Thomas Say

Thomas Say (Anglice: Thomas Say Philadelphiae die 27 Iunii 1787 natus; ibidem mortuus die 10 Octobris 1834) fuit zoologiae, entomologiae, malacologiae, carcinologiae et Taxonomiae peritus Americanus.
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- 1819-1820 : "Observations on some species of Zoophytes, Shells, &c. principally fossil" in American Journal of Science and Arts vol. 1 pp. 381–387; vol. 2 pp. 34–45 Pars 1 Pars 2 apud Biodiversity Heritage Library
- 1824-1828 : American Entomology, or Descriptions of the Insects of North America. 3 voll. Philadelphiae.
- 1830-1836 : American Conchology, or Descriptions of the Shells of North America Illustrated From Coloured Figures From Original Drawings Executed from Nature. Partes 1 - 6, New Harmony, 1830-1834; Pars 7, Philadelphiae.
- 1859 (Ioannes Ludovicus Le Conte, ed.) : The Complete Writings of Thomas Say on the Entomology of North America 2 voll. Novi Eboraci: Baillière Brothers, 1859