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Mulieres crocos decerpentes (pictura muralis Acroterii)

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E Vicipaedia
"Croci deae oblati" et "Mulieres crocos decerpentes": picturae murales membri 3' xestae 3 Acroterii

Croci deae oblati et mulieres crocos decerpentes sunt picturae murales in membro 3 xestae 3 repertae urbis Minoae Acroterii ab eruptione vulcanica Theraea, quae fortasse anno 1628 vel 1627 a.C.n. acciderit, abscondita. In picturis aliorum membrorum eiusdem domús videntur puellae mulieresque progredientes et adorantes.

Virgo crocos decerpens: fragmentum picturae muralis


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  • Suzanne Amigues, "Le crocus et le safran sur une fresque de Théra" in Revue Archéologique n.s. (1988) pp. 227-242
  • Nanno Marinatos, "An Offering of Saffron to the Minoan Goddess of Nature" in T. Linders, G. C. Nordquist, edd., Gifts to the Gods (Uppsalae, 1985) pp. 123-132
  • Paul Rehak, "Crocus Costumes in Aegean Art" in ΧΑΡΙΣ: Essays in Honor of Sara A. Immerwahr (Princetoniae, 2004. Hesperia: supplement, 33) pp. 85-100
  • Paul Rehak, "The Monkey Frieze from Xeste 3, Room 4: reconstruction and interpretation" in P. P. Betancourt et al., edd., Meletemata: studies in Aegean prehistory presented to Malcolm H. Wiener as he enters his 65th year (Leodii, 1999. Aegaeum, vol. 20) pp. 705-709
  • Paul Rehak, "Imag<in>ing a Woman's World in Bronze Age Greece: the frescoes from Xeste 3 at Akrotiri" in N. S. Rabinowitz, L. Auanfer, edd., Among women: from the homosocial to the homoerotic in the ancient world (Austin Texiae, 2002) pp. 34-59
  • Iris Tzachili, "Anthodokoi talaroi: the baskets of the crocus-gatherers from Xesté 3, Akrotiri, Thera" in Aegean Wall Painting: a tribute to Mark Cameron (Londinii, 2005. British School at Athens Studies, vol. 13) pp. 113-117

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