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Usor:Amahoney/1000 Paginae singulis

E Vicipaedia

With this utility it's possible to check the size of a single page (in language-weighted characters), even if it isn't one of the 1000 Pages. The routine is in Perl and requires the Encode package (standard) and the MediaWiki::Bot package (downloaded from CPAN).

# check size of a single page by 1000-Pages rules

use strict;

use Encode;
use MediaWiki::Bot;

my $WEIGHT = 1.1;

my $title = shift @ARGV;

if ($title eq '')
    warn "must supply page title";

my $vicibot = MediaWiki::Bot->new({assert=>'bot',  host=>'la.wikipedia.org', debug=>1});

my $page = $vicibot->get_text($title);
if (defined $page)
    if ($page =~ m|REDIRECT \[\[(.*)\]\]|)
	my $redir = $1;
	$page = $vicibot->get_text($redir);
my $before = 0;
my $after = 0;

if (defined $page)
    $before = length($page);
    $page =~ s|\n| |g;

# strip inter-wiki links
    $page =~ s|(\[\[[a-z][a-z\-]+?\:.*?\]\])||g;

# strip comments
    $page =~ s|<\!--.*?-->||g;

# trim trailing white space
    $page =~ s|[ \n\t]*$||;

    $after = length($page) * $WEIGHT;
    warn "could not read page $title";

print "page $title:  size $after\n";