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Sandalus petrophya

E Vicipaedia
Classis : Insecta 
Ordo : Coleoptera 
Subordo : Polyphaga 
Infraordo : Elateriformia 
Superfamilia : Dascilloidea 
Familia : Rhipiceridae 
Genus : Sandalus 
Species : Sandalus petrophya 
Knoch, 1801

Sandalus petrophya est species coleopterorum familiae Rhipiceridarum, quae in America Septentrionali endemica est.[1][2][3] Larvae sunt ectoparasitoidea cicadoideorum nymphalium.[4]

  1. Sandalus petrophya Report. . Integrated Taxonomic Information System .
  2. Sandalus petrophya. . GBIF .
  3. Arnett, Thomas, Skelley, et Frank 2002.


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Arnett, R. H. Jr., M. C. Thomas, P. E. Skelley, et al., eds. 2002. American Beetles, Volume II: Polyphaga: Scarabaeoidea through Curculionoidea. Boca Raton Floridae: CRC Press. ISBN 978-0849309540.
  • Capinera, John L., ed. 2008. Encyclopedia of Entomology. Springer. ISBN 978-1402062421.
  • Craighead, F. C. 1921. "Larva of the North American beetle Sandalus niger Knoch." Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 23: 44–48.
  • Hallan, Joel. 2010. "Synopsis of the described Coleoptera of the World." Biology Catalog. Texas A&M, 6 Iunii 2010.
  • Jin, Z. Y., Hermes Escalona, Adam Ślipiński, et Hong Pang. 2013. "Phylogeny and Classification of Rhipicerinae (Coleoptera: Rhipiceridae) with A Review of the Australian Taxa." Annales Zoologici 63 (2). doi:10.3161/000345413X669577.
  • Lawrence, J. F., et A. F. Newton, Jr. 1995. "Families and subfamilies of Coleoptera (with selected genera, notes, references and data on family-group names)." In Biology, phylogeny and classification of Coleoptera: Papers celebrating the 80th birthday of Roy A. Crowson, ed. Pakaluk et Adam Slipinski, 779–1006. Varsoviae: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN. SBN 83-85192-34-4.
  • LeConte, J. L. 1861. Classification of the Coleoptera of North America. Vasintoniae: Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 3. ISBN 0665100558. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.38459.
  • Löbl, I., et A. Smetana. 2006. Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera, Volume 3: Scarabaeoidea - Scirtoidea - Dascilloidea - Buprestoidea - Byrrhoidea. Apollo Books. ISBN 978-90-04-30914-2.
  • Rings, R. W. 1942. "The external anatomy of Sandalus niger Knoch (Coleoptera: Rhipiceridae)." Annals of the Entomological Society of America 35 (4): 411–25. doi:10.1093/aesa/35.4.411. ISSN 1938-2901.
  • Young, F. N. 1956. "Unusual abundance of Sandalus in southern Indiana." Col. Bulletin 9: 74.

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