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Quomodo Alexander educatus sit

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Alexandri Magni imago ab eruditis Pyrgoteli, regis ipsius sculptori, adscripta, et fortasse circa annum 325 facta

Quomodo Alexander educatus sit (Graece Πῶς Ἀλέξανδρος ἤχθη) fuit opus ab Onesicrito Astypalaeensi scriptum, hodie deperditum, de rebus gestis Alexandri Macedonis. Magna pars libri quindecimi Geographicae Strabonis, ubi de India disserit, e citationibus Onesicriti demitur; etiam Plinius maior in Naturali historia saepe opus Onesicriti citat.

Ex opere Onesicriti (una cum Clitarchi Historiae Alexandri) provenit historia de Alexandri cum Thalestride Amazonum regina amoribus (F 1).[1] Fertur Lysimachum regem, Onesicrito librum suum quartum praelegente de Alexandri cum Thalestride Amazonum regina amoribus, "Quaeso," dixisse, "ubinam ego illo die eram?"[2]

Hic index fragmentorum ex editione Felicis Jacoby trahitur:

  1. Strabo, Geographica 11.5.4; Plutarchus, Alexander 46
  2. Plutarchus, Vita Alexandri 46
  3. Hamilton (1969) pp. 123-127
  4. Hamilton (1969) pp. 179-180; Richard Stoneman, "Naked Philosophers: The Brahmans in the Alexander Historians and the Alexander Romance" in Journal of Hellenic Studies vol. 115 (1995) pp. 99-114 JSTOR
  5. W. Wagner, Trois poèmes grecs (Berolini, 1881) p. 57 vv. 29-40


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Editiones fragmentorum
  • Fridericus Dübner, Carolus Mullerus, edd., Arriani Anabasis et Indica; reliqua Arriani et scriptores de rebus Alexandri Magni; Pseudo-Callisthenis historia fabulosa (Parisiis: Didot, 1846) Textus fasc. 2 pp. 47-57 (vide pp. 417-427 versionis archive.org) (Graece, Latine)
  • Robertus Geier, Alexandri M. historiarum scriptores aetate suppares (Lipsiae: Gebauer, 1844) pp. 74-108 (Graece, Latine) Textus
  • Felix Jacoby, Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (Lugduni Batavorum: Brill, 1923- ) no. 134 (Graece)
  • C. A. Robinson Jr, Alexander the Great (Novi Eboraci, 1947) pp. 149-166
  • Michael Whitby, "134: Onesicritus" (2011) in Ian Worthington et al., edd., Jacoby Online vel BNJ (situs venalis)
  • E. Badian, recensio operis Pearson (1960) in Gnomon vol. 33 (1961) pp. 660-667; reimpressa in E. Badian, Studies in Greek and Roman history (Oxoniae: Blackwell, 1964) pp. 250-261, vide pp. 254-255
  • Elizabeth Baynham, "The ancient evidence for Alexander the Great" in J. Roisman, ed., Brill's Companion to Alexander the Great (Lugduni Batavorum: Brill, 2003) pp. 3–29
  • Reinhold Bichler, "On the traces of Onesicritus: some historiographical aspects of Alexander’s Indian campaign" in Krzysztof Nawotka et al., edd., The Historiography of Alexander the Great (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2018) pp. 51-69 Textus
  • A. Brian Bosworth, "Aristotle, India and the Alexander Historians" in Topoi. Orient-Occident vol. 3 no. 2 (1993) pp. 407-424
  • A. B. Bosworth, E. J. Baynham, edd., Alexander the Great in fact and fiction (Oxonii: Oxford University Press, 2000)
  • Truesdell S. Brown, Onesicritus: a study in Hellenistic historiography. Berkeley, 1949
  • J. R. Hamilton, "Cleitarchus and Aristobulus" in Historia vol. 10 (1961) pp. 448-458, vide pp. 457-458 JSTOR
  • J. R. Hamilton, Plutarch: Alexander. A commentary (Oxonii: Clarendon Press, 1969) pp. lvi-lvii et alibi
  • Sabine Müller, "Onesikritos und das Achaimenidenreich" in Anabasis vol. 2 (2012)
  • Lionel Pearson, The lost histories of Alexander the Great (Novi Eboraci, 1960) pp. 83-111
  • Paul Pédech, Historiens compagnons d'Alexandre (Lutetiae: Les Belles Lettres, 1984) pp. 71-158
  • W. W. Tarn, Alexander the Great. Vol. 2: Sources and studies (Cantabrigiae, 1948)
  • Andrea Zambrini, "The historians of Alexander the Great" in John Marincola, ed., A companion to Greek and Roman historiography (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) pp. 210-220

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