Moneta Scotiae in usum populi Scotici incusa est. Primus regum ScotorumDavid I, qui inter annos 1124 et 1153 regnabat, nummos divulgare curavit. Ab unione regnorum anno 1709, Anna regnante, moneta Scotiae in Britannicam coniuncta est.
Edward Burns, The coinage of Scotland. 3 voll. Edinburgi: Adam and Charles Black, 1887 vol. 123
R. W. Cochran-Patrick, Records of the coinage of Scotland. 2 voll. Edinburgi: Edmonston and Douglas, 1876 vol. 12
John Lindsay, A view of the coinage of Scotland. Corcagiae: Bolster, 1845 (Textus apud Google Books)
John Lindsay, A Supplement to the Coinage of Scotland. Corcagiae: Crowe, 1859 (Textus apud Google Books)
James Wingate, Illustrations of the Coinage of Scotland drawn from specimens existing in the author's cabinet. Glasguae: Aird and Cognhill, 1868 (Textus apud Google Books)
Eruditio recentior
A. J. S. Gibson, T. C. Smout, Prices, food and wages in Scotland 1550-1780. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 1995
Elizabeth Gemmill, Nicholas Mayhew, Changing values in medieval Scotlnd: a study of prices, money, and weights and measures. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 1995