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Spelunca Cyclopis

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Spelunca Cyclopis (Aegaei borealis physicalis )
Spelunca Cyclopis
Spelunca Cyclopis
Situs in Graecia

Spelunca Cyclopis, vulgo Σπήλαιο του Κύκλωπα,[1] in parva insula Gerontia prope Icum reperta, est locus habitationis humanae aevis Mesolithico et Neolithico usitatus. Duce Adamantio Sampson annis 1992-1995 effossa est.


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Cyprian Broodbank, An Island Archaeology of the Early Cyclades (Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 2002) p. 116 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
  • Yorgos Facorellis, "Radiocarbon dating the Greek Mesolithic" in Nena Galanidou, Catherine Perlès, edd., The Greek Mesolithic: Problems and Perspectives (Londinii: British School at Athens, 2003. British School at Athens Studies, vol. 10) pp. 51-67 JSTOR
  • Antikleia Moundrea-Agrafioti, "Mesolithic fish hooks from the Cave of Cyclope, Youra" in Nena Galanidou, Catherine Perlès, edd., The Greek Mesolithic: Problems and Perspectives (Londinii: British School at Athens, 2003. British School at Athens Studies, vol. 10) pp. 131-141 JSTOR
  • Dimitra Mylona, "The exploitation of fish resources in the Mesolithic Sporades: fish remains from the Cave of Cyclope, Youra" in Nena Galanidou, Catherine Perlès, edd., The Greek Mesolithic: Problems and Perspectives (Londinii: British School at Athens, 2003. British School at Athens Studies, vol. 10) pp. 181-188 JSTOR
  • Judith Powell, "The fish bone assemblage from the Cave of Cyclope, Youra: evidence for continuity and change" in Nena Galanidou, Catherine Perlès, edd., The Greek Mesolithic: Problems and Perspectives (Londinii: British School at Athens, 2003. British School at Athens Studies, vol. 10) pp. 173-179 JSTOR
  • Judith Powell, "Fishing in the Mesolithic and Neolithic — the Cave of Cyclops, Youra" in Zooarchaeology in Greece: recent advances (British School at Athens Studies, vol. 9. Londinii: British School at Athens, 2003) pp. 75-84 JSTOR
  • Adamantios Sampson, "Excavation at the Cave of Cyclope on Youra, Alonnessos" in E. Alram-Stern, ed., Die Ägäische Frühzeit: 2, Serie Forschungsbericht 1975-1993: vol. 1, Das Neolithikum in Griechenland (Vindobonae, 1996) pp. 507-520
  • Adamantios Sampson, "La grotte du cyclope: un abri de pêcheurs préhistoriques?" in Archéologia no. 328 (1996) pp. 54-59
  • Adamantios Sampson, "The Neolithic and Mesolithic Occupation of the Cave of Cyclope, Youra, Alonnessos, Greece" in Annual of the British School at Athens vol. 93 (1998) pp. 1-22 JSTOR
  • Adamantios Sampson, ed., The cave of the Cyclops. Mesolithic and Neolithic networks in the northern Aegean, Greece. Bone tool industries, dietary resources and the paleoenvironment, and archaeometrical studies. Philadelphiae: INSTAP Academic, 2011
  • Adamantios Sampson, Janusz K. Kozłowski, Malgorzata Kaczanowska, "Εntre l'Anatolie et les Balkans: une sequence mesolithique-neolithique de l'ile de Youra (Sporades du Nord)" in M. Otte, ed., Préhistoire de l'Anatolie: genèse de deux mondes. Actes du colloque international, Liège, 28 avril-3 mai 1997 (Université de Liège, 1998. Études et Recherches Archéologiques de l'Université de Liège (ERAUL), vol. 85) pp. 125-141
  • Adamantios Sampson, Janusz K. Kozłowski, Malgorzata Kaczanowska, "Mesolithic chipped stone industries from the Cave of Cyclope on the island of Youra (northern Sporades)" in Nena Galanidou, Catherine Perlès, edd., The Greek Mesolithic: Problems and Perspectives (Londinii: British School at Athens, 2003. British School at Athens Studies, vol. 10) pp. 123-130 JSTOR
  • Katerina Trantalidou, "Faunal remains from the earliest strata of the Cave of Cyclope, Youra" in Nena Galanidou, Catherine Perlès, edd., The Greek Mesolithic: Problems and Perspectives (Londinii: British School at Athens, 2003. British School at Athens Studies, vol. 10) pp. 143-172 JSTOR
  1. Francogallice La grotte du Cyclope; Anglice saepissime, e conversione inepta nominis Francogallici, "Cave of Cyclope"

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