The Siege of Rhodes
The Siege of Rhodes ('Obsidio Rhodi') est opera apud libellum a Gulielmo Davenant scripta, cuius res principalis est obsidio urbis Rhodi, insulae Rhodi capitis, ab Imperio Ottomanico anno 1522 gesta. Musica a quinque compositoribus facta est, scilicet Henrico Lawes, Matthaeo Locke, Henrico Cooke, Carolo Coleman, Georgio Hudson. Prima pars operae anno 1656 docta est privatim (nam sub gubernio Puritanorum theatri Angliae reclusi sunt) Londinii in domo auctoris; pars altera, paullo postea docta, anno 1663 divulgata est. The Siege of Rhodes hodie opera Anglica antiquissima censetur.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- The siege of Rhodes made a representation by the art of prospective in scenes, and the story sung in recitative musick, at the back part of Rutland-House in the upper end of Aldersgate-Street, London. Londinii: H. Herringman, 1656 Fons tituli
- The siege of Rhodes: the first and second part as they were lately represented at His Highness the Duke of York's Theatre in Lincolns-Inn Fields; the first part being lately enlarg'd; written by Sir W. Davenant. Londinii: H. Herringman, 1663 Fontes tituli
- Hedbäck, Ann-Mari, ed. 1973. The siege of Rhodes; a critical edition. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Studia Anglistica Upsaliensia, 14. Upsalae.