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E Vicipaedia

Quac potest homini esse polito delectatio, cum aut homo imbecillus a valentissima bestia laniatur atu praeclara bestia venabulo transverbaratur? Quae tamen, Si videnda sunt, saepe vidisti; neque nos, qui haec spectamus, quicguam novi vidimus. Extremus elephantorum dies fuit. In quo admiratio magna vulgi atquae turbae, delectatio nulla exstitit; quin etiam misericordia quaedam consecuta est atque opinio eius modi, esse quamdam illi beluae cum genere humano societatem.

What pleasure can it give a cultivated man to watch some poor fellow being torn to pieces by a powerful beast or a superb beast being pierced with a hunting spear? Even were such things worth looking at, you've seen them many times, and we saw nothing new this time. The last day was devoted to the elephants. The vulgar populace was enthusiastic, but there was no pleasure in it; indeed, the show provoked some sort of compassion, a feeling that thee is some kinship between this great beast and human-kind.