Garland, Byzantine empresses: women and power in Byzantium AD 527-1204 (Londinii: Routledge, 1999) pp. 211-218
  • Lynda Garland, "Morality versus Politics at the Byzantine Court: the charges against Marie of Antioch and Euphrosyne" in Byzantinische Forschungen vol. 24 (1997) pp. 259-295
  • Rodolphe Guilland, Recherches sur les institutions byzantines (Berolini: Akademie-Verlag, 1967) vol. 1 pp. 546-547
  • Marvin Chauncey Ross, Catalogue of the Byzantine And Early Medieval Antiquities in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection, Volume 2: Jewelry, Enamels, and Art Of The Migration Period (2a ed. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 2005. ISBN 0-88402-301-X) pp. 108-109 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)

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