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E Vicipaedia
Paropsisterna beata

Classis : Insecta 
Ordo : Coleoptera 
Subordo : Polyphaga 
Infraordo : Cucujiformia 
Superfamilia : Chrysomeloidea 
Familia : Chrysomelidae 
Subfamilia : Chrysomelinae 
Tribus : Chrysomelini 
Genus : Paropsisterna 
Motschulsky, 1860
Subdivisiones: Species
Vide commentarium.
* Chrysophtharta Weise, 1901
  • Niliosoma Motschulsky, 1860
  • Sterromela Weise, 1915
  • Xanthogramma Weise, 1923 (nec Schiner, 1860)

Paropsisterna est genus chrysomelidarum quae in Papua Nova Guinea et Australia endemicae sunt. Generi sunt plus quam 120 species, quarum multae claros colores aposematicos exhibent, multaeque foliis plantarum generis Eucalypti vescuntur. Genus hodie definitum species comprehendit olim perscriptas sub Chrysophtharta Weise, 1901.[1] Genus ab Victore Motschulsky anno 1860 descriptum est.[2][3]

Species notabiles

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Paropsisterna agricola.
Paropsisterna bimaculata.
Paropsisterna crocata.
Paropsisterna decolorata.
Paropsisterna erudita.
Paropsisterna intacta.
Paropsisterna liturata.
Paropsisterna morio.
Paropsisterna nigerrima alternata.
Paropsisterna octomaculata.
Paropsisterna pictipes.
Paropsisterna remota.
Paropsisterna stygia vittata.
Paropsisterna variicollis.

Index specierum

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Reid, C. A. M.; De Little, D. W. (2013). A new species of Paropsisterna Motschulsky, 1860, a significant pest of plantation eucalypts in Tasmania and Ireland (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae). .
  2. Australian Faunal Directory: Paropsisterna. . biodiversity.org.au .
  3. Formula:Cite Q.
  4. 4.0 4.1 De Little, D. W. (2007). "Life-cycle and aspects of the biology of Tasmanian Eucalyptus leaf beetle, Chrysophtharta bimaculata (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)". Australian Journal of Entomology: 22 (1): 15–18 .
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Matsuki. M.; Tovar, F. (2010). "IPMG Pests Notes - Chrysomelids". Industry Pest Management Group, Western Australia .
  6. Phillips, Charlma (1994). "Chrysophtharta spp. and Paropsis spp.". Government of South Australia .
  7. Fanning, P.; Baars, J.-R. (2014). "Biology of the Eucalyptus leaf beetle Paropsisterna selmani (Chrysomelidae: Paropsini): A new pest of Eucalyptus species (Myrtaceae) in Ireland.". Agricultural and Forest Entomology: 16: 45–53 .
  8. Malumphy, C.; Anderson, H. (Augustus 2015). "Plant Pest Fact Sheet: Tasmanian Eucalyptus Beetle Paropsisterna selmani". Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs .
  9. M. B. Rayamajhi (2002). Australian Paperbark Tree (Melaleuca). . InvasivePlants.net 

Nexus externi

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Situs scientifici:  • NCBI • Biodiversity