Tamburlaine (Marlowe)
Tamburlaine est ludus scaenicus in duas partes divisus, a Christophoro Marlowe anno 1590 editus, annis 1587 seu 1588 compositus. Persona principalis est Tamerlanes conquisitor.
Nexus externi
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Pars I: Textus apud gutenberg.org (Anglice)
- Pars II: Textus apud gutenberg.org (Anglice)
- De censura apud The Times Online
- "Tamburlaine the Great" apud nationaltheatre.org.uk
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Geckle, George L. Tamburlaine and Edward II: Text and Performance. New Jersey: Humanities Press International, 1988.
- Waith, Eugene. The Herculean Hero in Marlowe, Chapman, Shakespeare, and Dryden. New York: Columbia University Press, 1967.
Tamburlaine : Index personarum
MYCETES, king of Persia. COSROE, his brother. MEANDER, ] THERIDAMAS, ] ORTYGIUS, ] Persian lords. CENEUS, ] MENAPHON, ] TAMBURLAINE, a Scythian shepherd. TECHELLES, ] USUMCASANE, ] his followers. BAJAZETH, emperor of the Turks. KING OF FEZ. KING OF MOROCCO. KING OF ARGIER. KING OF ARABIA. SOLDAN OF EGYPT. GOVERNOR OF DAMASCUS. AGYDAS, ] MAGNETES, ] Median lords. CAPOLIN, an Egyptian. PHILEMUS, Bassoes, Lords, Citizens, Moors, Soldiers, and Attendants. ZENOCRATE, daughter to the Soldan of Egypt. ANIPPE, her maid. ZABINA, wife to BAJAZETH. EBEA, her maid. Virgins of Damascus
TAMBURLAINE, king of Persia. CALYPHAS, ] AMYRAS, ] his sons. CELEBINUS, ] THERIDAMAS, king of Argier. TECHELLES, king of Fez. USUMCASANE, king of Morocco. ORCANES, king of Natolia. KING OF TREBIZON. KING OF SORIA. KING OF JERUSALEM. KING OF AMASIA. GAZELLUS, viceroy of Byron. URIBASSA. SIGISMUND, King of Hungary. FREDERICK, ] BALDWIN, ] Lords of Buda and Bohemia. CALLAPINE, son to BAJAZETH, and prisoner to TAMBURLAINE. ALMEDA, his keeper. GOVERNOR OF BABYLON. CAPTAIN OF BALSERA. HIS SON. ANOTHER CAPTAIN. MAXIMUS, PERDICAS, Physicians, Lords, Citizens, Messengers, Soldiers, and Attendants. ZENOCRATE, wife to TAMBURLAINE. OLYMPIA, wife to the CAPTAIN OF BALSERA. Turkish Concubines. | ||
Opera Christophori Marlowe
Ludi scaenici: Dido Queen of Carthage · Tamburlaine · The Jew of Malta · Doctor Faustus · Edward II · The Massacre at Paris | |
Scriptores scaenici Anglici: aevum litterarum renascentium
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