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E Vicipaedia

April 06, 2007

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[recensere | fontem recensere]

Articles with more than 20 external links as of April 06, 2007. Only articles in the main space are considered.

Article ID Article
57 4272 Index universitatum nominibus latinis constitutis
36 8635 Index fontium Latinorum de Iaponia
35 79 Biblia
35 1713 Libri Latini
29 27153 Physica electromagnetica
24 11997 Safranum
22 24941 Georgius Orwell
SELECT COUNT(el_from) AS total, el_from, page_title
FROM externallinks, page
WHERE externallinks.el_from = page_id AND page_is_redirect = 0 AND page_namespace = 0
GROUP BY el_from
[recensere | fontem recensere]

Sites linked more than 20 times as of April 06, 2007. Only articles in the main space are considered.

Link count Site
3965 http://la.wikipedia.org
399 http://www.vatican.va
235 http://www.thelatinlibrary.com
185 http://tools.wikimedia.de
140 http://www.catholic-hierarchy.org
138 http://www.uni-mannheim.de
90 http://www.fiu.edu
60 http://www.fh-augsburg.de
55 http://www.cultinfo.ru
43 http://www.columbia.edu
40 http://www.bautz.de
28 http://penelope.uchicago.edu
27 http://wwwopac.tulips.tsukuba.ac.jp
25 http://www.perseus.tufts.edu
25 http://www.intratext.com
22 http://www.newadvent.org
22 http://orwell.ru
20 http://www.geocities.com
SELECT COUNT(el_to) AS total, SUBSTRING_INDEX(el_to, '/', 3) AS search
FROM externallinks, page
WHERE page_id = el_from AND page_namespace = 0
GROUP BY search

Additional information

[recensere | fontem recensere]

Some more information about this dump:

  • 12368 articles that are in the main space and not redirects
  • 15773 articles and redirects in the main space
  • 24296 pages in all namespaces
  • 4048 redirects in all namespaces
  • 18411 external links in every namespace
  • 8976 external links in the main space

Very probable spambot pages

[recensere | fontem recensere]

If index.php is found in a page title, it is very likely the article talk page has been created by a spambot. These pages should be deleted and protected if possible.

Article ID Article

Possible spambot pages

[recensere | fontem recensere]

Possible pages created by spambots ending with /.

Article ID Article
SELECT page_id, page_title, page_namespace
FROM page
WHERE page_title LIKE '%index.php%' OR page_title LIKE '%/wiki/%' OR page_title LIKE '%/w/%' OR page_title LIKE '%/';