Robertus Kelly (poeta)

Robertus Kelly (natus Brooklynii Novi Eboraci 24 Septembris 1935) est poeta Americanus qui grege imaginis profundae familiariter utitur.[1] Plus quam quinquaginta libros poematum protulit. Uxor est Carlotta Mandell interpres.
Cursus vitae
[recensere | fontem recensere]De scriptoribus qui eum moverunt, Kelly dicit:
Volo dicere nomina magistrorum maximorum ex quibus didici quod potui, et iam disco. Coleridge. Baudelaire. Pound. Apollinaire. Vergilius. Aeschylus. Dantes. Chaucer. Shakesperius. Dryden. Lorca. Rilke. Hoelderlinus. Stevens. Stein. Duncan. Olson. Williams. Blackburn. Solum mortuos nomino: mortui semper alii sunt, semper mutantes. Eos ordine nomino plus minusve cum per vitam meam advenerunt ut me docerent.[2]
Libri poematum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Armed Descent. Novi Eboraci: Hawk's Well Press, 1961.
- Her Body Against Time. Mexicopoi: Ediciones El Corno Emplumado, 1963.
- Round Dances. Novi Eboraci: Trobar Press, 1964.
- Enstasy. Annandale: Matter, 1964.
- Lunes/Sightings. Cum Jerome Rothenberg. Novi Eboraci: Hawk's Well Press, 1964.
- Words in Service. Portu Novo: Robert Lamberton, 1966.
- Weeks. Mexicopoli: Ediciones El Corno Emplumado, 1966.
- Song XXIV. Cantabrigiae: Pym-Randall Press, 1966.
- Devotions. Annandale: Salitter, 1967.
- Twenty Poems. Annandale: Matter Books, 1967.
- Axon Dendron Tree. Annandale: Salitter, 1967.
- Crooked Bridge Love Society. Annandale: Salitter, 1967.
- A Joining: A Sequence for H:D:. Angelopoli: Black Sparrow Press, 1967.
- Alpha. Gambier Ohii: The Pot Hanger Press, 1967.
- Finding the Measure. Angelopoli: Black Sparrow Press, 1968.
- Sonnets. Angelopoli Black Sparrow Press, 1968.
- Songs I-XXX. Cantabrigiae: Pym-Randall Press, 1968.
- The Common Shore. Libri 1-5. Angelopoli: Black Sparrow Press, 1969.
- A California Journal. Londinii: Big Venus Books, 1969.
- Kali Yuga. Londinii: Jonathan Cape, 1970. A Cape Goliard Book.
- Flesh Dream Book. Angelopoli: Black Sparrow Press, 1971.
- In Time. West Newbury: Frontier Press,1971
- Cities. West Newbury: Frontier Press, 1972.
- Ralegh. Angelopolu: Black Sparrow Press, 1972.
- The Pastorals. Angelopoli: Black Sparrow Press, 1972.
- Reading Her Notes. Uniondale: privatim impressus apud Salisbury Press, 1972.
- The Tears of Edmund Burke. Annandale, privatim impressus, 1973.
- The Mill of Particulars. Angelopoli: Black Sparrow Press, 1973.
- The Loom. Angelopoli: Black Sparrow Press, 1975.
- Sixteen Odes. Angelopoli: Black Sparrow Press, 1976.
- The Lady Of. Angelopoli: Black Sparrow Press, 1977.
- The Convections. Barbaropoli: Black Sparrow Press, 1977.
- The Book of Persephone. New Paltz: Treacle Press, 1978.
- Kill the Messenger. Barbaropoli: Black Sparrow Press, 1979.
- The Cruise of the Pnyx. Barrytown: Station Hill Press, 1979.
- Sentence. Barrytown: Station Hill Press, 1980.
- Spiritual Exercises. Barbaropoli: Black Sparrow Press, 1981.
- The Alchemist to Mercury: an alternate opus. Poemata non collecta, 1960-1980, ed. Jed Rasula. Berkeleiae: North Atlantic Books, 1981.
- Mulberry Women. Drypoint a Matt Phillips. Berkeliae: Hiersoux, Powers, Thomas, 1982.
- Under Words. Barbaropoli: Black Sparrow Press, 1983.
- Thor's Thrush. Quercupoli: The Coincidence Press, 1984.
- Not this Island Music. Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1987.
- The Flowers of Unceasing Coincidence. Barrytown: Station Hill Press, 1988.
- Oahu. Rhinebeck: St Lazaire Press, 1988.
- Ariadne. Rhinebeck: St Lazaire Press, 1991.
- Manifesto for the Next New York School. Buffalo: Leave Press, 1991.
- A Strange Market. Poemata 1985-1988. Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1992.
- Mont Blanc. Poema longum intra poema Shelleyanum inscriptum. Ann Arbor, Otherwind Press, 1994.
- Red Actions: Selected Poems 1960-1993. Santa Rosa, Black Sparrow Press,1995.
- The Time of Voice, Poems 1994-1996. Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press. 1998. ISBN 978-1-57423-079-6
- Runes. Ann Arbor, Otherwind Press, 1999.
- The Garden of Distances. Cum Brigitte Mahlknecht. Vindobonae et Lana: Editions Procura, 1999.
- Unquell the Dawn Now: a collaboration with Friedrich Holderlin Schuldt. McPherson, 1999.
- Lapis. Black Sparrow Press. 2005. ISBN 978-1-57423-186-1
- Shame = Scham: a collaboration with Birgit Kempker. McPherson, 2005.
- Samphire. Backwoods Broadsides Chaplet Series Nº 97, 2006.
- Threads. First Intensity Press, 2006.
- May Day. Parsifal Editions, 2006.
- SAINTE–TERRE or The White Stone. Woodstock: Shivastan Publishing, 2006.
- Fire Exit. Bostoniae: Black Widow Press, 2009.
- Uncertainties. Barrytown: Station Hill Press, 2011.
- Winter Music. Cum Susan Quasha. Barrytown: 'T'Space with Station Hill Press, 2014.
- The Color Mill. Cum Nathlie Provosty. Novi Eboraci: Spuyten Duyvil, 2014.
- The Language of Eden. Metambesen, 2014.
- Answer the Light. Cum Sherry Williams, Metambesen, 2014.
- Claws. with Barbara Leon, Metambesen, 2014.
- A Break in the Weather. Metambesen, 2014.
Oratio soluta
[recensere | fontem recensere]- The Scorpions. Garden City: Doubleday, 1967.
- A Transparent Tree. Kingstoniae: McPherson & Company, 1985.
- The Scorpions (ed. nova). Barrytown: Station Hill Press, 1985.
- Doctor of Silence. Kingstoniae: McPherson & Company, 1988.
- Cat Scratch Fever. Kingstoniae: McPherson & Company, 1990.
- Queen of Terrors. Kingstoniae: McPherson & Company, 1994.
- The Book from the Sky. Berkeleiae: North Atlantic Books, 2008.
- The Logic of the World. Kingstoniae: McPherson & Company, 2010.
Ludi scaenici
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Oedipus after Colonus, and other plays. Novi Eboraci: Dr. Cicero Books, 2014.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- A Controversy of Poets: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry. Ed. cum Paris Leary. Garden City: Doubleday, 1965.
- A Voice Full of Cities: The Collected Essays of Robert Kelly. Ed. cum Pierre Joris et Peter Cockelbergh. Novi Eboraci: Contra Mundum Press, 2014.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ↑ Biographia,
- ↑ Anglice: ″I want to say the names of the great teachers from whom I learned what I could, and still am learning. Coleridge. Baudelaire. Pound. Apollinaire. Virgil. Aeschylus. Dante. Chaucer. Shakespeare. Dryden. Lorca. Rilke. Hölderlin. Stevens. Stein. Duncan. Olson. Williams. Blackburn. I mention only the dead, the dead are always different, and always changing. I mention them more or less in the order of when they came along in my life to teach me.″
Nexus externi
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Situs proprius,
- Situs proprius, (Robert Kelly)
- Situs proprius, (Robert Kelly)
- Nati 1935
- Homines vivi
- Alumni Universitatis Buffalonensis
- Alumni Universitatis Columbiae
- Alumni Universitatis Urbis Novi Eboraci
- Auctores Anglici
- Incolae Novi Eboraci
- Interpretes Civitatum Foederatarum
- Poetae Civitatum Foederatarum
- Professores Collegii Bardiani
- Professores Universitatis Tuftensis
- Scriptores Civitatum Foederatarum
- Scriptores scaenici