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Franciscus Bowen

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Franciscus Bowen.

Franciscus Bowen (Carolopoli Massachusettae, 8 Septembris 1811; Bostoniae, 22 Ianuarii 1890) fuit philosophus Americanus, scriptor, et educationalista. Edidit et possedit periodicum North American Review ab anno 1843 ad 1854, fuit. Annis 1848 et 1849 acroases habuit in Instituto Lowelliano de scientiis metaphysica et ethica erga indicia religionis. Acroases ibi iterum habuit hieme 1850, de oeconomia politica, at anno 1852 ed origine de evolutione constitutionum Americanae et Britannicae. In philosophia et metaphysica, Bowen opinionibus Georgii Berkeley et Ioannis Locke favebat, contra Immanuelem Kantium, Ioannem Fichtium, Victorem Cousin, Augustum Comte, et Ioannem Stuart Mill.[1]

  • Vitae Gulielmi Phips Equitis (1837), Baronis de Steuben (1838), Iacobi Otis (1846), et Beniamini Lincoln (1847) in Jared Sparks Library of American Biography
  • Virgil, with English Notes (Bostoniae, 1842)
  • Critical Essays on the History and Present Condition of Speculative Philosophy (Bostoniae, 1842)
  • Lectures on the “Application of Metaphysical and Ethical Science to the Evidences of Religion” (Lowell Institute Lectures, 1849; ed. retractata 1855)
  • Lectures on Political Economy (1850)
  • Dugald Stewart, Philosophy of the Human Mind, editor (1854)
  • Documents of the Constitution of England and America, from Magna Charta to the Federal Constitution of 1789 (Cantabrigiae, 1854)
  • The Principles of Political Economy applied to the Condition, Resources and Institutions of the American People (1856)
  • Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, Henricus Reeve, tr., editio retractata (2 vol., Cantabrigiae, 1862)
  • A Treatise on Logic (1864)
  • American Political Economy, with remarks on the finances since the beginning of the Civil War (1870)
  • Modern Philosophy from Descartes to Schopenhauer and Hartmann (1877)
  • Gleanings from a Literary Life, 1838-1880 (1880).
  • A Layman's Study of the English Bible, considered in its Literary and Secular Aspect (1886)
  • A Theory of Creation: A Review of 'Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation authored by Robert Chambers in 1844' (1845)
  1. Bowen 1905.

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