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Philippus Janvier

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Philippus Janvier (Francice: Philippe Janvier) est palaeontologiae et zoologiae Francicus, qui praecipue Palaeozoïcum vertebratum apud Museum Nationale Historiae Naturalis Lutetiae studet. Anno 2003 praemio scientifico Instituti del Duca apud Institutum Franciae laureatus est.

  • Janvier, P. 1981. The phylogeny of the Craniata, with particular reference to the significance of fossil 'agnathans'. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 1, 121-159.
  • Janvier, P. 1993. Patterns of diversity in the skull of jawless fishes. In The skull (ed. J. Hanken and B. K. Hall), Vol. 2, pp. 131-188. The University of Chicago Press.
  • Forey, P. L., et Janvier, P. 1993. Agnathans and the origin of jawed vertebrates. Nature, 361, 129-134.
  • Forey, P. L., et Janvier, P. 1994. Evolution of the early vertebrates. American Scientist, 82, 554-565.
  • Janvier, P. 1996. The dawn of the vertebrates: Characters versus common ascent in the rise of current vertebrate phylogenies. Palaeontology. 39:259-287.
  • Janvier, P. 1996 et 2003. Early Vertebrates (1996); Early Vertebrates (2003). Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics, v. 33, Oxford University Press, Oxford, England, ISBN 0-19-854047-7 392 pp. - a comprehensive review of the phylogyny and technical characteristics of Paleozoic fish
  • McBirney, Alex et Janvier The Trilobite Affair, Libri Terrarum, ISBN 0-9772425-44 ; 350 pages

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