Vicipaedia:Translatio lemmatis/en
This is the English translation of the parent page (as per revision 1895541[diff]).
It is proposed to translate a title, in parentheses with the language itself in a blue link, if, by nature, a title belongs to a certain language. The translation should also be a link to the article in the Wikipedia of the language in question:
- Circuitus Franciae (Francogallice: Tour de France) . . .
If a title is a compound word, you should translate the parts:
- Psychologia (Graece: [ψυχή] Error: {{Lang}}: text has italic markup (help) [psyche] 'mens' + [λογία] Error: {{Lang}}: text has italic markup (help) [logia] 'studium') . . .
If the title is a foreign word, and therefore indeclinable, give the IPA, using {{IPA}}
- Portmanteau (per IPA pronuntiatur: /pɔːtˈmæntəʊ/ RP, /pɔːrtˈmæntoʊ/ US) . . .