Prelum typographicum

Prelum typographicum, breviter prelum, est machina ad imprimendum atramentum aequaliter in medium (substratum) sicut charta et textile adhibita. Machina pressuram medii impressionis adhibet quod super superficiem atramentatam typis mobilibus factam, atramentum sic transmittens. Prelum usitate textibus adhibetur. Eius inventio et divulgatio inter eventus historicos maximi momenti late putantur,[1] omnino novans modum per quem homines universum quod habitant intellegunt et describunt, tempus modernitatis initians.[2]
Prima orbis terrarum technologia impressionis per typos mobiles inventa et exculta est in Sinis a Bi Sheng typographus Han, inter annos 1041 et 1048. In Corea, ratio impressionis per typos mobiles saeculo tredecimo ineunte per Domum Goryeo inventa est; haec autem domus Jikgi impressit per rationem similem circa septuaginta duos annos ante Gutenberg, et Jikgi est prima orbis terrarum materia impressionis exstans.
In Occidentali, inventio technologiae impressionis mechanicae per typos mobiles melioris in Europa factae Ioanni Gutenberg, typographo Germanico ex anno 1450 usitate ascribitur.[3]
Nexus interni
- Generalia
- Prela impressionis
- Aliae inventiones
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ↑ Vide Homines Millennii pro conspectu.. Anno 1999, A&E Network aestimavit Gutenberg primum in eius "People of the Millennium" indice. Anno 1997, Time–Life elegit inventum Gutenbergianum um res maximi momenti millennii secundi; similiter quattuor diurnalistae Civitatum Foederatarum in eorum commentario (1998) 1,000 Years, 1,000 People: Ranking The Men and Women Who Shaped The Millennium.
- ↑ McLuhan 1962; Eisenstein 1980; Febvre Martin 1997; Man 2002.
- ↑
[recensere | fontem recensere]- De effectivus preli typographici
- Boruchoff, David A. 2012. The Three Greatest Inventions of Modern Times: An Idea and Its Public. In Entangled Knowledge: Scientific Discourses and Cultural Difference, ed Gesa Hock, Klaus, et Mackenthun, 133–163. Monasterii: Waxmann. ISBN 978-3-8309-2729-7.
- Buringh, Eltjo, et Jan Luiten van Zanden. 2009. Charting the "Rise of the West": Manuscripts and Printed Books in Europe, A Long-Term Perspective from the Sixth through Eighteenth Centuries. The Journal of Economic History 69(2):409–445.
- Eisenstein, Elizabeth L. 1980. The Printing Press as an Agent of Change. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-29955-1.
- Eisenstein, Elizabeth L. 2005. The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe. Ed. 2a. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-60774-4.
- Febvre, Lucien, et Henri-Jean Martin. 1997. The Coming of the Book: The Impact of Printing 1450–1800. Londinii: Verso. ISBN 1-85984-108-2.
- Man, John. 2002. The Gutenberg Revolution: The Story of a Genius and an Invention that Changed the World. Londinii: Headline Review. ISBN 978-0-7472-4504-9.
- McLuhan, Marshall. 1962. The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. Toronti: University of Toronto Press. ISBN 978-0-8020-6041-9.
- Technologia impressionis
- Bechtel, G., Gutenberg et l'invention de l'imprimerie
- Bolza, Hans. 1967. Friedrich Koenig und die Erfindung der Druckmaschine. Technikgeschichte 34(1):79–89.
- Borsa, Gedeon. 1976. Druckorte in Italien vor 1601. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, pp. 311–314.
- Borsa, Gedeon. 1977. Drucker in Italien vor 1601. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, pp. 166–169.
- Brekle, Herbert E. 1995., "Eine weitere Spur einer typographischen Werkstatt beim Kloster Prüfening im 12. Jahrhundert", Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 70: 23–26
- Brekle, Herbert E. 1997., "Das typographische Prinzip. Versuch einer Begriffsklärung", Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 72: 58–63
- Brekle, Herbert E. (2005), Die Prüfeninger Weihinschrift von 1119. Eine paläographisch-typographische Untersuchung (brief summary), Regensburg: Scriptorium Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft, ISBN 3-937527-06-0
- Burns, Robert I. 1996., "Paper comes to the West, 800–1400", in Lindgren, Uta, Europäische Technik im Mittelalter. 800 bis 1400. Tradition und Innovation (4a ed.), Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, pp. 413–422, ISBN 3786117489.
- Childress, Diana. 2008., Johannes Gutenberg and the Printing Press, Minneapolis: Twenty-First Century Books, ISBN 9780761340249.
- Ch'on Hye-bong. 1993. Typography in Korea. Koreana 7(2):10–19
- Crompton, Samuel Willard. 2004., The Printing Press. Transforming Power of Technology, ISBN 079107451X.
- Duchesne, Ricardo. 2006., "Asia First?", The Journal of the Historical Society 6 (1): 69–91
- Fontaine, Jean-Paul. 1999., L'aventure du livre: Du manuscrit medieval a nos jours, Lutetiae: Bibliothèque de l'image
- Gerhardt, Claus W. 1971., "Warum wurde die Gutenberg-Presse erst nach über 350 Jahren durch ein besseres System abgelöst?", Gutenberg-Jahrbuch: 43–57
- Gerhardt, Claus W. 1978. Besitzt Gutenbergs Erfindung heute noch einen Wert? Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 212–217.
- Hanebutt-Benz, Eva-Maria. 2000., "Gutenbergs Erfindungen", Gutenberg. Aventur und Kunst: Vom Geheimunternehmen zur ersten Medienrevolution, Mainz: Stadt Mainz, pp. 158–189
- Hellinga, Lotte. 2007. The Gutenberg Revolutions. A Companion to the History of the Book, ed. Simon Eliot et Jonathan Rose, 207–220. Oxoniae: Blackwell Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4051-2765-3.
- Hind, Arthur M. 1935, 1963. An Introduction to a History of Woodcut. Houghton Mifflin Co.; reimpressus Dover Publications ISBN 0-486-20952-0.
- Issawi, Charles. 1980. Europe, the Middle East and the Shift in Power: Reflections on a Theme by Marshall Hodgson. Comparative Studies in Society and History 22(4):487–504.
- Kapr, Albert. 1996. Johannes Gutenberg. The Man and His Invention. Aldershot: Scolar. ISBN 1-85928-114-1.*Koch, Walter. 1994. Literaturbericht zur mittelalterlichen und neuzeitlichen Epigraphik (1985–1991). Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Hilfsmittel, 14. Monaci. ISBN 978-3-88612-114-4.
- Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut. 1940. Englische Holzstempelalphabete des XIII. Jahrhunderts. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 93–97.
- Lipinsky, Angelo. 1986. La pala argentea del Patriarca Pellegrino nella Collegiata di Cividale e le sue iscrizioni con caratteri mobili. Ateneo Veneto 24:75–80.
- Lucas, Adam Robert. 2005. Industrial Milling in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. A Survey of the Evidence for an Industrial Revolution in Medieval Europe. Technology and Culture 46(1):1–30. doi:10.1353/tech.2005.0026.
- Mahnke, Helmut. 2009. Der kunstreiche Johannes Gutenberg und die Frühzeit der Druckkunst. Nordersted: Books on Demand. ISBN 978-3-8370-5041-7.
- Needham, Joseph. 1965. Science and Civilisation in China. Physics and Physical Technology 4, Mechanical Engineering (pars 2), Cambridge University Press.
- Onken, Björn. 2009. Presses. In Brill's New Pauly, ed. Hubert Cancik et Helmuth Schneider.
- Roberts, Colin H., et T. C. Skeat. 1983. The Birth of the Codex. Londinii: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-726024-1.
- Schneider, Helmuth. 2007. Technology. In The Cambridge Economic History of the Greco-Roman World, ed. Walter Scheidel, Ian Morris, et Richard Saller, 144–171. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-78053-7.
- Schulte, Alfred. 1939. Papierpresse, Druckerpresse und Kelter. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 52–56.
- Thompson, Susan. 1978. Paper Manufacturing and Early Books. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 314:167–176. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1978.tb47791.x.
- Tsien, Tsuen-Hsuin. 1985. Paper and Printing. Science and Civilisation in China, Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 5, pars 1). Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press.
- Weber, Johannes. 2006. Strassburg, 1605: The Origins of the Newspaper in Europe. German History 24(3):387–412. doi:10.1191/0266355406gh380oa
- White, K. D. 1984. Greek and Roman Technology. Londinii: Thames and Hudson.
- Widmann, Hans. 1974. Der koreanische Buchdruck und Gutenbergs Erfindung. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 32–34.
- Wolf, Hans-Jürgen. 1974. Geschichte der Druckpressen. Frankfurt/Main: Interprint.
Nexus externi
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Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad prelum spectant. |
- Centre for the History of the Book,
- Impressio Gutenbergiana,
- Salus in prelis typographicis,
- Internet Archive: Printing (1947), pellicula,