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Ancient caementa vs modern cement

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This page is currently contradictory because it is using Vitruvius' definition of caementum (= 'rubble') but it is being used to mean 'cement' (i.e., any substance that solidifies and binds construction material together'). So 'cement' is the building opposite to caementa. There is also that Vitruvius always uses it in plural (off the top of my head -- need to double check), so I don't know if we can have caementa and caementum as two different entries?--Xaverius 07:53, 23 Aprilis 2018 (UTC)

Res variae aedificationis

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Esp Eng Vitr Vici ¿Propuesta?
Cemento Cement n/a caementum Ferrumen
Cemento Portland Portland cement n/a Ferrumen Portland (ob portlanditam)
clínker clinker n/a n/a clinker
hormigón concrete ? rudus concretum rudus concretum
opus sgninum opus signinum n/a n/a opus signinum
mortero de cal lime mortar calx (II.5) mortarium (concretum) Calx (mortarium)
opus caementicium roman concrete n/a n/a opus caementicium
encalado lime wash n/a n/a dealbatus
cal viva quick lime calx viva (II.5.1) n/a calx viva
cal apagada slaked lime calx exstincta (II.5.1) calx exstincta calx exstincta vel Portlandita
áridos aggregate harenna n/a Harenna (mortarium)
mampuesto rubble caementa (II.4.1) n/a caementa