Moneta Britanniae Romanorum
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Moneta Britanniae Romanorum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Roger Bland, "Hoarding in Britain: an overview", "The puzzle of the late Roman period", "Radiate Hoards", "The denarius period, AD 69–238" in British Numismatic Journal voll. 83-86 (2013-2016)
- R. A. G. Carson, "The Mints and Coinage of Carausius and Allectus" in Journal of the British Archaeological Association 3a ser. vol. 22 (1959) p. 33 sqq.
- Richard Reece, "Roman Britain and its economy from coin finds" in British Numismatic Journal vol. 82 (2012) pp. 8-28
- David Shotter, "Coin-loss and the Roman Occupation of North-West England" in British Numismatic Journal vol. 63 (1993) pp. 1-19
- Lord Stewartby, "Roman Coins of London from the Falmouth Hoard" in British Numismatic Journal vol. 81 (2011) pp. 1-9
- Historia studiorum
- Jonathan Williams, "Iron-Age and Roman Coins" in British Numismatic Journal vol. 73 (2003) pp. 44-57
Nexus interni
Nexus externi
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Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad nummos Romanos in Britannia spectant. |