(Redirectum de VP:A)
Haec pagina est de usu verbi Articulus. Vide etiam Vicipaedia:Pagina.
Quaestio[fontem recensere]
Responsum[fontem recensere]
English This page is about the use of the word Articulus. See also Vicipaedia:Pagina. Question
[fontem recensere]Lewis et Short
[fontem recensere]Summarium commentationis Lewis et Short (ibi vide etiam Du Cangii commentationem):
I. Lit.
- A. a small member connecting various parts of the body, a joint, knot , knuckle.
- B. With an extension of the idea, a limb , member, in gen
II. Trop.
- A. Of discourse, a member , part , division. — Hence, a short clause… ; also, a single word … —In gram. the pronn. hic and quis … the article
- B. Of time.
- 1. A point of time , a moment
- 2. A space , division of time
- C. Of other abstract things, part , division , point
Vide N 2 1 NOM S M articulus, articuli N M [XXXAO] joint; portion of limb/finger between joints; part; (critical) moment; crisis; point of time; (Vulgate);
Collins Latin Dictionary
[fontem recensere]articulus, -i m joint, knuckle, limb; (words) clause; (time) point, turning point; in ipso ~o temporis in the nick of time.
[fontem recensere]Disputatio de hac re agitur continenter, vide Disputatio Vicipaediae:Articulus.