Sotimus Cyrenaeus
Sotimus Dosithei f. Cyrenaeus (Graece Σώτιμος), qui saeculo IV a.C.n. exeunte floruit, Antigoni Monophthalmi coaevus, fuit anno circiter 303 a.C.n. huius regis filiique Demetrii Poliorcetae miles; eo enim tempore, archonte Pherecle, Athenienses Sotimum decreto laudaverunt (Koumanoudes (1986)) suadente Stratocle.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Prosopography of Antigonos's Friends and Subordinates" in Richard A. Billows, Antigonos the One-Eyed and the Creation of the Hellenistic State (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990) no. 110, p. 434
- S. Koumanoudes, "Sotimos Dositheou Kyrenaios" in Horos vol. 4 (1986) pp. 11-18