
Infraclassis : Palaeognathae
Ordo : Apterygiformes
Haeckel, 1866
Familia : Apterygidae
Gray, 1840[1]
Genus : Apteryx
Shaw, 1813[1]
Kiwi Verheyen, 1960

Apteryx est genus avium sine volatu, quae in Nova Zelandia endemicae sunt. Solum genus familiae Apterygidarum et ordinis Apterygiformium est. Apteryges, magnitudine galli fere, multo minimae aves infraclassis Palaeognatharum sunt, quae etiam struthiones camelos, dromaios novaehollandiae, rheas, et casuarios comprehendit.
Ovum Apterygis est unum ex maximis ad magnitudinem adulti corporis pertinens (usque ad 20 centesimas ponderis feminae) ullius speciei avium descriptae.[3] Propter alias Apterygis adaptationes unicas, praecipue pennas capillaceas, crura brevia et pinguia, ac nares in extremo rostro longissimo, quibus praeda non visa detegitur, hae aves notissimae inter multas civitates sunt. Apteryx quidem icon Novae Zelandiae est, tam clarissima quam kiwi, suum nomen Maorianum, demonymum hominum Novae Zelandiae facta est.[4]
Typus generis est Apteryx australis (Shaw, 1813).
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Brands, Sheila (14 Augusti 2008). "Systema Naturae 2000 / Classification, Family Apterygidae". Project: The Taxonomicon.
- ↑ Lapsus in citando: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs namedICZN1916
- ↑ "Birds: Kiwi". San Diego Zoo
- ↑ "Kiwis/Kiwi - New Zealand Immigration Service (Summary of Terms)". Glossary.immigration.govt.nz.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Burbidge, M. L., R. M. Colbourne, H. A. Robertson, et A. J. Baker. 2003. "Molecular and other biological evidence supports the recognition of at least three species of brown kiwi." Conservation Genetics 4 (2): 167–77. Editio interretialis.
- Cooper, Alan, et al. 2001. "Complete mitochondrial genome sequences of two extinct moas clarify ratite evolution." Nature 409: 704–707.
- Ho;tzapfel, Sebastian (Avi), et al. 2008. Kiwi (Apteryx spp.) recovery plan, 2008-2018. Vellingtoniae Novae Zelandiae: Public Team, Department of Conservation. ISBN 9780478145236.
- Le Duc, D., G. Renaud, A. Krishnan, M.S. Almen, L. Huynen, S. J. Prohaska, M. Ongyerth, B. D. Bitarello, H. B. Schioth, M. Hofreiter, et al. 2015. "Kiwi genome provides insights into the evolution of a nocturnal lifestyle.: Genome Biology 16: 147–62.
- Marsh, Sid. 2005. Kiwi hunter: endangered icons: the view from ground level. Aucopoli: Halycon Press. ISBN 1877256528.
- Peat, Neville. 1999. Kiwi: New Zealand's remarkable bird. Aucopoli: ISBN 1869620461.
- Peat, Neville. 2006. Kiwi: the people's bird. Dunedin Novae Zelandiae: Otago University Press. ISBN 1877372366, ISBN 9781877372360.
Nexus externi
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Situs scientifici: • ITIS • NCBI • Biodiversity • Fossilworks |
- SavetheKiwi.org "Producing an Egg"
- "Kiwi (Apteryx spp.) recovery plan 2008–2018. (Threatened Species Recovery Plan 60)". Vellingtoniae Nobvae Zelandiae: Department of Conservation. 2008
- "Great Spotted Kiwi", Species: birds, ARKive.
- "Land birds: Kiwi", Native animals: birds, Nova Zelandia: Department of Conservation.
- Kiwi recovery, Nova Zelandia: BNZ Save The Kiwi Trust.
- Kiwi, TerraNature.
- How the Kiwi Lost his Wings (Maori legend), /hoopermuseum.earthsci.carleton.ca.
- "Kiwi", Te Ara – the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, NZ: The Government.
- "North Island Brown Kiwi feeding in the wild", YouTube (daylight video).
- Pests & threats, Taranaki Kiwi Trust.
- "Case studies on 1080: the facts", 1080 and kiwi, Nova Zelandia: 1080 facts.