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Disputatio:Gerasimus Lebedev

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Gerasimus Lebedev fuit pagina mensis Maii 2014.

I made some minor corrections, some of which I explain below. I think there are still some other sentences someone ought to look at, but I'm no Latin teacher so I don't know how to correct them, and also I unfortunately don't speak Russian so I can't check the original version.

”Etiam celebrus est sicut praecursor dramaturgiae Bengalicae”: This is probably ment to mean ”...as a pioneer...” In Latin you don't have to translate the preposition ”as” in this case. Just ”Etiam celebrus est praecursor dramaturgiae Bengalicae” is enough. Of course you could write ”Etiam celebrus factus est praecursor dramaturgiae Bengalicae” - ”He became famous as a pioneer”. There was also a sentence with ”sicut musicus agens” where I removed the sicut, but I'm not sure about that agens verb there, maybe someone else could take a look on that.

”Quando quindecim agebat annos”: I don't think quando is used in a place like this, but cum with the subjunctive is used. Also I don't think I've seen a construction ”annos agere”; I would say ”Cum quindem annos natus esset”. But of course, I don't know all Latin idioms. :)

”Quando Londonium iit” → ”Cum Londonium iret”. Same as above. Φιλέτυμος (disputatio) 10:45, 19 Iunii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Salve Philetyme! Yes, I got stuck on "as", but I think with the corrections that you and Iacobus made, it looks good now. The Russian was literally "He lived 12 years in India, appearing as a musician-performer and teaching music." I changed one part to "musicam canens", which I hope is close enough. Cum is definitely better than quando; I think I got swayed by Romance languages there. "X agebat annos" is from this Russian-Latin dictionary ("he was 19 years old = decem et novem agebat annos"), but Lewis & Short say to use it with an ordinal, so I tried to fix it to match their quote from Cicero. Multas gratias tibi ago!

paucae adnotationes

[fontem recensere]

Salve! Ad locutiones aliquas addo commentariolum, sicut tu optasti:

aliquo vexatus: vis dicere ab aliquo <sc. homine> aut aliqua re vexatus? - unum conditorem theatri Russici: nisi vis dicere unum et unicum conditorem, auctores boni, utentes unus/a/um, solent dicere unum ex/de conditoribus ... - pereregrinandum perrexit: pergere cum infinitivo coniungi solet: peregrinari perrexit - heredi introductus est: fortasse melius ad heredem (vel: heredi praesentatus est?) - pro quindecim annos agens dici solet sextum decimum annum agens. - Bavarese (disputatio) 11:23, 19 Iunii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Salve amice Bavariensis! Commentarii tua utilissima sunt, et mutationes feci. Gratias tibi ago. Vale, Lesgles (disputatio) 19:25, 19 Iunii 2013 (UTC)[reply]