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Rhinolalia aperta

E Vicipaedia
Lacunae nasales et orales, sphinctro musculi velopharyngealis caeruleo picto.
Palatum imperfecte fissum.

Rhinolalia aperta, etiam hyperrhinolalia et oratio hypernasalis appellata, est malum medicum quod resonantiam insolitam in voce humana propter auctum aeris flumen per nasum efficit. Per apertam lacunam nasalem movetur quae ex palato molli et/aut sphinctro velopharyngeali imperfecte clauso fit.


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Baken, R. J., et Robert F. Orlikoff. 2000. Clinical Measurement of Speech and Voice. Didacopoli: Singular.
  • Kummer, A. W. 2006. Resonance disorders and nasal emission: Evaluation and treatment using "low tech" and "no tech" procedures. The ASHA Leader 11(2):4, 26.
  • Mulder, Jan W. F. 1976. Velopharyngeal function and speech: electromyography, pharyngoscopy and speech analysis in subjects with normal speech, patients with rhinolalia aperta and patients treated with a pharyngeal flap. Assen: Van Gorcum. ISBN 90-232-1390-4.
  • Stegenga, B., A. Vissink, et L. G. M. Bont. 2000. Mondziekten en kaakchirurgie. Assen: Van Gorcum. ISBN 978-90-232-3500-2.

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