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E Vicipaedia

This is the start of what would have been the sixth century in this challenge; it followed continuously from the first five and reached day 52 before external forces caused it to end.[1] As before, in keeping with the strictest interpretation of the rules, each article was composed in the twenty-four hours before its posting.

So this series ended, having added (or massively augmented) 814 articles in 552 consecutive days.

Coding of columns in the sortable table:

  • No. = serial number of the day, with letters added for multiple articles added in one day.
  • # = serial number of the article.
  • Dies = date, given as ymd.
  • D = basic number of the topic in Dewey Decimal Classification.
  • Pagina = lemma in commentario definitum (the lemma defined in the article).
  • = una e 10 000 paginis maximi momenti (one of the 10,000 pages of greatest importance).
  • ± = commentarius ab alio factus, omnino retractatus (commentary begun by someone else but entirely revised, always by more than doubling the number of bytes, and sometimes by a much larger proportion than that, as with “Montes continui,” raised by more than one thousand percent.
  • Octeti = raw number of added bytes; it's not multiplied by the factors used for comparing the wikipedias on the 1000-word and 10,000-word lists at Meta (1.10 and 1.07, respectively).
No. # Dies D Pagina ± Octeti
1 1 20201113 931 Domus Xia 5260
2 2 20201114 966 Historia Ganae 11664
3 3 20201115 961 Historia Libyae 3192
4 4 20201116 969 Historia Madagascariae 12009
5 5 20201117 964 Historia Maroci 5619
6 6 20201118 966 Historia Nigeriae 6036
7 7 20201119 966 Historia Senegaliae 12721
8 8 20201120 520 Historia astronomiae 6931
9 9 20201121 529 Chronologia 8539
10 10 20201122 575 Archaeogenetica 8201
11 11 20201123 901 Philosophia historiae 7324
12 12 20201124 550 Historia terrae 7298
13 13 20201125 550 Historia geologiae 5674
14 14 20201126 551 Fretum Floridense 3228
15 15 20201127 909 Porta Lacrimarum 4397
16a 16 20201128 919 Fretum Bassianum 4387
16b 17 20201128 956 Sionismus ± 6716
17 18 20201129 551 Fretum Davisianum 5736
18a 19 20201130 551 Fretum Hudsonianum 4204
18b 20 20201130 950 Tamerlanes ± 3225
19 21 20201201 551 Fretum Ormus 6336
20a 22 20201202 283 Dioecesis Malaitae 3853
20b 23 20201202 551 Kattegat 3260
21 24 20201203 551 Fretum Coreanum 3265
22 25 20201204 551 Fretum Palk 3080
23 26 20201205 551 Skagerrak 3820
24 27 20201206 551 Fretum Sundanum 3436
25 28 20201207 551 Fretum Taivanense 3651
26 29 20201208 595 Theraphosidae 22545
27a 30 20201209 595 Grammostola actaeon 1540
27b 31 20201209 597 Sphenodon 13196
28 32 20201210 583 Psidium 16556
29 33 20201211 589 Ascomycota 8885
30 34 20201212 589 Basidiomycota 9576
31 35 20201213 589 Zygomycota 5899
32 36 20201214 589 Pleurotus ostreatus 5992
33 37 20201215 589 Lentinula edodes 8182
34a 38 20201216 784 Beethoveniana 4274
34b 39 20201216 784 Symphonia quinta Ludovici van Beethoven 6404
35 40 20201217 584 Asparagus officinalis 8204
36 41 20201218 583 Rapa (holus) 5189
37 42 20201219 567 Dimetrodon 8662
38 43 20201220 611 Index massae corporeae 5042
39a 44 20201221 583 Camellia 5396
39b 45 20201221 974 Saxum Plimmutense 4552
40 46 20201222 583 Cornus 15194
41 47 20201223 583 Brassica napus Grex Napobrassica 2838
42 48 20201224 583 Fagopyrum esculentum 4393
43 49 20201225 583 Brassica oleracea Grex Gongylodes 3623
44 50 20201226 583 Brassica oleracea Grex Italica 5174
45 51 20201227 583 Brassica oleracea Grex Botrytis 8180
46 52 20201228 583 Rumex acetosa 4317
47 53 20201229 583 Faba 5732
48 54 20201230 583 Mangus 7894
49 55 20201231 583 Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris, greges Cicla et Flavescens 7308
50 56 20210101 583 Cichorium endivia 4017
51 57 20210102 211 Saecularismus 7760
52 58 20210103 583 Armoracia rusticana 6401
  1. Verizon’s internet network in my neighborhood was down for about 49 hours. The aggregate series therefore ended at 552 consecutive days; however, because multiple articles were occasionally added in one day, my average pace for some time will remain at more than one article a day—since the year 2011 or before.