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New Deal

E Vicipaedia
(Redirectum de Negotium Novum)
Laeva summa: lex Auctoritatem Vallis Tennesianae, pars Negotii Novi, anno 1933 signata. Dextra summa: Praeses Roosevelt rationes et vires Negotii Novi praestitit. Infima pars: folium murale ab uno ex artificibus a Ministerio Progressus Operum conductis, parte Negotii Novi.

New Deal, sive negotium novum,[1] fuit corpus institutorum domesticorum in Civitatibus Foederatis inter 1933 et 1938 sanctorum, cum paucis rationibus quae postea promulgatae sunt. Omne institutum leges a Congressu iussas et exsecutiva mandata praesidentiales per primum spatium magistratus (1933–1937) Praesidis Franklini D. Roosevelt comprehendit. Haec instituta Magnae Depressioni Oeconomicae in Civitatibus Foederatis responderunt, resque praecipue tractaverunt quas scriptores rerum gestarum tres R Anglice appellant: relief ('levatio'), recovery ('recuperatio'), et reform ('correctio'): levatio hominibus quaestu carentibus et pauperiibus, recuperatio oeconomiae ad gradus solitos, et correctio rationis pecuniariae ut alia depressio prohiberetur.[2]

Negotium Novum magnam commutationem civilem effecit, qua Factio Democratica factio maioris partis facta est (et factio quae Aedes Albas septem ex novem spatiis magistratus ab 1933 ad 1969 tenuit), in notionibus liberalibus, Meridie albo, Democratistis traditionalibus, apparatibus urbium magnarum, ac collegiis opificis nuper potentibus et minoribus partibus ethnicis condita. Republicani inter se dissenserunt, conservativis omni Negotio Novo ut hostis commercii et incrementi adversantibus, liberalesque partem accipentibus et ut id habilius esset facere pollicentibus. Commutatio in Coniunctionem Negotii Novi crevit, quae in plurima comitia praesidentialibus usque ad annos 1960, cum Coniunctio Conservativa Congressum ab 1937 ad 1963 plerumque dominata est. Ante 1936, nomen liberalis fautoribus Negotii Novi, et nomen conservativa eius adversariis usitate adhibitum est.[3] Ab 1934 ad 1938, maior pars in Congressu facile impendentis (ex districtibus duarum partium, aequis, non ab apparatibus rectis, progressivis, et laevis electa) Roosevelt magnopere adiuvit.[4] In comitiis autem anni 1938 habitis, medio spatio magistratus praesidentiali, Roosevelt et eius fautores liberales Congressum Coniunctioni Conservativae tradere debuerunt.[5] Maxima opera Negotii Novi fuit Procuratio Progressus Operum.

Realis proventus domesticus grossus Civitatum Foederatarum ab 1910 ad 1960, annibus Depressionis Magnae (1929–1939) coloratis.
Proportio cessationis in Civitatibus Foederatis, 1910–1960, annis Magnae Depressionis (1929–1939) coloratis; data accurata anno 1939 incipiunt.

Multi scriptores rerum gestarum Negotium Novum Primum (1933–1934) et Negotium Novum Alterum (1935–1938) discernunt, quorum alterum liberalius et controversius fuit. Negotium Novum Primum urgentia argentariae negotiationis discrimina per Actum Argentariae Negotationis Subitarium et Actum Argentariae Negotationis 1933 tractavit. Federal Emergency Relief Administration $500 milliones effectionibus levationis per civitates et urbes suppeditavit, cum Civil Works Administration pecuniam locis ad proposita operum factorum exercenda annis 1933 et 1934 dedit.[6]

  1. Fontes desiderati.
  2. Carol Berkin (2011). Making America, Volume 2: A History of the United States: Since 1865. Cengage Learning. pp. 629–32. ISBN 0495915246 .
  3. Elliot A. Rosen, The Republican Party in the Age of Roosevelt: Sources of Anti-Government Conservatism in the United States (2014)
  4. "Roosevelt, backed by rare, non-Southern Democrat majorities—270 non-Southern Democrat representatives and 71 non-Southern Democrat senators—spelled Second New Deal reform." Alexander Hicks, Social Democracy and Welfare Capitalism: A Century of Income Security Politics.
  5. M. Sieff, That Should Still Be Us: How Thomas Friedman's Flat World Myths Are Keeping Us Flat on Our Backs (Wiley, 2012, ISBN 978-1-118-24063-2); Google Books.
  6. David Edwin "Eddie" Harrell, et al., Unto A Good Land: A History of the American People (Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2005, ISBN 0-8028-3718-2), p. 902.


[recensere | fontem recensere]
Turba ante Argentariam Unionis Novi Eboraci per bank run, Magna Depressione ineunte.
Moles Bonnevillana, propositum Procurationis Progressus Operum.
Aquila Caerulea NRA.
Folium murale propositum Aeroportum LaGuardiam promovet (1937).
Scaena in Urbe Oclahomae Oclahomae, in sordido operariorum agriculturalium oppido, mense Iulio 1939.
Operarii muliebres in officina in Litore Longo Californiae (1942).
Negotium Novum Magnam Societatem Praesidis Lyndon B. Johnson annis 1960 inspiravit. Johnson (dextra) NYA Texanam caput fuit et legatus Congressionalis anno 1938 creatus est.
Francisca Perkins observat cum Praeses Roosevelt Actum Coniunctionum Laboris Nationalis subscribit.
  • Badger, Anthony J. 2002. The New Deal: The Depression Years, 1933–1940.
  • Chafe, William H. ed. 2003. The Achievement of American Liberalism: The New Deal and its Legacies.
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  • Dubofsky, Melvyn, ed. 1992. The New Deal: Conflicting Interpretations and Shifting Perspectives.
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  • Sitkoff, Harvard, ed. 1984. Fifty Years Later: The New Deal Evaluated.
  • Smith, Jason Scott. 2014. A Concise History of the New Deal.
  • Beasley, Maurine H., Holly C. Shulman, et Henry R. Beasley. 2001. The Eleanor Roosevelt Encyclopedia.
  • Brands, H. W. 2008. Traitor to His Class: The Privileged Life and Radical Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
  • Charles, Searle F. 1963. Minister of Relief: Harry Hopkins and the Depression.
  • Cohen, Adam. 2009. Nothing to Fear: FDR's Inner Circle and the Hundred Days that Created Modern America.
  • Graham, Otis L., et Meghan Robinson Wander, eds. 1985. Franklin D. Roosevelt: His Life and Times.
  • Ingalls, Robert P. 1975. Herbert H. Lehman and New York's Little New Deal.
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Oeconomia, fundi, labor, levatio

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  • Blumberg Barbara. 1977. The New Deal and the Unemployed: The View from New York City.
  • Bremer William W. 1975. Along the American Way: The New Deal's Work Relief Programs for the Unemployed. Journal of American History 62:636–652. Textus in JSTOR.
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  • Fox, Cybelle. 2012. Three Worlds of Relief: Race, Immigration, and the American Welfare State from the Progressive Era to the New Deal.
  • Gordon, Colin. 1994. New Deals: Business, Labor, and Politics, 1920–1935.
  • Grant, Michael Johnston. 2002. Down and Out on the Family Farm: Rural Rehabilitation in the Great Plains, 1929–1945.
  • Hawley, Ellis W. 1966. The New Deal and the Problem of Monopoly.
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  • Zelizer; Julian E. 2000. The Forgotten Legacy of the New Deal: Fiscal Conservatism and the Roosevelt Administration, 1933–1938. Presidential Studies Quarterly 30(2):331+.

Historia socialis et culturalis

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  • Conklin, Paul K. 1997. The Myth of New Deal Radicalism. In Myth America: A Historical Anthology, Volume II, ed. Patrick Gerster et Nicholas Cords. Brandywine Press. ISBN 1-881089-97-5.
  • Domhoff, G. William, et Michael J. Webber. 2011. Class and Power in the New Deal: Corporate Moderates, Southern Democrats, and the Liberal-Labor Coalition. Stanford University Press
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  • Ladd, Everett Carll, et Charles D. Hadley. 1975. Transformations of the American Party System: Political Coalitions from the New Deal to the 1970s.
  • Lowitt, Richard. 1984. The New Deal and the West.
  • Manza, Jeff. 2000. Political Sociological Models of the U.S. New Deal. Annual Review of Sociology 26:297–322.
  • Milkis, Sidney M., et Jerome M. Mileur, eds. 2002. The New Deal and the Triumph of Liberalism.
  • Patterson, James T. 1969. The New Deal and the States: Federalism in Transition. Princeton University Press.
  • Rosen, Eliot A. 2014. The Republican Party in the Age of Roosevelt: Sources of Anti-Government Conservatism in the United States.
  • Sitkoff, Harvard. 2008. A New Deal for Blacks: The Emergence of Civil Rights as a National Issue: The Depression Decade.
  • Smith, Jason Scott. 2005. Building New Deal Liberalism: The Political Economy of Public Works, 1933–1956.
  • Sternsher, Bernard ed. 1970. Hitting Home: The Great Depression in Town and Country.
  • Szalay, Michael. 2000. New Deal Modernism: American Literature and the Invention of the Welfare State.
  • Tindall George B. 1967. The Emergence of the New South, 1915–1945.
  • Trout Charles H. 1977. Boston, the Great Depression, and the New Deal.
  • Venn, Fiona. 1998. The New Deal. Edimburgi: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 1-57958-145-5.
  • Ware, Susan. 1981. Beyond Suffrage: Women and the New Deal.
  • Williams, Gloria-Yvonne. 2014. African-Americans and the Politics of Race During the New Deal. In The New Deal and the Great Depression, 131-144. Kent Ohii:Kent State University Press.
  • Williams, Mason B. 2013. City of Ambition: FDR, La Guardia, and the Making of Modern New York.

Fontes primarii

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  • Bureau of the Census. 1951. Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1951. PDF.
  • Bureau of the Census. 1976. Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970. Pars 1. Pars 2.
  • Cantril, Hadley, et Mildred Strunk, eds. 1951. Public Opinion, 1935–1946.
  • Carter, Susan B., et al., eds. 2006. The Historical Statistics of the United States. 6 vol. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gallup, George Horace, ed. 1972. The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion, 1935–1971. 3 vol.
  • Lowitt, Richard, et Beardsley Maurice, eds. 1981. One Third of a Nation: Lorena Hickock Reports on the Great Depression.
  • Moley, Raymond. 1939. After Seven Years.
  • Nixon, Edgar B., ed. 1969. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Foreign Affairs. 3 vol.
  • Roosevelt, Franklin D. 1938, 1945. 'The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, ed. Samuel Irving Rosenman, ed. 13 vol.
  • Zinn, Howard, ed. 1966. New Deal Thought. (Corpus fontium primariorum.)

Nexus externi

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