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E Vicipaedia

Short for local area network. A network that links together computers and peripheral equipment within a limited area, such as a building or a group of buildings. The computers in an LAN have independent central processing units, but they are able to exchange data with each other and to share resources such as printers. See also client/server network, peer-to-peer network.


Brevis loci area network. A network quod arte simul computers Computatrum et periphericis apparatu intra limitata area, ut aedificium aut coetus aedificiorum. In computers in LAN habere independens centralis processui unitates, sed possunt ad commutare notitia cum unusquisque et ad participes opes ut printers.

LAN est brevis pro Local Area Network.Rete quod connectit computer connectit Computatrum, office, building. No leased line