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Hugo Henricus Brackenridge

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Hugo Henricus Brackenridge, unus ex primis scriptoribus mythistoriarum Americanis et Universitatis Pittsburgi conditor.

Hugo Henricus Brackenridge (1748—25 Iunii 1816) fuit scriptor, poeta, causidicus, et iudex Americanus, iudex Iudicii Supremi Pennsilvaniae, qui incola finium prope Pittsburgum Pennsylvaniae condidit Academiam Pittsburgense, nunc Universitatem Pittsburgi, et Pittsburgh Gazette, diarium iam editiones quotidianas nomine Pittsburgh Post-Gazette proferens.

Opera selecta

[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • 1776. The Battle of Bunkers-Hill: A Dramatic Piece, of Five Acts, tragoedia versu blanco scripta (Philadelphiae: Robert Bell, 1776).
  • 1777. The Death of General Montgomery at the Siege of Quebec, drama patrioticum
  • 1783. Indian Atrocities: Narratives of the Perils and Sufferings of Dr. Knight and John Slover, among the Indians during the Revolutionary War, with Short Memoirs of Col. Crawford & John Slover. Iterum prolatus Cincinnati, 1867.
  • 1792. Modern Chivalry, duae mythistoriae satiricae serialis partes.
  • 1795. Incidents of the Insurrection in the Western Parts of Pennsylvania, historia
  • 1814 Law Miscellanies.
  • 1815. Modern Chivalry. Mythistoria quattuor voluminibus prolata.


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Alberts, Robert C. 1987. Pitt: The Story of the University of Pittsburgh 1787–1987. Pittsburgi: University of Pittsburgh Press. ISBN 0-8229-1150-7.
  • Jeartman, Charles Frederick. 1968. A Bibliograpghy of the Writings of Hugh Henry Brackenridge prior to 1825. Novi Eboraci: B. Franklin.
  • Lachenmann, Frauke. 2007. Hugh Henry Brackenridge: Richter, Republikaner, Man of Letters. Paderborn: F. Schoeningh. ISBN 9783506756381.
  • Marder, Daniel. 1967. Hugh Henry Brackenridge. Noci Eboraci: Twayne Publishers.
  • Newlin, Claude Milton. 1971. The Life and Writings of Hugh Henry Brackenridge. Mamaroneck Novi Eboraci: P. P. Appel. ISBN 0911858202.
  • O'Toole, James. 2000. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Profile of Its Founder Hugh Henry Brackenridge.
  • Wood, Gordon S. 2009. Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789–1815. Oxoniae: Oxford University Press.

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