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Vicipaedia:Taberna/Tabularium 22

E Vicipaedia

Disputationes antiquae

Hoc est tabularium antiquarum disputationum. Non est recensendum.

Sententiae hic collectae inter dies et scriptae sunt.

Hampton Court

Quaesivi nomen Latinum huius palatii Anglici. Per Google tria exempla verborum "aula regia Hamptoniensi" (abl.) et duo "palatio Hamptoniensi" (abl.) nuper repperi. An quis fontem meliorem invenire potest? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:51, 26 Decembris 2013 (UTC)

Salve Andrea, et "Hampton curia" et "Curia Hamptonia" apud Google-(Books) inveniuntur. Vale! Laurentianus (disputatio) 11:27, 10 Iunii 2014 (UTC)
Etiam "Hamptoniam curiam" (acc.) ibi invenies in quibusdam rebus gestis sub anno 1617 relatis. Laurentianus (disputatio) 15:34, 10 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

Quaestio de nexibus intervicis

Salve. Non fungit de nexibus intervicis addendis commentationibus "Ask et Embla" et "Diddy Kong (creatura ficta)". Quaeso adiuva. -- Donatello (disputatio) 04:26, 1 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC).

Quaestionem tuam non intellego, mi Donatello. An exstant paginae tales in aliis Vicipaediis? Si sic, oportet, sicut semper, paginas nostras apud Wikidata inserere. Si non iam exstant, potes {{Nexus desiderati}} in {{Nexus absunt}} mutare. Si male respondi, explica, s.t.p.! Felicem annum 2014! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 10:08, 1 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)
Donatello, Sk!dbot (die 7 Maii 2013) falsum nexum intervicialem creaverat commentationi "Ask et Embla". Nexum per Wikidatam delendam curavi et verum nexum restitui. Etiam "Diddy Kong" nunc nexus interviciales habet. Neander (disputatio) 14:05, 1 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)
Illo modo erat. :) Gratias tibi Neander. -- Donatello (disputatio) 16:33, 1 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC).

"Droga, -ae" = Psychotropic drug?

Sigrides Albert scripsit in commentario Voce Latina (2013, Vol. 49 Fasc. 193, pagina 433) de duce syndicatús drogarum capto. Habemusne novum verbum quod medicamentum psychotropicum significat? --Robert.Baruch (disputatio) 04:13, 2 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)

E fontibus mediaevalibus habemus verbum "drogaria" (sed ex uno textu tantum, anni 1526, vide hic). "Droga" Latine nunquam vidi. Alii fortasse aliter, sed ego usor verbo "medicamentum" ad res in medicina utiles appellandas, "pharmacum" ad res noxias aut proprietatibus haud medicis instructas.
Gratias tibi ago, Roberte, propter paginam tuam Usor:Robert.Baruch/Lexicon Nominorum Locorum. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:29, 2 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)
Mihi quidem videtur fieri posse, ut droga, vocabulum quasi derivativo drogariae involutum, iam aevo medio exstitisset, quamquam hoc testimonium "circumstantiale" tantum habemus, affinibus verbis (ut Gallico drogue [1462], Catalano droga [1437], etc) corroboratum. Sed medio aevo, ut videtur, quamlibet rem ad medicamentum adhibitum significabat. ¶ Droga 'drugs' utique in lexicis recentis Latinitatis (Pitkäranta, Vilborg) praebetur, quod certe opus est vocabulo, quo "medicamenta stupefactiva" (ut ait Vilborg) breviter & diserte denotentur (ut apud Sigridem Albert in loco laudato). Neander (disputatio) 12:50, 2 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)
Reperitur vocabulum droga in textis Renascentiae, e.g. hic. Ut dicit autem Neander, medicamentum significare videtur (in lingua Anglica ambiguitas similis est, cf. "pharmaceutical drugs"). Si argumentum sententiae clarum est, quid dicitis de stupefactivo vel psychotropico, adiectivis substantivis, medicamento intellecto? Lesgles (disputatio) 15:50, 2 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)
Non credo verbum "droga" sensum malum in se capere; droga videtur esse substantia ex qua medicamenta preparentur, et hoc sensu fere idem ac medicamentum valet, bonum et malum, nonne? Pharmacum autem sensum malum (physcotropica vel stupefactiva droga) bene capit et satis bene attestatum habetur.-- 17:00, 2 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)
Fortasse, si Romano more scribere velis, potio ad animum movendum? inquit M. Caecilius, ecce disputatio 11:29, 2 Maii 2014 (UTC)
In libris artis pharmaceuticae usque ad hoc fere tempus leguntur opiata. Laurentianus (disputatio) 12:04, 10 Iunii 2014 (UTC)


Ego paginam eram legendum et ego hoc invenivi:

"Argentum (-i, n.) est elementum chemicum cui sunt signum chemicum Ag (ex radice Indo-Europaea *arg- 'canus, fulgens') et numerus atomicus 47."

Non haberet esse:

"Argentum (-i, n.) est elementum chemicum qui sunt signum chemicum Ag (ex radice Indo-Europaea *arg- 'canus, fulgens') et numerus atomicus 47."

JuanMartinExeni (disputatio) 18:51, 7 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)

Argentum neutrum singulare nomen est. Dativus+sum recte ponitur cum possessio exprimatur: rectius erit igitur
"Argentum (-i, n.) elementum chemicum est cui signum chemicum Ag (ex radice Indo-Europaea *arg- 'canus, fulgens') est et numerus atomicus 47."
Si vis duplex est emendari potest in singulum:
"Argentum (-i, n.) elementum chemicum cui signum chemicum Ag (ex radice Indo-Europaea *arg- 'canus, fulgens') est et numerus atomicus 47."

sed obscurior tironibus forsitan erit.

εΔω ex Italiano Vicifonte.
Duae annotationes: primo, profecto dativus possessivus est; secundo, quod attinet ad ordinem verborum, memoria tenete verbum temporale non semper in extrema sententia esse debere. Etenim verbum esse huius est bonum exemplum. Cum dicunt Bradley & Arnold, "Sum, when used as a linking verb, rarely comes last." Lesgles (disputatio) 18:00, 9 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)

Office hours in IRC to talk about VisualEditor

(I tried to see what Google Translate would do, but it was so bad that even I could tell it was wrong. Please translate this message so other people can read it. Thanks!)


The engineering department will hold office hours to discuss VisualEditor at these times:

Product Manager James Forrester will discuss VisualEditor and answer questions. Logs will be posted on Meta after each office hour completes. If you want to ask a question and cannot attend or do not speak English, please leave a message on my user talk page or send e-mail to me. Whatamidoing (WMF) (disputatio) 22:52, 9 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)

Also, please remember that VisualEditor will be turned on for everyone here this Monday, 15 January, a few hours before the first office hour meeting on IRC. Whatamidoing (WMF) (disputatio) 22:57, 9 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)

Request for comment on Commons: Should Wikimedia support MP4 video?

I apologize for this message being only in English. Please translate it if needed to help your community.

The Wikimedia Foundation's multimedia team seeks community guidance on a proposal to support the MP4 video format. This digital video standard is used widely around the world to record, edit and watch videos on mobile phones, desktop computers and home video devices. It is also known as H.264/MPEG-4 or AVC.

Supporting the MP4 format would make it much easier for our users to view and contribute video on Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects -- and video files could be offered in dual formats on our sites, so we could continue to support current open formats (WebM and Ogg Theora).

However, MP4 is a patent-encumbered format, and using a proprietary format would be a departure from our current practice of only supporting open formats on our sites -- even though the licenses appear to have acceptable legal terms, with only a small fee required.

We would appreciate your guidance on whether or not to support MP4. Our Request for Comments presents views both in favor and against MP4 support, based on opinions we’ve heard in our discussions with community and team members.

Please join this RfC -- and share your advice.

All users are welcome to participate, whether you are active on Commons, Wikipedia, other Wikimedia project -- or any site that uses content from our free media repository.

You are also welcome to join tomorrow's Office hours chat on IRC, this Thursday, January 16, at 19:00 UTC, if you would like to discuss this project with our team and other community members.

We look forward to a constructive discussion with you, so we can make a more informed decision together on this important topic. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 06:47, 16 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)

Rename request

Would you mind renaming me to Jakec? Thanks. King jakob c 2 (disputatio) 02:03, 17 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)

Museum Historiae Naturalis (Vidobona) - Museum historiae naturalis Vindobonense

Duas commentationes de Museo historiae naturalis Vindobonensi habemus, quod per errorem alteram coepi (Museum Historiae Naturalis (Vindobona))) - Dubium non est, quin coniungendae sint, sed qualis titulus praeferendus est?--Utilo (disputatio) 13:31, 25 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)

Salve Utilo. Aliquando tale fietur. Naturhistorisches Museum Wien vocatur, et aliquando Naturhistorisches Museum, ita "Museum Historiae Naturalis Vindobonense" vel litteris minusculis "Museum historiae naturalis Vindobonense" adhiberi oportet. -- Donatello (disputatio) 15:26, 25 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC).
gratias tibi ago - ergo "Museum Historiae Naturalis (Vindobona)" ad alteram movebo ...--Utilo (disputatio) 15:00, 27 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)

Nuntii blogosphaerici de Vicipaedia

Videte, o amici, commentatiunculam Danielis Fattorii de Vicipaedia nostra paginaque Nabilla Benattia :)

De 100 000 paginis nostris vide etiam hanc commentationem Francogallicam. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:21, 28 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)

Paginae mensis

An quis aut proponere aut reicere vult paginas mensium Februarii, Martii etc.? Amabo vos, ite sine mora ad paginam "Disputatio Vicipaediae:Pagina mensis"! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 17:00, 28 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)

Aspectus pinacothecae

Salve. Quid censetis de his variis aspectibus duobus pinacothecae?

  1. Stella marina#Pinacotheca
  2. Angelopolis#Pinacotheca

Egomet genere primo bona video. Pulchre videt et minus spatium capit. In genere duo minus piuchre videt et maius spatium capit. At in ambibus seligere etiam potes quae magnitudo imaginum habere.

Donatello (disputatio) 03:07, 2 Februarii 2014 (UTC).

Mea sententia, plurimae pinacothecae multorum imaginum sunt movendae ad communia (vide commons:Starfish et commons:Los Angeles). --UV (disputatio) 13:24, 2 Februarii 2014 (UTC)

Chairman/chairwoman in Latin

Hello. Anybody who knows how we say "chairman"/"chairwoman" in Latin? -- Donatello (disputatio) 22:39, 14 Februarii 2014 (UTC).

Praeses, unless you mean someone who carries a sedan-chair, in which case the proper word is lecticarius. Lesgles (disputatio) 01:42, 15 Februarii 2014 (UTC)

Verba athletica

In commentatione David Prowse nobis necesse est verba Latina reperire ad Anglica "body-builder" et "weight-lifter" vertenda. Pro "weight-lifter" lingua Hispanica suggerit "halterophilus", neologismum (?) e Graeco confectum. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:53, 17 Februarii 2014 (UTC)

Nisi pro body-builder fons est, censeo "aedificator corporis" bene sonat, sed de "vir levationis ponderis" pro weight-lifter contentus recte non sum. Aliae rei, puto lingua latina e lingua graeca antiqua multa verba derivata habet, quid lingua minus latine facit. -- Donatello (disputatio) 17:12, 17 Februarii 2014 (UTC).
Ebbe Vilborg, Norstedts svensk-latinska ordbok (editio secunda, Norstedts akademiska förlag, Stockholm, 2009) praebet dictionem q.e. sui corporis cultor/cultrix (s.v. kroppsbyggare), quae (quamquam inverso verborum ordine) etiam apud Tuomo Pekkanen & Reijo Pitkäranta (Lexicon hodiernae Latinitatis Finno-Latino-Finnicum. Societas Litterarum Finnicarum, 2006) offertur (s.v. kehonrakentaja). Constat nostram linguam talibus vocabulis faciendis parum excellere. Neograece 'sui corporis cultus' σωματοδόμηση dicitur, sed quomodo verbum agentis formetur? Apud Graecos antiquos adiectivum σωματοπλαστικός invenitur, quod ad corpus formandum pertinet. Tullius, si nunc apud nos vivat, certe iocose saltem somatoplasticum talem dixerit hominem qui suum corpus satis superque formet. "Linguam in bucca" habens Neander (disputatio) 18:09, 17 Februarii 2014 (UTC)
Inventiones iucundae! Nonne σωματοδόμηση etiam suggerit somatodometor (dometor)? Sed mihi autem placet corporis cultor, qui "culturista" et variantes in pluribus linguis europaeis indicat. Traupman nihil pro "bodybuilding" sed pro "weight lifting" "sublatio libramentorum" dat (Bantam New College Dictionary, p. 700), ergo sublator libramentorum est possibilis. Lesgles (disputatio) 18:47, 17 Februarii 2014 (UTC)
Haud sciam an valeat Herculanus. Laurentianus (disputatio) 15:43, 10 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

Universal Language Selector will be enabled by default again on this wiki by 21 February 2014

On January 21 2014 the MediaWiki extension Universal Language Selector (ULS) was disabled on this wiki. A new preference was added for logged-in users to turn on ULS. This was done to prevent slow loading of pages due to ULS webfonts, a behaviour that had been observed by the Wikimedia Technical Operations team on some wikis.

We are now ready to enable ULS again. The temporary preference to enable ULS will be removed. A new checkbox has been added to the Language Panel to enable/disable font delivery. This will be unchecked by default for this wiki, but can be selected at any time by the users to enable webfonts. This is an interim solution while we improve the feature of webfonts delivery.

You can read the announcement and the development plan for more information. Apologies for writing this message only in English. Thank you. Runa 12:30, 19 February 2014‎ (UTC)

Amendment to the Terms of Use

Call for project ideas: funding is available for community experiments

I apologize if this message is not in your language. Please help translate it.

Do you have an idea for a project that could improve your community? Individual Engagement Grants from the Wikimedia Foundation help support individuals and small teams to organize experiments for 6 months. You can get funding to try out your idea for online community organizing, outreach, tool-building, or research to help make Vicipaedia better. In March, we’re looking for new project proposals.

Examples of past Individual Engagement Grant projects:

Proposals are due by 31 March 2014. There are a number of ways to get involved!

Hope to have your participation,

--Siko Bouterse, Head of Individual Engagement Grants, Wikimedia Foundation 19:44, 28 Februarii 2014 (UTC)

Ivus > Ivo?

Habemus vitas nonnullas hominum cuius praenomen est "Yves, Ivo" etc. Talia praenomina ad "Ivus" mutavimus, sed per errorem, nisi fallor. Nonne forma Latina "Ivo" est? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:40, 2 Martii 2014 (UTC)

+ Ives Goddard? Hoc Ives cum hives, non eaves, sonis congruit. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 15:53, 2 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Dubitatio de nomine tolli videtur oratione quadam Antonii Fernandi Hamyerle Laudatio in divum Ivonem ... Vindobonae anno 1739 dicta. - Bavarese (disputatio) 18:32, 2 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Forma vero recta pro Yves Francico et Ives Anglico Ivo, -onis videtur. Vide exempla "Sancti Ivonis" in libris Google. Lesgles (disputatio) 19:21, 2 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Macte! IacobusAmor (disputatio) 19:33, 2 Martii 2014 (UTC)

Formula pellicula

Dear Friends, I had to eliminate the changes Donatello did on February 28th, 2014 because otherwise the formula doesn't work. Could somebody help Donatello. Thanks--Helveticus montanus (disputatio) 10:34, 3 Martii 2014 (UTC)

I tried to improve the formula. It did not work in the beginning, but after hand I made it. :) But if you mean something else please tell. -- Donatello (disputatio) 00:52, 5 Martii 2014 (UTC).
Yes, it seems to work well now: it's true, it didn't work before. Thanks to both of you. There is one detail that could be improved: where a parameter has no contents, the formula should show nothing on the page: we don't want the empty parameter to appear. (See Sebastiane for an example: on the page it shows Factor: {{{Producer}}}: we don't want to see that.) I think this is done with the use of IF, but when I try, I always get it wrong. Can you do that, Donatello, or can someone else help? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:47, 5 Martii 2014 (UTC)
I have reverted it now. Yes, it's a good idea that those are hidden when they contain no text. Unfortunately I don't know how to do it. Might somebody help? -- Donatello (disputatio) 16:27, 5 Martii 2014 (UTC).
No, the latest version does not work and I have reverted it again. Donatello, if you change a formula, you need to go to "Nexus ad hanc paginam" (left side of the page), choose some random pages, and see whether the formula is still working properly. If it isn't, you have to revert your own edits and try again. Bad luck :( Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:19, 5 Martii 2014 (UTC)
My apologies: I thought I had reverted this, but I didn't. It is necessary to revert it: random checks show that it is not working. I will now do so. Donatello, please note what I say above: after making a change, you need to test the formula, not just on your latest page, but on some of the others too. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 19:18, 7 Martii 2014 (UTC)
(Just seeing this, a bit late to the party!) It's worth noting that you can test a formula even without saving the page. Use the "Preview page with this template" link at the bottom below the "save" button. Put in the name of a page that uses the template and you'll get an edit-preview page showing the template in situ, with the regular edit box below to fix whatever needs it. This is really useful for widely-used templates as you can tweak it, test it on a few pages, tweak it some more, test it again, and so on all without affecting anybody else until you're satisfied. It took me a long time to realize this feature was available, so I'm calling attention to it here to save others travail! A. Mahoney (disputatio) 21:52, 24 Maii 2014 (UTC)

Request for translation

Dear colleagues, please translate the article be:Рыгор Барадулін. Thank you in advance. --Rymchonak (disputatio) 11:24, 3 Martii 2014 (UTC)

Пачатак стварыў; глядзі Gregorius Baradulin. Lesgles (disputatio) 18:33, 5 Martii 2014 (UTC)

VisualEditor discussion

Please help me and your community by translating this message into Latin.


The Wikimedia Foundation's engineering department has scheduled office hours to discuss VisualEditor. Please join Product Manager James Forrester to discuss VisualEditor and upcoming plans.

These discussions will be on IRC (w:Internet Relay Chat) at irc://irc.freenode.net/wikimedia-office. For more information on office hours, including how to attend, please see meta:IRC office hours. Logs will be posted at Meta afterwards.

If office hours are heavily attended, it can be difficult to get to all questions, but if you want to ask a question and cannot attend or do not speak English, then please let me know your question on my talk page or via e-mail by the day before, and someone will add it to possible discussion topics.

Whatamidoing (WMF) (disputatio) 18:49, 5 Martii 2014 (UTC)

Voice actor/voice acting

Greetings. How do we say "voice actor" and "voice acting" in Latin? Do you think that actor vocalis et actus vocalis sound okey? "Voice acting" in Latin might be little tricky. -- Donatello (disputatio) 17:20, 7 Martii 2014 (UTC).

Iam habemus categoriam Categoria:Histriones vocales ubi duae paginae a te creatae enumerantur. An locutio melior reperiri potest, nescio. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:58, 7 Martii 2014 (UTC)


Adhuc commentationem de domicilio munito nobilis mediaevalis (d:Q23413, castle, château fort, Burg) non habemus, sed mihi desiderata videtur. Iam sunt Castellum (d:Q90754, redoubt) Arx (d:Q88291 citadel), Castrum (d:Q57831, fortress), et alii (vide Categoria:Aedificia bellica). Quomodo melius discernentur? Lesgles (disputatio) 22:28, 8 Martii 2014 (UTC)

Vide etiam disputationem veterem: Disputatio Formulae:Munimen. --UV (disputatio) 22:33, 8 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Gratias ago, disputationem non vidi. Etenim est pagina Castra mediaevalia (sine nexibus). Tamen nonne nomen singulare oportet (castrum/castellum/burgum mediaevale)? Lesgles (disputatio) 03:13, 10 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Professores mei olim dixerunt "castra" "pluralia tantum" esse, sed iam scio hoc cum Latinitate mediaevali non congruere. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:49, 10 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Ita, sed castra pluralia tantum secundum Lewis et Short potissime "camp" significare videtur. Ego quoque usum mediaevalem non multum cognosco, sed secundum L&S (castrum "more rare than castellum") et Du Cange ([1], [2]) leviter "castellum mediaevale" praeopto, sed non certus sum. Lesgles (disputatio) 23:50, 10 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Censeo te recte praeoptavisse! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:23, 11 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Formula:Munimen omne describit (usque et castra (pl) et castellum mediaevale =(anglice "Castle"); imprime buttonem "Monstrare" ut videas. Castra (pl. ad litteram "the fortifications") est verbum idiomaticum quod sensum "camp" vel rectius "military camp" capit propter ea quod Romani iter facientes olim semper tentoria inter moles, valla, et alia munimenta quadam die statuebant ita ut ipsi ab hostibus defendantur.-- 10:52, 13 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Ad castellum mediaevale movi et nexus ad d:Q23413 ('castle') addidi. Gratias ago omnibus! Lesgles (disputatio) 18:27, 26 Martii 2014 (UTC)

De commentationibus duoabus

Ave. Nomina Ioanna et Iohanna soli varii modi duo scribere sunt, ita fortasse commentationes Ioanna et Iohanna coniungere possumus? -- Donatello (disputatio) 03:42, 11 Martii 2014 (UTC).

Ita, Donatello, contribuere oportet! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 11:29, 11 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Date veniam sed ego non consentio. Videte quaeso quae his commentationibus continentur. Iohanna et Iohannes iam apud Hieronymum inveniuntur. Neander (disputatio) 14:04, 11 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Ah, bene. Duo nomina "Ioannam" et "Iohannam" esse dicis, Neander? Sub Iohanna origo plenius describitur, sub Ioanna brevissime. Ego (confiteor) variationem orthographicam hic vidi. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:24, 11 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Constat Iohannam et Ioannam ambo ex nomine Hebraico provenire sed eo differre, quà vià tradita sunt: rectà (ut fecit Hieronymus) an obliquà (per Graecam quae /h/ vocem non tolerat). Equidem negarim hic de nihilo nisi de variatione orthographica agi. Si enim de orthographica tantum variatione agatur, nihil obstet, quin Ioanna ad commentationem Iohanna reducatur. Sin autem putamus ita fieri non posse, nonne concludendum est non solum de voluntaria variatione orthographica sed etiam de differentia quadam semiotica agi? Ioanna Rowling scribitur, nec Iohanna Rowling, non quia brevius est sed, ut credo, quia Ioanna fidelius nomini Joanne respondet et congruit. Item Iohanna von Schoultz scribitur, quia Iohanna fidelius nomen Johanna reddit. Mihi quidem non videtur commendabile Johannam, nomen apud Finnos et Suecos usitatum, in Ioannam torqueri eà tantum causà, quod consequentiae cuidam serviat aut brevitati consulat. Neander (disputatio) 22:33, 11 Martii 2014 (UTC)
De torquendo quis hic loquitur? Si opus sit duas commentationes retinere, ita sit. Utile esse censes in commentatione Ioanna "Vide etiam Iohanna" scribere, et vicissim? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 10:32, 12 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Certe, hoc (id quod dicit Andrew) mihi utile videtur. Video autem nomina masculina eandem paginam habere, quod Iohannes redirigit ad Ioannes. Fortasse paginae omnium horum 4 nominum debent inter se iunctae esse? A. Mahoney (disputatio) 13:00, 12 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Sincere loquens necessitatem duarum (quattuor) paginarum non video. Duas formas aeque firma antiquaque agnosco, sed quis negabit nomen essentiâ unum esse (non Hieronymus, nisi fallor)? Commentarium de orthographia iucundum est et debet conservari, sed propositum commentationis encyclopaedicae separatae non explet (content forking cavere debemus). Mea sententia, opus est una pagina, parte de orthographia praedita. Alia est quaestio de orthographia in titulis paginarum biographicarum (Rowling etc.), quae antea multum disputata est (vide Vicipaedia:Taberna/Tabularium 18#Categoria:Iohannes Sebastianus Bach). De hac quaestione ambas formas faveo, cum h si attestata est. Lesgles (disputatio) 18:39, 12 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Sunt linguae vicipaedianae, quae duas vel quattuor commentationes tolerant, nec plane video, cur nos speciali parsimonià uti oporteat. Video te, o Lesgles, indictà causà Iohannem ad Ioannem movisse, nec nego me paulum demirari, cur. Neander (disputatio) 20:16, 12 Martii 2014 (UTC)
"Content forking" (scissionis rei?) super indicatae causà. Pone novum usorem notas de praenominis popularitate in terris diversis addere optare; ubi scribet, et quis custodiet, ut altera pagina idem dicat? Nam encyclopaedia primo res, secundo orthographiam tractat, ergo "una res, una pagina" mihi regula utilis videtur. In lingua Anglica Johannes et John propter longum digressum nomina distincta habentur, sed confer en:Stephen (paginam principalem) et en:Steven (redirectionem). Lesgles (disputatio) 01:40, 13 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Mihi videtur (a) nobis facile est multas horas de praenominibus dispendere, (b) alias Vicipaedias commentationes plures sed haud utiles de praenominibus praebere, quia (c) difficile est veram historiam et scientiam de talibus rebus distinguere et (d) difficile est fontes fideles de praenominibus reperire. Igitur supra Neandro dixi "Si opus sit duas commentationes retinere, ita sit:" Neander enim res utiles sine dubio de historia et etymologia Ioannae et Iohannae scribere potest; scribat igitur quomodo velit. Caveat autem! Mihi et fortasse aliis utilius erit in una pagina, neque quattuor, de fortuna huius nominis Hebraici legere. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:46, 13 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Mihimet pauca refert utrum unam, duas, quattuor paginas habeamus, dummodo facile sit omnes invenire. Velim ergo nexus videre inter paginas, si Ioannes, Iohannes, Ioanna, Iohanna separatim describeamus (ut nunc), vel paginas redirectionis habere, si omnes in unam paginam collegamus. Si sola editrix fueram (quod di vetant!), unam modo paginam feceram, cum paginis redirectionis -- sed, ut mihi videtur, licet nobis 4 paginas de his nominibus facere. A. Mahoney (disputatio) 13:20, 13 Martii 2014 (UTC)

Proposed optional changes to Terms of Use amendment

Hello all, in response to some community comments in the discussion on the amendment to the Terms of Use on undisclosed paid editing, we have prepared two optional changes. Please read about these optional changes on Meta wiki and share your comments. If you can (and this is a non english project), please translate this announcement. Thanks! Slaporte (WMF) 21:56, 13 Martii 2014 (UTC)

Catalan Culture Challenge

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The Catalan-speaking world... Want to find out more? From March 16 to April 15 we will organise the Catalan Culture Challenge, a Wikipedia editing contest in which victory will go to those who start and improve the greatest number of articles about 50 key figures of Catalan culture. You can take part by creating or expanding articles on these people in your native language (or any other one you speak). It would be lovely to have you on board. :-)

We look forward to seeing you!

Amical Wikimedia--Kippelboy (disputatio) 17:43, 15 Martii 2014 (UTC)

A curiously innumerate category

Cur se monstrat "[[Categoria:Greges humani enumerati|15]]" inter nomina 1, sed non inter nomina 15 enumerata? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 13:54, 18 Martii 2014 (UTC)

Similiter "[[Categoria:Res enumeratae|100]]"; vide categoriam in Centum Napoleonis dies. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 14:09, 18 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Nescio, sed ut videtur cum habemus [[Categoria:Res enumeratae|X]] et numerus X plus quam unum digitum habet, in categoriae pagina hanc paginam sub primo digito, non sub numero ipso, videmus. Si scribo [[Categoria:Res enumeratae|"X"]], pagina sub signo " apparet! Nescio quomodo possim rectificere, sed fortasse post sessiones cursuum experimenta faciam. A. Mahoney (disputatio) 13:19, 24 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Got it: see the help page in EN for details. On Category pages, the pages that belong to the category are normally grouped by the first character of the page names. The syntax [[Categoria:the-category|sort-key]] puts the page into category the-category and says it is to be alphabetized under sort-key rather than under its actual page title. Look at Categoria:Auctores Latini antiqui for example -- the page is divided up by letters. The category stuff is smart enough to respect the DEFAULTSORT formula if there is one, and otherwise uses the sort-key in the [[Categoria]] link.
I conclude that this mechanism won't do what we want with the Res enumeratae category. So, what else could we do with that? A. Mahoney (disputatio) 13:29, 24 Martii 2014 (UTC)
I haven't learned any way around this. You can either have the subheadings right (1, 2, 3 etc.), but then you have |15 and |1000 under the subheading 1, or else you can have the sorting order right, with "1" sorted |0001, "15" sorted |0015, etc., but then they all appear under the single subheading 0. I don't know any way in which you can get both things right. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:10, 24 Martii 2014 (UTC)
We could do sub-categories, for example "Res enumeratae, minus quam 10 res"; "Res enumeratae, 10-99 res"; and so on by orders of magnitude, but this seems silly. Or we could use the order of magnitude as a sort key -- the number of digits in the number, so with Centum Napoleonis dies we'd put "3" rather than "100." That would group everything from 100 to 999 together (not bad), but label them with "3" (potentially very confusing). Or we could use a separate index page instead of a category (or in addition); this means maintenance, but does get things in whatever order we choose to impose. A. Mahoney (disputatio) 16:29, 24 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Yes, agreed, a list page would do what a category page can't! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:47, 24 Martii 2014 (UTC)

How to get rid of an unwanted box?

Capsa "Index [monstrare]" nunc in multis paginis apparet. Quomodo deleri potest? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 13:59, 18 Martii 2014 (UTC)

In omnis paginis plurium trium partium apparet. "Verbo magico" __NOTOC__ deleri potest (vide en:Help:Section#Replacing the default TOC), sed censeo sine causa gravi non deleri debere. Lesgles (disputatio) 16:23, 18 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Let it appear on other people's screens! I just don't want it to appear on my screen. Is there a gizmo for hiding it? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 16:38, 18 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Ah, that I don't know. Maybe UV does? Lesgles (disputatio) 17:43, 18 Martii 2014 (UTC)
I have now added a gizmo to that end to your Usor:IacobusAmor/common.css. You may need to press your browser's "reload" button or wait for a day or so until you see the changes, but then the table of contents box should be gone. Feel free at any time to remove the lines I have added to your Usor:IacobusAmor/common.css if you would like to see the table of contents boxes again. Greetings, --UV (disputatio) 20:53, 18 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Thanks. It hasn't kicked in yet, however. Let's wait & see. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 12:01, 19 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Iam adest. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 14:07, 1 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Hmm, still hasn't worked for me. And I just logged in with a different browser and I still get the contents box on that too. Seems as if it takes a couple of weeks. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:44, 1 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Sorry, Iacobe, I made a stupid mistake when I created your Usor:IacobusAmor/common.css. I have now fixed it and it should work now! Greetings, --UV (disputatio) 19:51, 1 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

De verbis paginarum discretivarum

In paginis discretivis multas locutiones videmus: "X potest significare potest", "X potest esse", etc. Constantia hic, ut credo, non est necessaria, sed unam locutionem dubito: "X potest: (1) (2) (3)", e.g. in Insula (discretiva). Estne admissibilis haec omissio verbi? Lesgles (disputatio) 00:20, 21 Martii 2014 (UTC)

Insulam correxi etiam remotis rebus supervacaneis. Neander (disputatio) 09:26, 21 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Neque ego constantiam peto, sed censeo utile esse multitudinem nexuum in lineis singulis paginarum discretivarum ad unum tantum nexum caeruleum reducere. Ita in pagina "Insula (discretiva)" Neander iam fecit. Lector enim, si ad hanc paginam venit, non quaerit e.g. "quid est mare?" sed "quomodo reperire possum illam Insulam de qua meditabam?" Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 10:55, 21 Martii 2014 (UTC)

flumen 'Ilz'

Estne vestrum alicui nomen Latinum notum illius fluvii, qui prope Bataviam (theodisce Passau) in flumen Danuvium influit et theodiosce Ilz nuncupatur? - Bavarese (disputatio) 13:35, 22 Martii 2014 (UTC)

Pars illius urbis ab Hofmanno "Ilstadium" appellatur. An fluvius erit "Ilsus (fluvius)" ((vide indicem (p. 366) huius libri Conradi Celtis apud Google Books)) haud scio.
[Postea:] Ita est. Habes "Ilissus, Ilsus, Iltsa, -za, Ilz, Nfl. d. Donau, Niederbayern." apud Graesse! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:20, 22 Martii 2014 (UTC)g
Graessem/ssum rogavi, sed, ut videtur, parum fortunate. Eo gratiore animo responsum tuum legi. Bavarese (disputatio) 22:14, 22 Martii 2014 (UTC)
In "Monumenta Germaniae Historia", p. 254 (nexus interretialis) nomen fluminis in diplomaton ab Henrico II (ca. anno 1010) scriptus est "Ilzisa". El Suizo (disputatio) 05:50, 28 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Gratias tibi ago. - Bavarese (disputatio) 11:18, 28 Martii 2014 (UTC)

Promontoria > Promunturia

E lexicis recentibus -- e.g. Oxford Latin Dictionary ed. P. G. W. Glare (Oxonii: Clarendon Press, 1968–1982) -- mihi videtur orthographiam "Promunturium" praeferendam. Volo igitur promontoria nostra (satis pauca, e.g. Promontorium Septemtrionale) in promunturia mutare. An quis abnuit? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:43, 28 Martii 2014 (UTC)

Sic etiam in lexico non tam recenti, L&S. Consentio ego. Quid dicit OLD de "septentrionalis/septemtrionalis"? Lesgles (disputatio) 14:48, 31 Martii 2014 (UTC)
Lexica eadem "septentrio" praeferunt. Ego quoque! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:05, 3 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

De regina Iudita

Paginam "Aethiopia", pro maiori parte haud mala, sicut praedictum est ad paginae mensis dignitatem promoveo. Historia autem Aethiopica (e qua initium in capsa paginae primae comprehenditur) mihi dubitare facit. De regina Iudita, ibi commemorata, pauca (aut, dici potest, nihil) scimus. De illa videte e.g. paginam Anglicam en:Gudit. Fortasse lector aliquis, hanc rem in pagina prima nostra videns, retractabit ... Bene ...

Totam paginam Anglicam nunc legi. Res melius stat. Anglophoni in pagina en:Gudit ab ovo et a traditione orali incipiunt sed ad mala et ad citationes historicorum perveniunt. Regina Iudita re vera vixit :) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:10, 31 Martii 2014 (UTC)

Changes to the default site typography coming soon

This week, the typography on Wikimedia sites will be updated for all readers and editors who use the default "Vector" skin. This change will involve new serif fonts for some headings, small tweaks to body content fonts, text size, text color, and spacing between elements. The schedule is:

  • April 1st: non-Wikipedia projects will see this change live
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This change is very similar to the "Typography Update" Beta Feature that has been available on Wikimedia projects since November 2013. After several rounds of testing and with feedback from the community, this Beta Feature will be disabled and successful aspects enabled in the default site appearance. Users who are logged in may still choose to use another skin, or alter their personal CSS, if they prefer a different appearance. Local common CSS styles will also apply as normal, for issues with local styles and scripts that impact all users.

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-- Steven Walling (Product Manager) on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation's User Experience Design team

Nomina stellarum

Salve. Quomodo nomina ad stellas esse oportent? Nomina (Betelgeuse) sive nota Bayeriana (Alpha Orionis)? Multae commentationes de stellis notis Bayerianis appellantur, interea fortasse minores nominibus. Nostra stella Sol; nescimus eius nota Bayeriana, sed nomine Sole is appellamus. Censeo nomina adhibere oportent quia notae Bayerianae alia genera notationum sunt. -- Donatello (disputatio) 14:38, 1 Aprilis 2014 (UTC).

Si sub nominibus antiquis aut Arabicis paginas creamus, redirectiones deinde creamus a notis Bayerianis. Tales redirectiones categorizamus (vide Categoria:Res astronomicae characteribus Bayeri agnitae).
Nomina antiqua (Graecolatina) iam praeferimus, nisi fallor: Latine enim loquimur! Indicem horum nominum in Categoria:Res astronomicae nominibus antiquis agnitae reperis -- ibi, e.g., Sol enumeratur. Sed an praeferre debemus nomina Arabica seu notas Bayerianas, haud scio!
Bayerus notas suas stellis cuiusque constellationis "fixis" distribuit. Sol, a nobis observatus, non est stella "fixa" et inter constellationes moveri videtur; igitur notam Bayerianam non habet. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:23, 1 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

Pagina prima: Nuntii

"Vide imaginem": An qinque vel tres imagines? --Malabon (disputatio) 19:15, 2 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

Correxi. Gratias agimus, lector benevole! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 19:30, 2 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

Latin:'A (certain )type of' and ablative of cause

I have two questions:

'A (certain )type of'

So how do you guys say a type of or a certain type of? e.g. Can we say cuiusdam modi or eiusdaem modi or quisdam/ quaedam /quoddam or sors+gen or genus+gen?--Jondel (disputatio) 04:48, 3 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

"Genus + gen." would be the literal translation for a kind of, and "genus quoddam + gen." for a certain kind of. "Cuiusdam modi" means of a certain manner/fashion/style, and would sometimes work when you are aiming to translate a certain type of. These all differ from "eiusdem modi", which means of the same manner/fashion/style. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:00, 3 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
(edit conflict; basically the same answer) Yes, except for sors, although grammatically they are different. "Cuiusdam modI" = "of some kind"; "eiusdem modi" (note the e) = "of the same kind"; "quisdam" = "some, a certain"; "genus + gen." = "a kind of". If you want to stick to classical Latin, I wouldn't use sors in this way, unless you're talking about a person's rank or condition in life, cf. Horace, C. 4, 11, 22, "non tuae sortis juvenem", "a young man not of your rank". Lesgles (disputatio) 15:07, 3 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Whatever the idiom, it's ill-advised to deploy "a certain type of" in the definition of a lemma—where precision, not vagueness, is wanted: "A dentist is a certain type of doctor, who" is a feeble way of saying "A dentist is a doctor who." IacobusAmor (disputatio) 15:34, 3 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Thank you for this useful advice Iacobus. Im sure I dont see this in my grammar books.--Jondel (disputatio) 00:08, 18 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

ablative of cause

Can we say "He died of wounds." or "He died because of condemnation" as "Mortuus vulnerato est." or "Mortuus damnato est.", respectively?--Jondel (disputatio) 05:19, 3 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

Yes and no! We would have to choose the right words. Vulnerato means "by a wounded man"; damnato means "by a condemned man". So, no, those words don't say what you mean. Vulneribus means "by wounds", so "vulneribus mortuus est", yes, would convey he died by/from/of wounds.
Now, I'm not sure that people do die of condemnation exactly -- there are steps in between, i.e. imprisoning and killing them. So, in my thinking, the condemnation is not the cause, and I don't think I would say "damnatione mortuus est", he died by/from/of condemnation. We have said "morte damnatus est" (and various similar phrases), he was condemned to death. Or, nearer to what you wanted maybe, "(ultimo) supplicio affectus est" he was executed, he was put to death. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:09, 3 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Maybe I should be the cause-ablative phrase in front. e.g. 'damnatione mortuus est' or 'vulneribus mortuus est.' Thank you Andrew!--Jondel (disputatio) 01:50, 6 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Vulneribus mortuus est is ok, but damnatione mortuus est is not, for the reason stated by Andrew. Damnatus mortuus est or condemnatus mortuus est does the job. Neander (disputatio) 06:21, 6 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Noted and thanks Neander.--Jondel (disputatio) 07:03, 6 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

Thank you very much Andrew, Iacobus and Lesgles! Iacobus's comment is useful, why create a problem when there is none?--Jondel (disputatio) 01:48, 6 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

De linguarum mutationibus per tempus effectis

Duae commentationes Vicipaediae insunt quae eadem de re tractant: linguistica historica et linguistica diachronica. Uh oh! Mattie (disputatio) 19:34, 3 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

Nisi linguistica historica sit reconstructio linguarum, linguistica diachronica mutationes linguarum? Sed consentio, melius esse ex eis unam paginam facere quae de mutatione deque reconstructione tractet. A. Mahoney (disputatio) 19:47, 3 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Noster Neander, in Linguistica historica, scripsit: "Quae res linguistica historica contineantur[:] . . . Linguistica diachronica, quae etiam linguistica historica strictiore sensu appellatur, ad internas systematis linguae mutationes describendas et explanandas pertinet." Ergo, linguistica diachronica videri potest una ex nonnullis linguisticae historicae partibus. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 21:17, 3 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Vidi, sed nescio, an re vera duabus paginis opus sit. Nulla Vicipaedia alia est, quae hoc faciat. Nihilominus non disputabo, huius rei si talis comparatio ab aliis Vicipaedianis adprobetur. :-) Mattie (disputatio) 23:45, 3 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Apud Francogallicos fr:Linguistique comparée de linguistica historica tractat; fr:Linguistique diachronique est pagina redirectionis ad fr:Synchronie et diachronie, quae pagina de oppositione Saussuriana tractat. Et, ut nunc video, nos tertiam paginam habemus, Methodos historico-comparativa (= en:Comparative method et fr:Linguistique contrastive, etiam aliud eiusdem rei nomen); non autem habemus pagina quae de methodo comparativa generaliter tractat (in biologia, in recensione textuum), sed haec est alia res. A. Mahoney (disputatio) 16:25, 4 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
In structuralismo linguistico lingua intellegi solet ut systema strictum in quo omnia elementa inter se cohaerent (où tout se tient). Linguistica diachronica, quae ad structuralismum linguisticum pertinet, hoc inquirit, quomodo pro systemate linguae tamquam in axe temporali positae per mutationem aliquam (saepissime phonologicam) aliud systema eiusdem linguae substitutum sit. Itaque mutationes solas grammaticas persequitur, exclusis omnibus rebus quae extra grammaticam autonomam sunt. Linguistica historica non solum investigationem diachronicam continet sed etiam complures res ad linguam ut dynamin intellectam pertinentes respicit, quod maximi momenti sunt ad causas et rationes mutationum intellegendas. ¶ Si has duas commentationes habere non possimus, praestet linguisticam diachronicam delere, nam mediocri ne dicam exiguà rerum peritià scripta esse videtur. Neander (disputatio) 19:22, 4 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Veritas est in universo confessa linguisticam diachronicam, sicut Neander definit, partem esse linguisticae historicae. Multi pro certo de hoc studio libros et commentationes scripserunt, alii de illo. Mihi videtur spatium amplum exstare ut duas commentationes utiles augeamus. Ad unam rem haesito: professores mei (olim!) nomina "l. h." et "l. d." eandem significationem habere dixerunt. An alii eruditi distinctionem, quam Neander describit, iam sub talibus nominibus fecerunt? Si sic, optime. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:08, 6 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Saeculum XX, aetas florentis structuralismi, nimirum voluit linguisticam historicam cum linguistica diachronica adaequare, quo factum est, ut ipsa nomina inter se commiscerentur. Sed ne sinamus unam persuasionem, quamvis praepotens fuerit, totam provinciam expugnare. Sunt historicae linguisticae partes — sicut linguistica socio-historica, pragmatica historica, contactuum investigatio — quae nullo pacto ad investigationem diachronicam accommodari queunt. Neander (disputatio) 11:25, 6 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Ita. Professores mei (e.g. de historia linguarum Romanicarum) non structuralistae, potius philologi erant. Cum te linguisticam historicam recognoverunt, sed id quod tu "linguisticam diachronicam", illi potius "linguisticam historicam internam" aut fortasse "grammaticam historicam" appellaverunt. De lingua Francogallica p. ex. libros mihi praescripserunt (quos hodie retineo!) Gualteri von Wartburg Evolution et structure de la langue française (historia linguae sensu latiori), Alfred Ewert The French Language (sensu strictiori), Mildred Pope From Latin to Modern French (grammatica historica strictissima ne plus ultra). An recte distinctionem tuam intellegi? Notandum est distinctionem (quamquam veram) e titulis talium librorum non videri: oportet legere, vel temptare ... Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:24, 6 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Distinctionem quam optime intellexti, o Andrea! Neander (disputatio) 15:28, 6 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

Alia supervacanea?

Quattuor repperi commentationes, quae fere eandem rem tractant: tibicen, tibicina, tibia (instrumentum musicum), tibiae. Si nimias videmur commentationes habere, quae mutationes linguisticas ex variis speculis prospiciunt (vide quaestionem priorem), nonne etiam hic aliquid supervacanei haeret? Neander (disputatio) 21:17, 5 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

Licet me reficere.--Jondel (disputatio) 01:58, 6 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Iam confeci quod possum facere. Quaeso, opinor tibia (instrumentum musicum) et tibiae sint separatae, tibi?--Jondel (disputatio) 03:25, 7 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

Quaeso, non nemo magister possit delere tibicina. Infra nuntius apparet cum coner addere in wikidata. --Jondel (disputatio) 03:57, 7 Aprilis 2014 (UTC) Site link Tibicen is already used by item Q12902372. Perhaps the items should be merged and one of them deleted? Request deletion of one of the items at Wikidata:Requests for deletion, or ask at Wikidata:Interwiki conflicts if you believe that they should not be merged.

I have deleted Tibicina for you. It is usually possible to deal with Wikidata by removing the unwanted entry for an la: page, and then, afterwards, inserting the entry we want. Two steps, but very fast. If that doesn't seem to help, tell me which page you want to link where and I'll do it. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:56, 7 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Labore tuo gratias tibi ago O Andrew. Let me see if I can link then redirect after.--Jondel (disputatio) 01:58, 8 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Uh, I am trying to add the la interwiki link here. I really appreciate help here. I will investigate this later.--Jondel (disputatio) 02:05, 8 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Done it. Yes, it was all mixed up. I think you need to be slightly mad to disentangle Wikidata links. easy for me therefore :) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:47, 8 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Nice job thanks!--Jondel (disputatio) 10:06, 8 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

sectile vs. sectiliatum

In pagina opus sectile lego pavimenta sectiliata. Cum locutionem pavimenta sectilia apud Suetonium et Vitruvium inveniam, testimonia vocabuli sectiliatum (et vocabuli sectiliare?) mihi plane ignota sunt. Non deerunt, ut spero, qui me reddant callidiorem. - Bavarese (disputatio) 11:20, 6 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

In historia eius paginae summarium lego ""sectīliātum" adiectīvum commoditātis causā novātum". Editor anonymus ibi de labore suo nos certiores facit. Haud licet tale verbum fingere: rescribe igitur si potes, mi Bavarese! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:39, 6 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)i

IRC discussion about VisualEditor in April


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De qualitate minima

Videte, o amici, id quod nuper scripsi ad Disputatio Vicipaediae:Hierarchia paginarum verbaque rubricata quae in Vicipaedia:Hierarchia paginarum addidi, et opiniones date! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:09, 15 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

De photographo quodam

Oportet ad Disputatio:Augustus De Luca commenta addere (si vultis!) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:18, 16 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

Tituli operum italice scribendi?

Interdum id facimus, interdum non. Mea sententia, melius sit et in commentationum titulis operum titulos semper litteris italicis scribere. Mattie (disputatio) 19:32, 16 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

Usque adhuc quomodo facere nescivi: gratias ago! Regulam laete accipere possum. Sed si habemus titulum verbo discretivo subiuncto, e.g. A Game of Thrones (liber), quomodo "(liber)" litteris rectis scribimus? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:09, 17 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Automatice fit. Vide A Game of Thrones (liber). Lesgles (disputatio) 14:09, 17 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Si problema quoddam fuisset, {{DISPLAYTITLE:''A Game of Thrones'' (liber)}} etiam inserire potuisses. Mattie (disputatio) 14:50, 17 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Gratias ambobus! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:39, 17 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

"Convention" in Latin

Hello. How do we say "convention" in Latin? A convention like San Diego Comic-Con International. I have used missa, but that is another thing, but it works in some way anyway. But the Latin Wikipedia might want another word. -- Donatello (disputatio) 15:40, 18 Aprilis 2014 (UTC).

Wouldn't conventus or conventiculum work? In particular conventiculum is common for Latinist gatherings like the C. Bostoniense. A. Mahoney (disputatio) 16:39, 18 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
I agree with Anne's suggestions, but Donatello's missa makes me think of a word that is used colloquially in France. I have to represent our commune at the annual meeting of the electricity company, alongside another councillor who has been there before. It's a big day-long meeting, and he said to me c'est une grand-messe. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 17:40, 18 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

Lacuna aut lacus maritimus?

Vos rogo, amici, ut veniatis in iudicium tituli Lacunae, utrum sit "lacuna" praeferenda an "lacus maritimi", ut Viatori placet. Forsitan quidam sententiam dicere possint.--Utilo (disputatio) 19:28, 18 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)


Pagina Taenarum cum sex linguis nexa est, quarum duo (Anglica, Hispanica) in aliam paginam eiusdem argumenti moventur, ubi sedecim linguae connexae sunt. Mihi optandum videtur, ut omnes coniungantur sive commentatio Latina in omnes (vel saltem maiorem partem) nectatur.--Utilo (disputatio) 16:59, 26 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)

Cum septemdecim paginis, e.g. en:Cape Matapan, nunc per Vicidata adnectavi. Nihil melius per Vicidata hoc tempore possumus, sed, si cum aliis etiam linguis adnectare vis, potes nexus ad pedem paginae nostrae manú inserere. OK? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:47, 27 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)
Gratias tibi ago!--Utilo (disputatio) 09:23, 27 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)


Videte VP:Expansio, o amici. Si paginas novas creare vultis et res idoneas quaeritis, fortasse in hoc indice reperietis! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 17:35, 1 Maii 2014 (UTC)

Tabulam magnitudinum harum paginarum invenietis hic: Usor:Amahoney/Myrias epitome. Similis est Epitomae 1000 Paginarum. A. Mahoney (disputatio) 16:00, 6 Maii 2014 (UTC)

Lavatoium [sic]

Surely the 68 instances of lavatoium should be changed to lavatorium ? Can a kind programmer figure out how to make the change automatically? Most of them are redlinks. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 23:41, 4 Maii 2014 (UTC)

Done. A. Mahoney (disputatio) 13:20, 6 Maii 2014 (UTC)

No one needs free knowledge in Esperanto

There is a current discussion on German Wikipedia on a decision of Asaf Bartov, Head of WMF Grants and Global South Partnerships, Wikimedia Foundation, who rejected a request for funding a proposal from wikipedians from eowiki one year ago with the explanation the existence, cultivation, and growth of the Esperanto Wikipedia does not advance our educational mission. No one needs free knowledge in Esperanto. On meta there has also started a discussion about that decision. --Holder (disputatio) 10:38, 5 Maii 2014 (UTC)

Interesting. I made a comment at meta (Holder's second link). Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:02, 5 Maii 2014 (UTC)
Some statistics I hadn't seen before. Work the little arrows on the column giving "views per hour", and you'll see that Latin comes 57th, at nearly 6000 views per hour. That's not bad, for what Asaf Bartov considers a "dead language". Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:10, 5 Maii 2014 (UTC)
Thanks for pointing this out, Holder: I've also weighed in at Meta, and encourage other Vicipaediani to do the same. A. Mahoney (disputatio) 18:15, 5 Maii 2014 (UTC)

Delevi ...

... paginas minimas, male constructas, haud Latine scriptas Charlie Strap and Froggy Ball, Charlie Strap and Froggy Ball Flying High, Charlie Strap, Froggy Ball and Their Friends, Pelle Svanslös (pellicula). Si alius quis magistratus me male fecisse censet, pro certo eo licet historias inspicere, paginas deprotegere et reinstituere :) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:29, 6 Maii 2014 (UTC)

"webshop" Latine versum?

Quis mihi verbum computatralium "webshop" Latine vertit?

Fortasse taberna interretialis. Lesgles (disputatio) 18:14, 7 Maii 2014 (UTC)

Director of Photography

Salvete! Quid est Latine 'DoP', sive 'cinematographer'. Gratias vobis agam, Eisfbnore (disputatio) 16:47, 7 Maii 2014 (UTC)

Puto rectorem photographiae vel cinematographum conversiones accipiendas esse. Lesgles (disputatio) 18:10, 7 Maii 2014 (UTC)
Gratias maximas tibi ago. --Eisfbnore (disputatio) 21:33, 7 Maii 2014 (UTC)

06:00, 12 Maii 2014 (UTC)

07:18, 19 Maii 2014 (UTC)


Quaeso magistri me adiuvare emendum res infra et probe removare latinates. Gratias ago.--Jondel (disputatio) 08:48, 21 Maii 2014 (UTC)

Funus, I Have a Dream, ‎ Antivirus,Nosocomus,Nostra Domina Fatimae ,Petroleum ,Heo Chohui.

Ego Heo Chohui necnon Heo Gyun corrigi curabo. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:20, 21 Maii 2014 (UTC)
Gratias tibi ago. Nam velim nos doceas cum dub vel aliqua symbolas ut possumus corrigere ipsimus, ne addet ad labores magistratum.--Jondel (disputatio) 09:26, 21 Maii 2014 (UTC)
Omnibus, neque magistratibus tantum, Vicipaeediam emendare licet!
Alii aliter, sed praefero ego, quando corrigenda video, corrigere. {{Dubsig}} igitur non utor, sed possumus in pagina disputationis de rationibus correctionum disputare! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 10:36, 21 Maii 2014 (UTC)
Licet omnibus corrigere. Ego etiam video discendum. Autem nescio, et velim esse facile intellectu rem(anglice the article) et velim scire clare quod incommodum sit ponentibus latinates. --Jondel (disputatio) 12:45, 21 Maii 2014 (UTC)
Si res, quas nunc scripturus sum, non intellegis, dic mihi! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 17:52, 21 Maii 2014 (UTC)

VisualEditor global newsletter—May 2014

This is a one-time mailing to projects that may need this information. Future newsletters will be available as opt-in only. To receive future newsletters (about one per month), please add your page to the subscribers' list at m:VisualEditor/Newsletter. You're welcome to translate to your language.

Since the last newsletter, the VisualEditor team has mostly worked on the new citation tool, improving performance, reducing technical debt, and other infrastructure needs.

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The biggest change in the last few weeks is the new citation template menu, labeled "⧼visualeditor-toolbar-cite-label⧽". The new citation menu offers a locally configurable list of citation templates on the main toolbar. It adds or opens references using the simplified template dialog that was deployed last month. This tool is in addition to the "⧼visualeditor-dialogbutton-reference-tooltip⧽" item in the "Insert" menu, and it is not displayed unless it has been configured for that wiki. To enable this tool on your wiki, see the instructions at VisualEditor/Citation tool.

Eventually, the VisualEditor team plans to add autofill features for these citations. When this long-awaited feature is created, you could add an ISBN, URL, DOI or other identifier to the citation tool, and VisualEditor would automatically fill in as much information for that source as possible. The concept drawings can be seen at mw:VisualEditor/Design/Reference Dialog, and your ideas about making referencing quick and easy are still wanted.

  • There is a new Beta Feature for setting content language and direction.  This allows editors who have opted in to use the "Lingua" tool in the "Insert" menu to add HTML span tags that label text with the language and as being left-to-right (LTR) or right-to-left (RTL), like this:  <span lang="en" dir="ltr">English</span>. This tool is most useful for pages whose text combines multiple languages with different directions, common on Right-to-Left wikis.
  • The tool for editing mathematics formulae in VisualEditor has been slightly updated and is now available to all users, as the "⧼math-visualeditor-mwmathinspector-title⧽" item in the "Insert" menu. It uses LaTeX like in the wikitext editor.
  • The layout of template dialogs has been changed, putting the label above the field.  Parameters are now called "fields", to avoid a technical term that many editors are unfamiliar with.
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  • Some templates that previously displayed strangely due to absolute CSS positioning hacks should now display correctly.
  • Several messages have changed: The notices shown when you save a page have been merged into those used in the wikitext editor, for consistency.  The message shown when you "⧼visualeditor-toolbar-cancel⧽" out of an edit is clearer. The beta dialog notice, which is shown the first time you open VisualEditor, will be hidden for logged-in users via a user preference rather than a cookie.  As a result of this change, the beta notice will show up one last time for all logged-in users on their next VisualEditor use after Thursday's upgrade.
  • Adding a category that is a redirect to another category prompts you to add the target category instead of the redirect.
  • In the "Fasciculus" dialog, it is no longer possible to set a redundant border for thumbnail and framed images.
  • There is a new Template Documentation Editor for TemplateData.  You can test it by editing a documentation subpage (not a template page) at Mediawiki.org: edit mw:Template:Sandbox/doc, and then click "Manage template documentation" above the wikitext edit box.  If your community would like to use this TemplateData editor at your project, please contact product manager James Forrester or file an enhancement request in Bugzilla.
  • There have been multiple small changes to the appearance:  External links are shown in the same light blue color as in MediaWiki.  This is a lighter shade of blue than the internal links.  The styling of the "Style text" (character formatting) drop-down menu has been synchronized with the recent font changes to the Vector skin.  VisualEditor dialogs, such as the "⧼visualeditor-toolbar-savedialog⧽" dialog, now use a "loading" animation of moving lines, rather than animated GIF images.  Other changes were made to the appearance upon opening a page in VisualEditor which should make the transition between reading and editing be smoother.
  • The developers merged in many minor fixes and improvements to MediaWiki interface integration (e.g., edit notices), and made VisualEditor handle Education Program pages better.
  • At the request of the community, VisualEditor has been deployed to Commons as an opt-in. It is currently available by default for 161 Wikipedia language editions and by opt-in through Beta Features at all others, as well as on several non-Wikipedia sites.

Looking ahead:  The toolbar from the PageTriage extension will no longer be visible inside VisualEditor. More buttons and icons will be accessible from the keyboard.  The "Keyboard shortcuts" link will be moved out of the "Page options" menu, into the "Help" menu. Support for upright image sizes (preferred for accessibility) and inline images is being developed. You will be able to see the Table of Contents while editing. Looking further out, the developers are also working on support for viewing and editing hidden HTML comments. VisualEditor will be available to all users on mobile devices and tablet computers. It will be possible to upload images to Commons from inside VisualEditor.

If you have questions or suggestions for future improvements, or if you encounter problems, please let everyone know by posting a note at mw:VisualEditor/Feedback or by joining the office hours on Thursday, 19 June 2014 at 10:00 UTC. If you'd like to get this newsletter on your own page (about once a month), please subscribe at w:en:Wikipedia:VisualEditor/Newsletter for English Wikipedia only or at Meta for any project. Thank you! --Elitre (WMF) (talk) 17:39, 22 Maii 2014 (UTC)

Anyone who is good at infoboxes, please see my note at Disputatio Usoris: That template is irritating (a) because some of the Latin could be improved, but (b) because the parameters are compulsory and on many pages they are not filled in. If anyone has time and ability to make most of the parameters optional, that would already be much better! I would try myself but I never seem to get it right :) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:26, 23 Maii 2014 (UTC)

Media Viewer

Greetings, my apologies for writing in English.

I wanted to let you know that Media Viewer will be released to this wiki in the coming weeks. Media Viewer allows readers of Wikimedia projects to have an enhanced view of files without having to visit the file page, but with more detail than a thumbnail. You can try Media Viewer out now by turning it on in your Beta Features. If you do not enjoy Media Viewer or if it interferes with your work after it is turned on you will be able to disable Media Viewer as well in your preferences. I invite you to share what you think about Media Viewer and how it can be made better in the future.

Thank you for your time. - Keegan (WMF) 21:29, 23 Maii 2014 (UTC)

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Optimus nominum Coreanorum ordo?

Quid est optimum: Seung-Moo Ha vel Ha Seung-Moo? (Similiter nomina Hungariana.) Vide hodiernum usoris Sawol opus. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 14:39, 24 Maii 2014 (UTC)

Nulla exstat ratio, nisi fallor, cur Vicipaediae nomina hominum retrovertent. Oportet nomen ordinare eo modo quo ipse ordinat. An alii consentiunt? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:21, 24 Maii 2014 (UTC)
Unless Vicipaedia uses a standard order, necessary variations in Samoan (and some other Polynesian) names could be confusing. Consider two hypothetical people, using English names for clarity: John Doe is John, a nonchief, son of Chief Doe (so the title Doe is functioning rather like a patronymic); Doe John is Doe, a chief, whose personal name (no longer used alone in public) is John. It's quite possible that Doe John, in his youth, used to be John Doe. The order matters! IacobusAmor (disputatio) 15:57, 24 Maii 2014 (UTC)
I don't know about Samoa, but in general I think it makes sense to follow the other western European languages, i.e. to keep the original order for East Asian names (Kim Jong-un, Xi Jinping), but reverse the original order for Hungarian names (Ioannes Áder, not Áder Ioannes). Lesgles (disputatio) 16:22, 24 Maii 2014 (UTC)
I guess it's true that Hungarian names look odd if the Ioannes comes after the Áder. Now I think about it, I suspect that Hungarians writing in Latin did reverse their names, which would be a suitable precedent for us.
I don't know about Samoa either, but in that case the best way not to be confused is, perhaps, not to change anything [re-reading Iacobus's comment, even this might not end the confusion, but what would?]. Similarly with east Asia, best to leave the names as they are. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 16:40, 24 Maii 2014 (UTC)
Hoc in Vicipaedia Hungarica inveni:
A magyarok és a japánok külföldön általában megfordítják és a nemzetközi sorrendben használják a nevüket, például János Szabó és Haruki Murakami. A kínaiak, koreaiak és vietnamiak ezzel szemben külföldön is megtartják a keleti sorrendet, a fenti példánkban szereplő két kínai név tehát például angolul is Wang Zhe és Zhang Yimou marad. Azonban a kínai tudósoknál megfigyelhető, hogy nemzetközi publikációban felcserélik nevüket (a példánál maradva: Yimou ZHANG), ekkor viszont a családnevet általában nagybetűkkel szedik a többnyire angol nyelvű könyvekben, folyóiratokban. (Lásd az utalást lentebb). A koreai neveknél azonban a nyugati sorrend is előfordul (Chan-ho Park).
Hungari Iaponesque in terra peregrina generatim nomina sua secundum ordinem internationalem invertunt, ut János Szabó et Haruki Murakami. Sinenses, Coreani, Vietnami vero huic consuetudini contrarii etiam terra peregrina nomina conservant, sicut nomina supradicta (Wang Zhe, Zhang Yimou) genuino ordine manebunt. Ast apud doctores Sinenses considerandum est, nomina sua publicationibus internationalibus esse conversa (ad exemplum manens: Yimou ZHANG), hoc autem facto nomen familiare maiusculis litteris in libris ephemeridibusque Anglicis scriptum est. Sine maiusculis et apud Coreanos nomen ordine occidentali quoque accidere potest. (Chan-ho Park). --Martinus Vester (disputatio) 20:15, 27 Maii 2014 (UTC)
Gratias tibi ago ob commentum perutilem. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 17:02, 28 Maii 2014 (UTC)
All three Koreans I personally know (1) put the surname last and (2) capitalize the second element of the hyphenated forename. Granted: it's a small sample, but one sees in print numerous other Koreans following the same conventions. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 17:34, 28 Maii 2014 (UTC)
Id pro certo nonnulli facere solent, tam Sinenses quam Coreani (sed Sinensium fortasse pauciores). Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 20:24, 28 Maii 2014 (UTC)

08:29, 26 Maii 2014 (UTC)

08:07, 2 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

Malcolmus sive Milcolumbus

Num quis praenomine Milcolumbo devotus est? Nam cogito omnes Milcolombos ad Malcolmos movere, quia haec forma crebrius in libris Google apparuit, atque est forma ab Hofmanno praeposita. Lesgles (disputatio) 13:00, 2 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

de quibusdam in pagina prima mutandis

Nonne gratum erit, si in pagina prima

  • pro "Pagina mensis" – pagina mensualis,
  • pro "Imagine mensis" – imago mensualis legetur?

Quid enim pagina mensis docebit,
quid enim imago mensis monstrabit nisi mensem ipsum (utut potuerit)?

Item, si invenietur

  • pro "Paginae mensis priores" – ad priores paginas mensuales inspiciendas
  • pro "Nova addere" – ad novos nuntios addendos,
  • pro "Suadere novas imagines" – ad novas imagines proponendas,
  • pro "Suadere novas quaestiones" – ad novas nugas depromendas,
  • pro "Sono mensis" vero – nullus? :-)

Quae omnia vobis benigne disceptanda propono. Feliciter! --Laurentianus (disputatio) 22:55, 5 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

Nemine contradicente, mutationes ab Laurentiano suasas perfecturus sum. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:31, 7 Iunii 2014 (UTC)
Mutavi (et "sonum mensis" haud dissimiliter). Si mutatio alicui displicet, disputare licet! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:06, 7 Iunii 2014 (UTC)
Non omnino con mutatione "paginae mensis" consentio. Nam casus genetivus plures signficationes habere potest. Cf. "statua Myronis", quae secundum Gildersleeve, significare potest "1. A statue which Myron owns; 2. Which Myron has made; 3. Which represents Myron". Secundo, "mensualis" non est verbum classicum. Lesgles (disputatio) 19:30, 7 Iunii 2014 (UTC)
Salvus sis, Legles! Certe non est una tantum genetivi vis. Utique illa pagina non erit mensis alicuius, sed pagina huius mensis appellanda, id est mensis currentis.
Adiectivum vero mensualis licet non aevi classici sit, quod quidem in fragmentis gromaticorum veterum exstare dicitur, millies mihi adiectivo classico menstrualis praeferendum videtur. --Laurentianus (disputatio) 01:30, 8 Iunii 2014 (UTC)


Plurimam salutem vobis dico! Renideo hic percipiens concelebrata studia, et tot viri eruditi Latine lepide scribentes! Ex Latinitate (id quod mihi maxime libet) et ex aliis linguis, quae communem originem ab Latinitate ducunt, voluptatem capio. Linguae Graecae hodiernae antea scientiam habuit, quamquam iam ex memoria permultum deposui. In desiderio fraternitatis sum, et novas amicitias contrahere cupio. Scilicet, cum alia multa tum hoc velim: emendare Latinitatem meam (vel dicam, Lingua latina a vobis denuo discere. Quippe qui ad vobis nihil sciam!). Valete!

Salve et tu, usor ignote! Suademus ut rationem usoris creas - vide s.t.p. Vicipaedia:Invitatio! Ut valeas optime! --UV (disputatio) 16:16, 7 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

Heu! Ecce, nescio quo modo hoc facere, quia haud sane hoc intellego. Ignarus sum. Nihilo setius, antequam hoc nuntium scripsissem, rationem usoris "cubano" procudi. Nihil mihi occurrit, cur me scribente hoc non apparet. Quamobrem ita usuvenit? Grates tibi dico, hospitale UV!

Litteris aut hic aut in paginis disputationis scriptis, necesse est in finem ~~~~ scribere. Systema nostrum haec quattuor signa in signaturam et horam convertit. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:43, 8 Iunii 2014 (UTC)
Salve, Cubano! In pagina Specialis:Conventum aperire conventum aperire potes (inscribe et nomen usoris tuum Cubano et tesseram tuam, tunc imprime "Nomen dare"). Vale! --UV (disputatio) 19:52, 8 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

"Secretary of the U.S. Treasury"

Re: "delevit paginam Categoria:Secretarius Thesauri Civitatum Foederatarum (error nominis)." Fortasse mendum duplex! Primum, nomen categoricum, ut secretariis accommodaret, plurale esse debuit (Secretarii. . . .), sed item, usque ad 1968, sigillum maiorem iactum suum vindicabat (Thesaurus Americae Septentrionalis Sigillum). ;) IacobusAmor (disputatio) 16:42, 7 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

Solus huius categoriae particeps fuit Rogerius Brooke Taney. Si plures "candidatos" habemus, utile erit categoriam sub meliori nomine recreare. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 17:47, 7 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

07:39, 9 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

Categoriam movere

Aliqui praefecturae Indis nomen emendavit, ergo etiam Categoriam Communia Praefecturae Adduae movere debemus, auxilium peto--Helveticus montanus (disputatio) 13:43, 9 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

Recte dicis, mi Helvetice. Mutationem postulavi. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 17:21, 10 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

lemma duplex

Etsi lemma Coniunctio dudum exstabat, per errorem novum lemma creavi Coniunctio (grammatica). In quo redigendo ex 'Arte minore' Aelii Donati hausi, non aliter ac Sanctus Isidorus, ex quo prius lemma transsumptum est. Rem igitur dupliciter nunc dari liquet. Parcite quaeso errori meo et inspicite oro utrumque lemma, quodnam retinendum ducatis. --Laurentianus (disputatio) 10:28, 10 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

Ne tibi paeniteat -- talia enim saepe accidunt -- sed tu nunc curare potebis omne, quod utile sit, in unam commentationem congessum esse :) Quo facto, alteram commentationem in redirectionem convertere licet (aut tibi, aut, si id facere nescis, alio). OK? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 11:23, 11 Iunii 2014 (UTC)
Gratias tibi habeo, Andrea, maximas et pro consolatione et pro consilio dato. Libet ita facere. --Laurentianus (disputatio) 11:41, 11 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

Iterum de pagina mobili

Salvete Vicipaediani,

Iterum miratus sum quare mihi telephono mobili utenti tamen plena editio inceptus nostri indicetur. Quaeso hunc errorem corrigi nisi consulto vel quadam ratione hoc acciderit. Gratias ago! --Autokrator (disputatio) 20:14, 10 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

07:13, 16 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

De magistratibus Romanis Vicipaedianis

Ite, o amici, ad VP:PM si vobis novum magistratum recipere placet! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:28, 23 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

Achaea → Achaia

If there are still no objections, could an admin move Achaea to Achaia, which is the classical spelling? I think I've cleared up all of the other pages. Lesgles (disputatio) 19:53, 16 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

Factum est. Neander (disputatio) 20:40, 16 Iunii 2014 (UTC)
Gratias tibi ago! Lesgles (disputatio) 20:43, 16 Iunii 2014 (UTC)
An admin? Can't anybody who has a userpage move articles? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 21:06, 16 Iunii 2014 (UTC)
There was already a redirect at Achaia, which Neander had to delete first. Lesgles (disputatio) 00:31, 17 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

Media Viewer is now live on this wiki

Media Viewer lets you see images in larger size

Greetings— and sorry for writing in English, please translate if it will help your community,

The Wikimedia Foundation's Multimedia team is happy to announce that Media Viewer was just released on this site today.

Media Viewer displays images in larger size when you click on their thumbnails, to provide a better viewing experience. Users can now view images faster and more clearly, without having to jump to separate pages — and its user interface is more intuitive, offering easy access to full-resolution images and information, with links to the file repository for editing. The tool has been tested extensively across all Wikimedia wikis over the past six months as a Beta Feature and has been released to the largest Wikipedias, all language Wikisources, and the English Wikivoyage already.

If you do not like this feature, you can easily turn it off by clicking on "Disable Media Viewer" at the bottom of the screen, pulling up the information panel (or in your your preferences) whether you have an account or not. Learn more in this Media Viewer Help page.

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments about Media Viewer. You are invited to share your feedback in this discussion on MediaWiki.org in any language, to help improve this feature. You are also welcome to take this quick survey in English, en français, o español.

We hope you enjoy Media Viewer. Many thanks to all the community members who helped make it possible. - Fabrice Florin (WMF) (talk) 21:54, 19 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

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What is correct spelling of Latin words? by this I mean what are the rules of assimilation? because I saw that we have for an example obsideo and opsideo, one is spelled morphologically other phonologically. Are there similar cases and which is correct or at least considered more correct. This is sore interesting, for there are no examples of dual spellings in for example supscripsi or subscribsi, or nubta form nubo but only nupta. This is also seen in words like adpropero and appropero or similar words. So basically what I ask is if there are some principle or rule by someone or somewho that would decide or byput which spelling is more correct for upnow use in modern classical Latin. Sorry for writting in English.

In my opinion, both modes of spelling are correct. Dictionaries may have their own home made principles of uniformity, but in philological editions of classical authors, variation prevails, though assimilated prefixes (such as appetere, attendere, colligere, componere, corrumpere, irruere, supponere, surripere) tend to be generally more frequent than morphophonemic, unassimilated spellings, except for the type adferre that seems to prevail over afferre. Notice that I am speaking of prefixes here. Etymological (morphophonemic) spellings such as nubsit or scribsit must be considered incorrect (or hypercorrect), though they sometimes do occur in Latin inscriptions. Neander (disputatio) 20:11, 22 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

07:20, 23 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

Quaeso, nonnullus mihi adiuvare possit cum hac re? Iam respondivi de erroribus. Gratias tibi ago. --Jondel (disputatio) 09:39, 25 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

Wikimania 2014

E pagina usoris mea rescribo:

Salve Andrew, I wonder if there would be any chance of bringing UK Latin editors together at Wikimania? We have lots of tables and spaces over the three days, we can even create a specail banner for you, and it could be fun? If you are interested get in touch with me jon.davies@wikimedia.org.uk Jon Davies (WMUK) (disputatio) 14:31, 25 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

I believe there are two in the UK who are occasionally active, and just a few formerly active :) In total, that's not many! Beyond the UK, well, I'm in France, and there are several others, very active, in Europe. I'll put this on the Vicipaedia:Taberna to see if anyone is interested in making the trip to London (8-10 August)! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:14, 25 Iunii 2014 (UTC)
Equidem libentissime interessem, Andrea, pro tempore autem non licebit. Gratias utique maximas, quia nos certiores fecisti de hoc conventu! Laurentianus (disputatio) 23:16, 25 Iunii 2014 (UTC)
Fortasse melius erit omnes Vicipaedianos anno 2015 iuxta Temistitlanam convocare?? (Wikimania 2015 Mexico City) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 17:39, 1 Iulii 2014 (UTC)


Salvete omnes!

Now that we are in the process of electing new magistrates, perhaps it is time that we also find a new Grapheocrates? We have the only one, but perhaps it is useful to have another who may be more active. This has been an issue for some time (vid. Disputatio_Vicipaediae:Petitio_magistratus), so perhaps we should reconsider it once again and take further action.--Xaverius 19:16, 26 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

Not a bad idea; do you have any candidates in mind? A. Mahoney (disputatio) 17:07, 1 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

06:53, 30 Iunii 2014 (UTC)

07:07, 7 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

nuper mutata

Could we change the word ameliorarique in the nuper mutata to corrigere. ameliorari seems to be new latin. Thank you.--Jondel (disputatio) 01:45, 10 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

Etiam deterioriari possunt, quod peius est. Praeterea neolatinum malo quam malum Latinum vel nullum. Sunt autem plurima in ipsa programmatura (si ita vultis) retractatione digna. Nonne certum locum designemus, quo omnia sive amelioranda sive corrigenda colligamus? Laurentianus (disputatio) 08:25, 10 Iulii 2014 (UTC)
Fors difficile est collectu. Gradatim autem et paulatim possumus corrigere.--Jondel (disputatio) 09:47, 10 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

ad imaginem mensualem ad Iulium pertinentem

Cur fructus istius plantae mense Iulio crescEnt? Eo tempore nonne et crescunt et creverunt? - Bavarese (disputatio) 10:22, 10 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

Rectificavi orthographiam -- gratias tibi ago! A. Mahoney (disputatio) 11:53, 10 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

07:48, 14 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

Ubi poema novum lingua Latina scriptum divolgandum?

Amici, consilium peto! Lingua Latina poema scripsi mea sententia permagnificum; quippe in usum deliciumque hominum divolgandum. Sed ubi id publici iuris faciendum mihi est? Suntne acta diurna poematis Neolatinis aptissima, acta dico quae legitis quaeque sint mihi legenda? Adiuvate, docti! Jackgmitchell (disputatio) 03:00, 18 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

Periodicum cuius nomen est Classical Outlook carmina Latina interdum edidit; vide apud societatem ACL [ http://www.aclclassics.org]. A. Mahoney (disputatio) 16:12, 18 Iulii 2014 (UTC)
Does Vicipaedia have a rule against posting such texts on one's own user page here? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 16:28, 18 Iulii 2014 (UTC)
A suggested answer is that (a) it's not close to the purpose of building an encyclopedia, and therefore not encouraged, (b) it might not attract many readers because Google doesn't index our user pages. If anyone wants to correct me on either of these points, please do! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:56, 23 Iulii 2014 (UTC)
Actually, Google does index user pages (try searching for a phrase from your own!), and I suppose we can put whatever we want there to identify, characterize, and present ourselves to other Vicipaediani. I wouldn't call that publication, really, but it does get the text onto the web. A. Mahoney (disputatio) 19:39, 24 Iulii 2014 (UTC)
Thanks for the correction. Well, then, I see no objection. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 19:54, 24 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

07:42, 21 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

Formula: Communia ~ CommuniaCat?

Once upon a time, UV (it probably was) said always to type CommuniaCat and never Communia—but Communia seems to work just as well (as it does in Naxos). What's the story? If plain Communia is OK, would a bot like to change CommuniaCat to Communia everywhere (it being axiomatic in programming that shorter & simpler = better)? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 11:53, 23 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

In fact it doesn't work the same. {{Communia|Naxos}} goes to the page "Naxos" at commons, but {{CommuniaCat|Naxos}} goes to the category Naxos. The pages are a bit outdated and much less useful: if that's what UV thought, I agree with him. I had forgotten UV gave that advice, but I always do that anyway, and make the change to "CommuniaCat" if I notice a "Communia" link. It can't be done automatically, I believe, because sometimes the relevant page at commons has a different name from the category. Just occasionally, there may be no directly relevant category over there, and for that reason we may need to retain the "Communia" formula, but I advise preferring "CommuniaCat" except in rare cases. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:48, 23 Iulii 2014 (UTC)
As Andrew explained, {{Communia|Naxos}} goes to the page "Naxos" at commons (commons:Naxos), but {{CommuniaCat|Naxos}} goes to the category Naxos (commons:Category:Naxos).
Whether it is preferable to direct readers to the page on commons (commons calls pages in the main namespace "galleries") or to the category on commons needs, in my view, be assessed on a case-by-case basis. I agree with Andrew that in most cases the categories contain more useful content, but there may well be cases when a well-maintained commons gallery is more instructive than a cluttered category.
So, {{CommuniaCat|Naxos}} points to the same link target as {{Communia|Category:Naxos}} does. Still, I suggest (if a link to the category is more useful than a link to the gallery) not to type {{Communia|Category:Naxos}} but to type {{CommuniaCat|Naxos}} instead. Not only is this shorter, but it will in the future also permit to check the link target against the one specified at the corresponding wikidata entry using wikidata:Property:P373. I have, however, not yet implemented this check yet because we still have quite a lot of instances where our Communia or CommuniaCat templates point to redlinks on commons, and I plan to get rid of these first before I implement this check. If anyone wants to join in fixing those redlinks (articles that point to a non-existing commons gallery or category), just tell me and I will put online a list of the affected articles. Greetings, --UV (disputatio) 22:52, 25 Iulii 2014 (UTC)
Your comment is interesting. I rarely find the pages (galleries) at Commons to be the better target, but no doubt excellent examples exist. In the case Iacobus raises, how would a later editor decide whether the earlier editor had made a conscious choice of commons:Naxos as preferable in this case to commons:Category:Naxos? Because some editors do not grasp (like Iacobus hitherto possibly? like me myself for a long time) that there is a difference. To the inexpert eye a gallery page and a homonymous category at commons look confusingly similar -- only that one sees some different pictures, and in the latter case one has immediate access to subcategories.
In a perfect world, a formula like this might be designed to give access to both whenever both exist under the same name. If that could happen, then we could indeed combine the two formulae into one. Could it be done? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:07, 26 Iulii 2014 (UTC)
As the integration of Wikidata and the Wikipedias becomes stronger, this might indeed become feasible some time into the future. For the moment, however, I share your view about the inferior quality of many of the commons galleries. I would therefore advocate for now to "hand-pick" either the category or the gallery. If both the gallery and the category is worth linking, we could for now use both a {{Communia}} and a {{CommuniaCat}} template. Greetings, --UV (disputatio) 16:10, 26 Iulii 2014 (UTC)
I'm happy to help fixing redlinks into Commons. I wonder whether it would be useful to rename the {{Communia}} template to something like "CommuniaPagina" so it's obviously a different kind of thing from "CommuniaCat"? A. Mahoney (disputatio) 18:41, 26 Iulii 2014 (UTC)
Well, you asked for it, so here is the list ;-) : Vicipaedia:Dump/CommonsRedlinks. The list is quite long - please do not feel obliged to deal with it if you prefer other things to do ;-) In many cases, changing {{Communia}} to {{CommuniaCat}} will make the link work, but in some cases this would cause a wrong page to be linked, therefore I did not want to perform such a mass change automatically.
I can update this list whenever a new dump is published (which currently happens about every two or three weeks). Greetings, --UV (disputatio) 23:17, 26 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

Latin novum

Is Latin novum an ancient historical region? Is it Lazio? I am currently researching this.Your help is appreciated.--Jondel (disputatio) 02:03, 24 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

Hi, Jondel. The correct name is not "Latin" (that's the language!) but "Latium". It corresponds to modern Italian "Lazio". You can read all about it in English, including the historical subdivisions "Latium antiquum" and "Latium novum", on this page. Scroll down and you'll see. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:59, 24 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

Thanks for your response and looking into it, Andrew. I also found some material in the English wiki(which I didn't think would exist). I will be reading your source and see if I can combine to create the article.--Jondel (disputatio) 09:06, 24 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

"Feed" paginarum mensualium

We now have a "feed" on our pagina prima that contains our most recent (= less than 180 days old) paginae mensuales: https://la.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=featuredfeed&feed=featured&feedformat=atom

Greetings, --UV (disputatio) 23:29, 25 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

08:09, 28 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

Featured articles: I've added our link to the list mentioned above, though it's not obvious whether we need to do anything else. The list contains pointers to the Common.js files of the various Wikipedias -- we've got one, and it does put the featured-article star in the language sidebar, so we're probably all set. A. Mahoney (disputatio) 17:35, 28 Iulii 2014 (UTC)
I suppose the next step would be for Wikidata to import information about our featured articles (and everyone else's). Maybe they already have a plan to do that. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 19:33, 28 Iulii 2014 (UTC)
Yes, I gather they do; there will be a new property somewhere, perhaps attached to the data item that collects the pages, so for example d:Q146 won't just say "lawiki has Feles" but will also say "Feles is a featured article in lawiki." It's not obvious how they're going to do this, but that's not our problem :-). I believe this is a Good Thing; right now, it's necessary to add "Link FA|la" to other WPs in order for them to know about our Paginae Mensium, and this is a mess -- there don't seem to be bots running around to reconcile these as there used to be in the bad old days when inter-wiki links were manually maintained. (For example, if you look at en:Cat you'll see a star next to "Latina" in the sidebar, but you won't see it at simple:Cat because the relevant template doesn't appear inside that page.) Anyway, that's why I want to make sure we're doing whatever it is we need for this: those unobtrusive side-bar stars might drive readers our way! A. Mahoney (disputatio) 12:15, 29 Iulii 2014 (UTC)
Please help translate this message in your language. Thanks :)

Hi, everybody. This is a reminder that we invite you to discuss VisualEditor's recent development and plans ahead during the next office hours with James Forrester (Product Manager):

If you are not able to attend but have a question for James, you can leave your question at mediawiki.org or on my talk page by the day before, and I will try to get a response. We plan to continue these monthly sessions as long as there is community interest, and to announce them through the VisualEditor global newsletter as well (please subscribe your talk page there to get the latest news about the software).

Most of the VisualEditor team will be at Wikimania in London in August! You'll be able to meet the developers during the Hackaton or at the following sessions:

WMF community liaisons will share a booth with community advocates at the Community Village and look forward to talking to you there. Thanks for your attention! --User:Elitre (WMF) 16:02, 31 Iulii 2014 (UTC)

07:37, 4 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

De quadam constructione dubia

In vitis multorum hominum haec fere formula repeti videtur: "natus in vico Crescent Oclahomae die ..."; "nata Independence Missuriae die ..."; "natus in Williamson County Tennesiae die ..."; "mortuus in Athens Alabamae die ..."; "natus in Claypool Arizonae die ..."; etc. Cognoscere cupio, utrum civitates litteris pinguibus notatae in genetivo an in locativo positae sint. Mihi quidem utique de constructione dubia agi videtur. Neander (disputatio) 19:39, 6 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Quantum didici, solae urbes vel insulae minores locative flectuntur. Melius scribi videtur "Crescent in vico Oclahomensi" vel potius "Oclahomensium", quod ad populum spectat, cuius in territorio locus natalis situs est. Cf. consuetudinem 17.mi saeculi, quae ponebat "Marpurgi Chattorum". Laurentianus (disputatio) 20:04, 6 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Genetivo uti soleo ab Hieronymo suasus: "Cum ergo natus esset Iesus in Bethleem Iudaeae in diebus Herodis regis". Sed iam apud Plinium maiorem (e.g. lib. 5-6) varias locutiones reperio in quibus tam genetiva quam adiectiva videntur: "Seleucia Parthorum quae vocatur ad Tigrim"; "ab Ecbatanis Medorum"; "dein Cariae oppida Pitaium, Eutane, Halicarnasus"; ""Magnesia Maeandri cognomine insignis, a Thessalica Magnesia orta"; "oritur iuxta Dorylaeum Phrygiae civitatem"; "distat ab Alexandria Aegypti DLXXXIII M". Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 20:43, 6 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Easdem ego, o Laurentiane, res ad locativi usum pertinentes didici, sed cum pro certo non haberem hanc consuetudinem ab omnibus observari — sunt enim, qui Athenarum pro Athenis scribant — mentionem huius rei fortasse vanam feci. Gratias ago Andreae pro exemplo ex Hieronymi dictione excitato. Nunc mihi persuasum est in Claypool Arizonae nihil vitii habere. Neander (disputatio) 06:21, 7 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
... Apud Plinium reperio insuper locutionem saeculo XVII idoneam, mi Laurentiane: "Piraeus Atheniensium portus" (non "Athenarum"); talia sunt nomina plena urbium Romanarum in provinciis septentrionalibus positarum, "Venta Belgarum", "Corinium Dobunnorum", "Mediolanum Santonum". Collegae quidam nostri "Cantabrigia Massachusettensium" scribunt. Usum "ethnonymorum" in talibus locutionibus laudo et ego. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:30, 7 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Verba quidem diplomatum doctoris gradus ab Universitate Harvardiana tributorum sic incipiunt: "VNIVERSITAS HARVARDIANA / CANTABRIGIAE IN REPVBLICA MASSACHVSETTENSIVM / QVONIAM / [NOMEN] / studio diligentiore et specimine eruditionis idoneo adhibitis / Professoribus Artium et Scientiarum / persuasit se penitus pernoscere / [Rem] / Praeses et Socii Collegii Harvardiani Ordine Professorum illorum commendante atque consentientibus honorandis et reverendis Inspectoribus dederunt et concesserunt ei gradum / Philosophiae Doctoris / et omnia insignia et iura quae ad hunc gradum pertinent." Locutio "Cantabrigiae in Republica Massachusettensium" in Anglicum usitate convertitur 'At Cambridge in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts'. ¶ Incidentally, in case anybody is wondering, the honorandi et reverendi Inspectores are, in English, 'the Honorable and Reverend the Board of Overseers', a body of thirty individuals elected to six-year terms by the alumni; they're honorable and reverend because their colonial predecessors were civil magistrates and Christian ministers. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 12:28, 7 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Alexandria Aegypti utique dictum est, ut ab aliis Alexandriis distingueretur. Praeterea non est locativi casus, sed genetivi, scilicet indicantis, quo quid appertineat. Betlehem vero Iudaeae, ut legitur apud Hieronymum, mihi singulare dictum videtur, nisi plura similia invenierimus. Fortasse melius erit, minus momenti ascribere Hieronymi dicto, quod Vulgatae textum alludere videtur, qui legitur Betlehem Iuda. Laurentianus (disputatio) 15:24, 9 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Quis ibi locativum videt? Hic pro certo de usu genetivi loquimur.
Ea quae dicis de utilitate formulae "Alexandria Aegypti" valde amo, Laurentiane. Ob eandem rationem Americani hyperboreales dicunt "London, England" (cf. London, Ontario) et "Paris, France" (cf. Paris, Texas), atque ob eandem rationem ego, quando in textu Latino "Londinium, Ontario" reppero, semper in "Londinium Ontarionis" muto ... te et Plinio maiori assentientibus?
Confiteri oportet: tres sunt rationes, cur talibus locutionibus utimur: 1. causa discretiva, si exstant alii loci eiusdem nominis (e.g. "Alexandria Aegypti", "Venta Belgarum", "Cantabrigia Massachusettensium", "Magnesia Thessalica" [cf. et "apud Caesaream Cappadociae" Amm.Marc. 20.9.1]); 2. ad lectorem adiuvandum si locus obscurior sit ("Bethleem Iudaeae" et "Betleem Iuda"); 3. ad regionem eodem tempore atque urbem in sententiam compendiose introducere ("Ecbatana Medorum", "Piraeus Atheniensium portus", "Cariae oppidum Halicarnasus").
Haud perspicuum est fortasse cur Romani interdum ethnonymis "Belgarum, Santonum, Atheniensium" usi sunt, interdum nominibus provinciarum "Iudaeae, Aegypti". Liberi erant! Sed cur non "Alexandria Aegyptiorum", "Bethleem Iudaeorum", ["Caesarea Cappadocum"]? Rem hoc modo mihi iam diu explicavi (sunt enim toponymophilus). In eis regionibus, ubi civitates se regentes aut constituerunt sub imperio suo Romani aut iam constitutas invenerunt, ethnonyma malebant; ubi regna et principatus conquisiverant, nomina provinciarum malebant. Si quis id quod hic dico falsum esse demonstrare potest, demonstra! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:05, 9 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Quod ad Hieronymum pertinet, o amici, scimus Hieronymum textis Hebraeo Graecoque fidelissimum fuisse; debemus igitur ad prima exempla spectare. Ecce index usuum nominis Bethleem in versione Vulgata. In Vetere Testamento sexius vidimus "de Bethleem Iuda", מִבֵּית לֶחֶם יְהוּדָה, Mi-Beyth Lechem Yĕhuwdah, KJV "(out) of Bethlehemjudah"; in Novo Testamento bis "in Bethleem Iudaeae", ἐν Βηθλεὲμ τῆς Ἰουδαίας, KJV "in Bethlehem of Judaea". (Nunc, linguam Graecam non cognoscens, nescio an ἐν Βηθλεὲμ τῆς Ἰουδαίας locutio usualis sonet.) Lesgles (disputatio) 18:18, 9 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Ita: saepe tales locutiones reperimus nominibus regionum adhibitis, apud Thucydidem 4.24.4 ξύνεγγυς γὰρ κειμένου τοῦ τε Ῥηγίου ἀκρωτηρίου τῆς Ἰταλίας τῆς τε Μεσσήνης τῆς Σικελίας ... 4.45.1 ἔπλευσαν αὐθημερὸν ἐς Κρομμυῶνα τῆς Κορινθίας, 4.76.3 πρὸς τῇ Φανοτίδι τῆς Φωκίδος; ethnonymis adhibitis sed verbo substantivo addito, 4.49.1 Ἀνακτόριον Κορινθίων πόλιν, 4.67.1 ἐς Μινῴαν τὴν Μεγαρέων νῆσον, 4.88.2 Στάγιρος Ἀνδρίων ἀποικία, et apud Strabonem 4.1.11 εἰς Οὐίενναν τῆν τῶν Ἀλλοβρίγων μητρόπολιν; sine verbo substantivo, Strabo 5.4.7 Νεάπολις Κυμαίων. Sed oportet plura exempla reperire. [Cum Strabone 4.88.2 Στάγιρος Ἀνδρίων ἀποικία confer Pomponium Melam 2.22 "Milesiis deducta Callatis".] Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 19:24, 9 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Argumentum, quod ex Pomponio adduxisti, mi Andrea, non perfecte perspectum habeo. Ex sequentibus enim patet, quod Callatis nominativi casus sit. (Praeterea sunt, qui praepositionem inserendam coniecerint.)
Corpus exemplorum augere volui, mi amice; argumentum non proposui. Ita, "Callatis" nominativi casus est: verba "Milesiis deducta Callatis" parallela mihi videntur verbis Graecis "Στάγιρος Ἀνδρίων ἀποικία". Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:50, 12 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Bene est, gratias tibi habeo maximas pro collatione tua tam laboriosa. Caecus fui, quia expressiones, quae appellativa continent, mihi minime dubiae visae erant. Gratulor nobis tua gratia hunc conspectum adeptis. Laurentianus (disputatio) 17:19, 12 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Quid igitur adhuc invenimus? Ut urbs quaedam propius definiatur (nullo substantivo adhibito), ei populus aut per adiectivum casus congruentis additur (Thessalica Magnesia), quod raro accidit, aut per adiectivum incolas significantem numeri pluralis (Venta Belgarum), cui modo veteres favisse videntur. Si autem plures urbes eiusdem nominis internoscendae sunt, provincia vel terra casus genetivi addi potest (Caesarea Cappadociae). Restat (ad hoc tempus) singulare illud Betlehem Iudaeae, quod cum Legles ita intellegi potest, ut Hieronymus sequacissimus aemulus usum Graecum vel Hebraicum imitatus sit. Quid nos fieri volemus? Laurentianus (disputatio) 20:50, 10 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Si recte intellegi, liberi manemus (si nomina urbium compendiose distinguere volumus) locutionibus sicut "Magnesia Thessalica" et "Caesarea Cappadociae" et "Halicarnasus Cariae urbs" uti, saepius autem, te duce, locutionibus sicut "Ecbatana Medorum" et "Mediolanum Santonum" et "Piraeus Atheniensium portus" quibus hucusque rarius usi sumus. Rationes, ob quas auctores Latini interdum locutiones priores praeferebant, interdum posteriores, tu et ego aliis modis explicavimus, sed sine dubio, aliis exemplis repertis, omnia pellucida erunt! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:45, 11 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Aliqua addo:
  • adiectivum geographicum, Plinius maior 5.92 "Soloe Cilicii".
  • adiectivum geographicum cum verbo substantivo, Pomponius Mela 1.51 "ad Elephantinen urbem Aegyptiam"; 1,97 "Graiae urbes Abydos et Lampsacum ..."
  • genetivum regionis, Plinius maior 5.95 "Lycaoniae celebrantur Thebasa ..., Hyde ..."; 5.149 "Est in intimo sinu Nicomedia Bithyniae praeclara."
  • genetivum regionis cum verbo substantivo, Plinius maior 5.112 "Miletus Ioniae caput", 5.117 "Sipylum ... caput Maeoniae" (exempla nobis perutilia!)
  • genetivum populorum, Plinius maior 5.143 "Apamea quae nunc Myrlea Colophoniorum".
  • genetivum populorum cum verbo substantivo, Plinius maior 5.133 "Rhodiorum insulae Carpathus ... Casos ...". Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:14, 11 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Paginae custoditae

The alt text for Paginae custoditae (i.e. the text that appears if you hover your mouse over "Paginae custoditae" at the top right of your screen) is currently "Paginae quae custodis ut eorum mutationes facilius vides." Blimey! :-) Mattie (disputatio) 02:14, 7 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Tria menda in una sententia! Horribilia visu!!! IacobusAmor (disputatio) 14:14, 7 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
I've fixed it in TranslateWiki and the corrected message should propagate over here in a couple of days. A. Mahoney (disputatio) 14:18, 7 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Macte! Mattie (disputatio) 03:38, 9 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

VisualEditor global newsletter—July and August 2014

The VisualEditor team is currently working mostly to fix bugs, improve performance, reduce technical debt, and other infrastructure needs. You can find on Mediawiki.org weekly updates detailing recent work.

Screenshot of VisualEditor's link tool
Dialog boxes in VisualEditor have been re-designed to use action words instead of icons. This has increased the number of items that need to be translated. The user guide is also being updated.

The biggest visible change since the last newsletter was to the dialog boxes. The design for each dialog box and window was simplified. The most commonly needed buttons are now at the top. Based on user feedback, the buttons are now labeled with simple words (like "Cancel" or "Done") instead of potentially confusing icons (like "<" or "X"). Many of the buttons to edit links, images, and other items now also show the linked page, image name, or other useful information when you click on them.

  • Hidden HTML comments (notes visible to editors, but not to readers) can now be read, edited, inserted, and removed. A small icon (a white exclamation mark on a dot) marks the location of each comments. You can click on the icon to see the comment.
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  • The link tool has a new "Open" button that will open a linked page in another tab so you can make sure a link is the right one.
  • The "Cancel" button in the toolbar has been removed based on user testing. To cancel any edit, you can leave the page by clicking the Read tab, the back button in your browser, or closing the browser window without saving your changes.

Looking ahead

The team posts details about planned work on the VisualEditor roadmap. The VisualEditor team plans to add auto-fill features for citations soon. Your ideas about making referencing quick and easy are still wanted. Support for upright image sizes is being developed. The designers are also working on support for adding rows and columns to tables. Work to support Internet Explorer is ongoing.

Feedback opportunities

The Editing team will be making two presentations this weekend at Wikimania in London. The first is with product manager James Forrester and developer Trevor Parscal on Saturday at 16:30. The second is with developers Roan Kattouw and Trevor Parscal on Sunday at 12:30. There is a VisualEditor Translation Sprint going on during Wikimania; whether you're in London or not, any contributions are welcome!

Please share your questions, suggestions, or problems by posting a note at the VisualEditor feedback page or by joining the office hours discussion on Thursday, 14 August 2014 at 09:00 UTC (daytime for Europe, Middle East and Asia) or on Thursday, 18 September 2014 at 16:00 UTC (daytime for the Americas; evening for Europe).

If you'd like to get this newsletter on your own page (about once a month), please subscribe at w:en:Wikipedia:VisualEditor/Newsletter for English Wikipedia only or at Meta for any project. Thank you! --Elitre (WMF), 14:40, 9 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Leukemia spelling

Sorry to bother, but I was wondering, how the medical term "leukemia" is spelled correctly in latin. The latin article calls it leuchaemia, but while searching the web, I usually found "leukaemia". I know "leuko" is derived from Greek, but I'm not that much familiar with latin, and I'm curious, since I'd like to spell it correctly in my articles on other wikis. Thanks for your help. Regards: --Kohlins (disputatio) 11:20, 10 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Traupman's Latin dictionary gives leukaemia (but Traupman admits a lot of nonclassical terms & spellings). A contributor who has shown special interest in Latin medical terms is Wimpus; you might ask him directly, in case he doesn't notice your query here. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 12:16, 10 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Leuchaemia rectius poni videtur quam Leucaemia, quia ex λευκόν leuk-on (album) et αἷμα haima (sanguis) composita est. Leuchaemia quidem legitur in hac dissertatione medica. Nihilominus Leucaemia (omissa aspiratione) usiatior esse videtur. Ad vocem vero Neograecam (λευχαιμία) transliterandam, quaeque lingua suas ipsius regulas sequitur. Laurentianus (disputatio) 19:38, 10 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
(To translate and paraphrase for Kohlins: leuchaemia would be the regular Latin transliteration of Greek, but leucaemia seems maybe more common. But you should follow the usage of whatever language you're using.) So American English leukemia, British English leukaemia, French leucémie, etc. The OED gives this etymology: "< German leukämie (R. Virchow 1848, in Arch. f. path. Anat. I. iii. 563), < λευκός white + αἷμα blood." Lesgles (disputatio) 20:24, 10 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Thank you! Regards:--Kohlins (disputatio) 11:57, 12 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

07:43, 11 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

de quibusdam terminis technicis hodiernis

Amici, de quibusdam verbis dubito, quomodo Latine exprimantur. Forsitan sunt, qui quaestiones ad exitum adducere possint.

  • Assembly line / Fließbandfertigung / Ligne de montage: In commentatione Henrici Ford invenitur "linea coagmentationis" et "fabricatio serialis"; apud Iohannem Gutenberg IacobusAmor noster "series congregationis" ponit, ego ipse in pagina disputationis "serie fulta fabricatio", "fabricatio in serie" vel "fabricatio serialis" propono (verbum serialis quidem tantum in litteris biologicis inveni)
  • Chain-reaction: "reactio serialis"?
  • (atomic) warhead / (Atom-)Sprengkopf / testata (atomica) / ogive (nucléaire): "bulla displodendi" (nuclearis / atomica)?
  • Acute radiation syndrome / Strahlenkrankheit / malattia acuta da radiazione: "morbus radiationis"?--Utilo (disputatio) 22:08, 11 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Ad primum terminum vertendum eandem fere expressionem ac ad secundum propono:
"Fabricatio catenata" mihi placet, etiamsi fontem huius sententiae non inveni. Lexicon illius David Morgan habet "reactio catenata"; quod "warhead" est genus missilis, fortasse "missile atomicum"? "Morbus radiationis" autem mihi falsum sonat—si radiatio ipsa aegrotat, habet morbum radiationis. Fortasse "morbus e radiatione"? A. Mahoney (disputatio) 13:15, 13 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Hmm. fabricatio catenata ut videtur Anglice = 'a bound making, a fettered making'. L&S: "More freq. in part. perf.: cătēnātus, a, um, bound with a chain, chained, fettered: Britannus, *Hor. Epod. 7, 8: janitor, Ov. Am. 1, 6, 1; Col. 1, praef. § 10; Quint. 8, 3, 69; Suet. Aug. 13; id. Tib. 64 al.: equorum linguae, Stat. Th. 4, 731." Fortasse melius: fabricatio concatenata vel confectio concatenata ? L&S: "con-cătēno, no / I perf., ātum, 1, v. a., to link or bind together, to connect (late Lat.), Lact. 3, 17; Min. Fel. 17, 2/". IacobusAmor (disputatio) 11:23, 15 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Rationes Iacobi mihi probabiles videntur. Praeterea propono, ut etiam usus verbi „serialis“ (quamvis recentissimae Latinitatis) deliberetur. In commentationibus Vicipedianis admodum saepe invenitur (commentationes seriales, sensu stricto seriali, homicida serialis, Serialismus et al.). Nobis distinguendum est inter „assembly line“ et „production line“. Quid, si pro „assembly line“ ponamus fabricatio/confectio concatenata, pro „production line“ autem fabricatio/confectio serialis?--Utilo (disputatio) 09:35, 16 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Quia warhead tantum est pars missilis, mihi magis placet bulla, fortasse glandula, sed cur non simpliciter caput? Quoad secundum vocabulum termini, displodendi, displodens; non classicus sed fortasse clarior est adiectivum displosivus (vel explosivus).[260]
Plane assentior. Missile enim totum telum significat, "warhead" autem solam partem illam explosivam. Verum cum optimo auctore Casimiro Simienowicz praeferenda videntur vel globus vel granata. Quo, si voletis, videte! Nihil paene sit, quod non habeat. Addito vocabulo nuclearis perfectum erit. Quid censetis? Laurentianus (disputatio) 17:31, 13 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Ad ultimum terminum vertendum occurrit "morbus radiosus" vel "irradiatio (nimia)". Laurentianus (disputatio) 18:40, 13 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
"Morbus radiosus," certissime. Et "caput missilis nuclearis" est clarum. A. Mahoney (disputatio) 21:58, 13 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Vobis gratias ago. Ut sententias comprehendam: In commentatione "arma nuclearia" augenda (et alibi) his terminis utar: fabricatio catenata, reactio catenata, morbus radiosus, caput missilis nuclearis (commentatio granata pro bombis minoribus iam est). - Duos terminos addere velim: Pro "mass destruction" "eversio massalis" scripsi (verbum "massalis" e scriptis Tertulliani sumptum est), in commentatione Iohannes Gutenberg pro "mass production" "productio magnaria" invenitur. Quid de his verbis censetis? Suntne comprehensibilia bonaque an alia invenienda sunt?--Utilo (disputatio) 09:00, 14 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Magnaria utique aptissimum videtur verbum. Productio vero apud veteres intelligebatur vel in re metrica vel re militaria dicta, ubi extensionem sonus aut syllabae vel emissionem militum significabat. Fortasse fabricatio valebit. Laurentianus (disputatio) 12:57, 14 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Quaod mass destruction: "eversio/caedes latissima", non enim massae evertuntur, sed homines. Laurentianus (disputatio) 13:00, 14 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
"eversio latissima" mihi verius rem reddere videtur, cum non solum multitudines hominum necentur, sed etiam aedificia deleantur. - Iterum dico: gratias!--Utilo (disputatio) 11:12, 15 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Vocabulum productio non suadeam ob causas supra dictas. Fortasse effectio vel confectio? - Bavarese (disputatio) 15:47, 14 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Why are links to featured articles and good articles being removed? The function they've been serving doesn't seem to be coming back automatically in the articles from which they've been removed. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 20:29, 17 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Ignoscatis, quaeso. Ut videtur, eodem tempore scribens ac Neander has partes delevisse videor. Quas nunc restituam. Laurentianus (disputatio) 07:56, 20 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Since today, it is possible to add information about FA/GA status ("badges") of a sitelink to wikidata. I have just added the badge telling that :la:Xenophon (scriptor) is a FA at d:Q129772#sitelinks-wikipedia. Hopefully, some bot will soon add the FA badge for all our FAs = paginae mensuales. done
Badges at wikidata, however, do not yet show up with the star symbol in the "Linguis aliis" section in our sidebar. This functionality will probably get added on August 26. --UV (disputatio) 22:18, 19 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Do we have objective standards for FA? If the FA badge is automatically added to every pagina mensualis, doesn't this enjoin us to enhance our quality assurance procedure? I removed the FA badge from pecunia, because the article was more about coins and banknotes than money, and the Latinitas, though better than in our worst products, needed (and still needs) correcting. Neander (disputatio) 06:19, 20 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
So as not to confuse the discussion I'll add my comment on that issue under the subheading below. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:07, 20 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
I was asking about links to featured & good articles in other wikis, which Φιλέτυμος has been removing left & right, as here—and their insignia haven't been returning automatically in the panel on the left (perhaps then on 26 August?). IacobusAmor (disputatio) 11:26, 20 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
It seems I have confused the FA/GA-links with the links to the regular other-language-wiki-pages that can now be removed! Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa! But it won't happen again! Φιλέτυμος (disputatio) 22:21, 20 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
No need to worry, Philetyme: it will all come right, as UV explains below. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:49, 21 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Well, removing the Link GA template from Rachel Weisz can indeed be regarded as premature by a few days, but is not harmful at all: en:Rachel Weisz already has the GA badge at d:Special:ItemByTitle/lawiki/Rachel Weisz#sitelinks-wikipedia = d:Q134077#sitelinks-wikipedia, and the insignia should return automatically in the panel on the left on 26 August or a few days thereafter. --UV (disputatio) 20:21, 20 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
They have returned, see Rachel Weisz. Therefore, we do not need {{Link FA}} or {{Link GA}} templates any more when the corresponding badge is already present at wikidata. --UV (disputatio) 00:21, 30 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Objective standards

I'd say "Featured" has been given its usual [English advertising jargon] sense on most of the Wikipedias: a page that has featured as a page of the day, or the week, or the month. Now it's true that the English wikipedia has a system of delisting articles whose quality is no longer satisfactory. We have no such system so far, except the one you've just invented, Neander. There are other pages too, from earlier years, which really ought not to display the FA stella until they've been revised.

Well, independently of "featuring" and not featuring, we can introduce an objective system if we can agree on standards. Having done so, we can classify all pages that qualify as "paginae bonae" and explain them to the rest of Wikiland as "good articles" (a classification that others use, but we haven't as yet).

If we do develop objective standards, we could then also agree to withdraw the FA stella from articles which no longer make the objective grade! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:07, 20 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

It's always been a point of amusement/annoyance that the English–Latin section of neither Ainsworth's nor White's nor Cassell's nor Traupman offers a Latin gloss of the English verb to feature—and that terms for related concepts, like highlight, spotlight, play up, set off, give prominence to, bring to the fore, bring into relief, star, headline, accent(uate), underscore, underline, point up—are underrepresented or likewise missing. At least to emphasize (Traupman: premere of words, exprimere of ideas) and to stress (Traupman: exprimere, in mentem imprimere) are handy. For to emphasize, Cassell's says "render by phrase, such as vehementius dicere." So did the old Romans have a problem with the concept of featuring things? What are some other useful workarounds for it? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 12:52, 20 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Efferebant quidem interdum, quod eis notabilius vel memoratu dignum vel clarum vel insigne visum erat. Ubi locorum ab elatione abstinerent? Laurentianus (disputatio) 13:02, 20 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Here are the terms used on the eight largest Wikipedias: en:WP:Featured articles, sv:WP:Utmärkta artiklar, nl:WP:Etalage, de:WP:Exzellente Artikel, fr:WP:Articles de qualité, ru:ВП:Избранные статьи, it:WP:Vetrina, es:WP:Artículos destacados. English, Russian, and Spanish use variations on "featured article"; Swedish, German, and French have "excellent/quality articles"; and Dutch and Italian just refer to a "showcase". ¶ If we are going to start reviewing articles for quality independent of the pagina mensualis nominations, which is not a bad idea, I would favor something closer to "excellent", e.g. (from Cassell's): excellens, praestans, egregius, bonus, optimus, laudatus, praecipuus. Lesgles (disputatio) 21:00, 20 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

07:16, 18 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Dies notabilis

Hodie est bis millesimus festus dies anniversarius divi Augusti mortui. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 13:46, 19 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Ita videtur esse. Sit ei usque terra levis! Φιλέτυμος (disputatio) 14:24, 19 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

recto et verso

Quaeso, o sodales, mi dicatis: congruitne in vicipaedia nostra adverbia (vel ut adverbia tractata) latina recto <legimus> et verso <scriptum est> dicere pro in fronte nummi <...> et in tergo nummi <...> vel paginae, ut in libris linguis hodiernis expressis occurrit? Adiumentum adferentibus iam nunc gratias ago. - Bavarese (disputatio) 21:51, 19 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Salve, Bavarese. Si vis, vide huc. Ubi auctor quidam 19. saeculi in describendo manuscripto posuit "verso (sc. folio)" et "a fronte". Vel huc, ubi eundem modum invenies iam in 16. saeculo servatum, cum recto (folio) apud medii aevi auctores nusquam inveniam. Verum qui verbis "a fronte" utebantur, etiam "a tergo" ponere solebant, ut patet ex hoc. Sed et mea multum interest optimum morem noscere. Numismata autem quod attinet, ignoro consuetudinem, sed in scriptis leguntur pars antica vel pars aversa. Nonne apud veteres dicebatur caput aut navia? Laurentianus (disputatio) 07:10, 20 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Recte, Laurentiane, sed (iam scis) nobis haud oportet "caput" et "navia" dicere de nummis qui neque caput neque navia ostendunt!
Credidi ego "recto" et "verso" verba fere internationalia esse. Ei qui folia librorum antiquorum in variis linguis describunt abbreviationibus 34r, 34v utuntur. Ego quidem eodem modo "recto" et "verso" dico quando nummos describo. Sunt verba Latina, sed fontem Latinum de hac re citare non possum. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 11:43, 20 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
OED de obverse, verbo Anglico, dicit: ex Latino "obversus pa. pple. of obvertere": . . . "That side of a coin, medal, seal, etc. on which the head or principal design is struck ; the opposite of reverse." IacobusAmor (disputatio) 13:00, 20 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Nummus non rectus
Nummus non rectus
Assentior tibi, Andrea, in quantum internationalia fere sint. "Verso" autem (sc. folio vel nummo) per se intelligitur, "recto" autem contrarium est "flexo". :-) Laurentianus (disputatio) 13:23, 20 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Hmm. Fortasse res aliter de foliis, aliter de nummis stant. Librorum enim pagina prima recte iacet; ad paginam alteram legendam, folium flectimus atque ita vertimus: ergo "[folio] recto" et "[folio] verso". Nummum vertimus sed non flectimus: ergo, Iacobus mihi suggerit, "[nummo] obverso" et "[nummo] reverso". Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:46, 20 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Letter petitioning WMF to reverse recent decisions

The Wikimedia Foundation recently created a new feature, "superprotect" status. The purpose is to prevent pages from being edited by elected administrators -- but permitting WMF staff to edit them. It has been put to use in only one case: to protect the deployment of the Media Viewer software on German Wikipedia, in defiance of a clear decision of that community to disable the feature by default, unless users decide to enable it.

If you oppose these actions, please add your name to this letter. If you know non-Wikimedians who support our vision for the free sharing of knowledge, and would like to add their names to the list, please ask them to sign an identical version of the letter on change.org.

-- JurgenNL (talk) 17:35, 21 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Process ideas for software development

’’My apologies for writing in English.’’


I am notifying you that a brainstorming session has been started on Meta to help the Wikimedia Foundation increase and better affect community participation in software development across all wiki projects. Basically, how can you be more involved in helping to create features on Wikimedia projects? We are inviting all interested users to voice their ideas on how communities can be more involved and informed in the product development process at the Wikimedia Foundation. It would be very appreciated if you could translate this message to help inform your local communities as well.

I and the rest of my team welcome you to participate. We hope to see you on Meta.

Kind regards, -- Rdicerb (WMF) talk 22:15, 21 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

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Salve! Quaeso, quo modo dicere 'milkman'? Lactarius? Mulgarius? Gratias.--Jondel (disputatio) 14:11, 23 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Locutionem "venditor lactis" suadeo; minime mulgarius, qui ad vaccam mulgendam (cow milking) pertinet, non ad lactis venditionem. Lesgles (disputatio) 16:24, 23 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Fuerunt etiam, apud quos profecto lactarius diceretur, vide huc, vel illuc, ubi hac voce γαλαϰτοπώλης glossabatur. Laurentianus (disputatio) 21:08, 23 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Bene invenisti! Lesgles (disputatio) 21:15, 23 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Gratias vobis Lesgles et Laurentiano ago! Velim pro re [[The ^Fiddler on the Roof adhiberi et non certum habeo. Me adiuvatis.--Jondel (disputatio) 07:05, 25 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

Tevye is a venditor lactis (purely classical) or a lactarius (post-classical, but simpler), but not a *mulgarius. Lesgles (disputatio) 15:13, 25 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Gratias Lesgles. Incidentaly, Laurentianus source is useful for another topic of 'apes' (please don't discuss in this section but at the Hominoidea‎ article).--Jondel (disputatio) 00:05, 26 Augusti 2014 (UTC)
Let's go for the venditor lactis!--Jondel (disputatio) 00:08, 26 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

09:21, 25 Augusti 2014 (UTC)

07:48, 1 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

Grants to improve your project

Apologies for English. Please help translate this message.

Greetings! The Individual Engagement Grants program is accepting proposals for funding new experiments from September 1st to 30th. Your idea could improve Wikimedia projects with a new tool or gadget, a better process to support community-building on your wiki, research on an important issue, or something else we haven't thought of yet. Whether you need $200 or $30,000 USD, Individual Engagement Grants can cover your own project development time in addition to hiring others to help you.

Stream pool

Salvete! Can you please help me to find a suitable translation (classical if possible) for "stream pool" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stream_pool)? I'd like to make an article in Vicipaedia. Thanks in advance. Casquilho (disputatio) 19:53, 7 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

You should be aware that the English phrase "stream pool" may not be a safe basis to start from. The page linked at en:Stream pool as a source for the first sentence seems not to contain the phrase "stream pool" (and I don't know whether it's a reliable sourcce anyway). I'm an English speaker and I've never seen this phrase before (but, I admit, I'm no hydrologist). And the first sentence of the English article was not written by an English speaker (the use of "quite" is a giveaway). So, if I were you, I would start by ensuring that we really have a well-sourced term for this concept in some language or other! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:50, 8 Septembris 2014 (UTC)
A glance at the history of the definition shows that an earlier phrasing was clearer, but a copyeditor has massaged it into weirdness, and nobody has restored the clarity. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 15:31, 8 Septembris 2014 (UTC)
For your information, the French word fr:Mouille really was used in this sense in the year 1855. I can't confirm the Spanish word es:Piletón, but that may be because my Spanish dictionary isn't big enough! I note, though, that the French page doesn't cite any source, and the Spanish page borrows the English sources and has no source in Spanish. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:06, 8 Septembris 2014 (UTC)
[Written earlier than, and in ignorance of, the preceding.] The French Wikipedia term is mouille, which isn't in my paperback Larousse, though mouillage and related terms are, all indicating that mouille must denote some kind of wet place. The alternate French Wikipedia term is fosse. Working historically backward from the latter gets you to Latin fossa, glossed in Cassell's as 'ditch, trench, channel' and in Traupman as 'ditch, trench, moat, canal'. Ainsworth says fosse is English, and has various glosses of the Latin fossa, including 'ditch, moat, pit, dell' and 'sough'. The last is evidently unknown in current (American) English, as it's not in Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, but the OED defines it as 'a boggy or swampy place; a small pool'. And that gets you to Latin lacuna, glossed in Cassell's as 'a cavity, hollow, dip; esp, a pool, pond'. So maybe lacuna fluminea ('a streamy pool, a riverine lake') is what you want. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 15:19, 8 Septembris 2014 (UTC)
Except that Cassell's marks lacuna as poetical (in the classical period)—and since you're writing prose, the next best bet is lacus, the phrase thus becoming lacus flumineus. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 15:26, 8 Septembris 2014 (UTC)
Terminus ipse difficillimus inventu etiam apud hodiernos. Spero tamen Plinium maiorem habere, quod quaeris. Circa istud quod quaeris, sint:
  • stagnatio (aqua tardior)
  • gurges (contrarium, quia aqua celerior)
  • vadum (contrarium, quia aqua minus profunda)
  • alveus profundior/altior
  • labrum
  • crater
Utinam invenias. Feliciter! Laurentianus (disputatio) 15:52, 8 Septembris 2014 (UTC)
Stagnum haud procul a vero esse videtur. Neander (disputatio) 21:53, 8 Septembris 2014 (UTC)
Ehem, haud procul, certe, sed nondum ipsum attigimus, quod quaeritur. Nam audi Pompeium Festum in Epitoma operis de uerborum significatu Uerrii Flacci: »Stagnum quidam dici putant, quod in eo aqua perpetuo stet.« Quod convenit cum etymologia hodie recepta. Stagnum omnis inundatio sive naturalis sive artificialis dicta videtur, praesertim ad litora maris, a salinariis sibi facta. Secundum Isidorem gurges proprie locus altus in flumine (13,11,5), sed timeo ne non satis accurate dixerit. Plinius autem narrat de fonticulo suo, in quo crater quidam (5,6,23). Utut res se habeat, credo nos fortasse apud auctores de re metallica aliquid inventuros. Nam ni fallor grana aurea imprimis in ita dictis stream pools colliguntur. Quid dicis, Casquilho? Laurentianus (disputatio) 21:17, 9 Septembris 2014 (UTC)
I would also note that the articles flumen, aestuarium, and lacus could all use improvement and are on the VP:10000 list of priorities. And we don't even have pages equivalent to English en:Pond, en:River delta, en:Hydrology, etc., also on that list. Though of course we all love our obscure articles sometimes. Lesgles (disputatio) 18:25, 10 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

09:33, 8 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

Change in renaming process

Part or all of this message may be in English. Please help translate if possible.

-- User:Keegan (WMF) (talk) 22:23, 2014 ж. қыркүйектің 9 (ALMT)

VisualEditor available on Internet Explorer 11

VisualEditor will become available to users of Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 during today's regular software update. Support for some earlier versions of Internet Explorer is being worked on. If you encounter problems with VisualEditor on Internet Explorer, please contact the Editing team by leaving a message at VisualEditor/Feedback on Mediawiki.org. Happy editing, Elitre (WMF) 07:29, 11 Septembris 2014 (UTC).

PS. Please subscribe to the global monthly newsletter to receive further news about VisualEditor.

this "superprotect" business

In a "tech news" announcement above (2014-34) Vicipaedia:Taberna#Tech News: 2014-34, we heard of a new facility called "superprotection," which locks down a page so that even sysops (Magistratus) can't edit it. According to discussion at Meta, there's been some controversy around it. I got a note observing that nobody from Vicipaedia has commented yet -- perhaps we should (and I will get to it myself after the next bout of grading). Details and links on my talk page at Meta. A. Mahoney (disputatio) 12:50, 12 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

I haven't commented because the dispute has been essentially about whether the Foundation can turn a switch off or on whenever it wants. Well, let's face it, it can. Hence the current panic about declining ratings for en:wiki resulted in a redesign that may slightly help en:wiki's ratings but is irrelevant to other languages and bad for active editors. Clearly this has happened because the Foundation doesn't put a high enough value on other languages or on active editors ... but I doubt whether it would listen to a Latinist who says so :) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:28, 12 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

propter aut/vel causa?

Persaepe legens causa cum genitivo, ubi causatius, sc. et grammaticos et accuratum sequens sermonem bonorum auctorum, praepositionem propter egoquidem praeferam, et vice versa, rogo vos, utrum in nostra vicipaedia discrimen diversarum causarum earumque differentiae observandae sint an omisso discrimine modo sic modo sic dicere liceat? (Haud inscius sum et ab optimis auctoribus antiquis nonnumquam hunc usum grammaticalem neglegi.) Bavarese (disputatio) 20:49, 13 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

Tu hoc in discrimine, o Bavarensis, cum Lewis et Short concinis, qui de causa dicunt, "in the best prose, almost always referring to the future, and implying a purpose; cf. propter with acc. of the pre-existing cause or motive". Confiteor me hanc regulam nescivisse, sed eam sequi conabor. Fortasse autem nos non nimis dogmaticos esse oportet, sed de usu bonorum auctorum alii plus quam ego dicere poterunt. Lesgles (disputatio) 02:20, 14 Septembris 2014 (UTC)
In pagina Roma mutavi complures imaginum subscriptiones, inter alia nomisma virtutis causa tributum in propter virtutem etc. ob virtutem illam iam editam, non optatam ut edatur — acceptabiliter, ut spero. Quid vobis videtur? Bavarese (disputatio) 13:45, 16 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

08:34, 15 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

Hi magisters, all, could I ask for help for the words 'injectable (oil >oleum?)extract(>extractum?))' , most effective (>pollentissimum? summa efficiens?) treatment(curatio? tractatio? remedium?) ? I would like to translate from the first paragraph of the corresponding English wiki article. I created a temporary version though. Thanks in advance.--Jondel (disputatio) 01:30, 16 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

An injection is an iniectio, but the phrase quod inici potest might be handy. ¶ For 'most effective', is something wrong with efficacissimus? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 18:48, 18 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

That should be good but it was not in my dictionary. I'm carrying a Collins and it has valens for effective, with which I'm not comfortable with. Recently Mattie changed it to valentissimum. I will study those terms though.--Jondel (disputatio) 02:52, 19 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

quod inici potest is great! I'm changing it now.--Jondel (disputatio) 02:53, 19 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

As between efficax and valens (and the superlatives of each) it's a question of nuance. "Valens" means powerful; "Efficax" means good at producing an effect. In contexts where a desired effect is obvious or has already been stated, the two adjectives could be synonymous. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:53, 19 Septembris 2014 (UTC)
For what it's worth, iniectabilis is found in a number of modern medical sources. Lesgles (disputatio) 16:32, 19 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

"Magnitudo" commentariorum

De: "now it's 800 characters, still pretty small but less vacuous" (Historia paginae "Illusions Perdues").

When we do a trial run in the edit box by pressing "Monstrare praevisum," should the number reported as "Magnitudo" be the raw number of letters (octeti)? or is it multiplied by 1.1 so as to match the weighting in Meta's list of wikipedias by sample of articles? or what? None of these possibilities seems right, because an experiment made by putting exactly one letter in the box returns a magnitudo of 2.2; two letters, a magnitudo of 3.3; ten, 12.1; one hundred, 121; one thousand, 1200.1. These numbers don't seem to make sense! ¶ Also: the number is always reported as having one apparently significant digit to the right of the decimal, but I how can we have a fractional letter? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 18:48, 18 Septembris 2014 (UTC)
A further experiment shows that while typing one letter (say, x) in the box produces a magnitudo of 2.2, typing x<!--x--> produces a magnitudo of 9.9, but so does x<!--xx--> and likewise x<!--xxxxx-->! Also, typing <!--x--> in the editbox produces a magnitudo of 8.8, and so does typing <!--xxxxx-->! What gives? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 19:18, 18 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

Category Video games

Sorry for not writing in latin :) I just want to report that Categoria:Ludi televisifici and Categoria:Ludi computatrales, both with link at commons:Category:Video games, are redundant and should be merged. Thanks, bye. --Superchilum (disputatio) 08:37, 19 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

partes vel regiones Hercyniae silvae

Habemusne, o sodales, paginam indicantem partes Hercyniae silvae, sc. montium Germaniae inter Rhenum et Danubium sitorum? Nempe de hac re illa pagina montes Romanis antiquis notos continens paupertatem quandam ostendere videtur.Bavarese (disputatio) 21:12, 19 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

Non habemus; oportet fortasse primum paginam de Hercynia silva augere. Commentationes Hofmanni de Hercynia antiqua et quibusdam Hercyniis recentioribus tuâ interesse possunt. Lesgles (disputatio) 21:47, 22 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

Moon First Quarter

Salvete! I guess I already know the answer, but I thought I should try anyway. Do you know if there's any attested classical way to say in Latin the First Quarter of the Waxing Moon? I know there is luna plena for full moon (and also plenilunium from Pliny), but I couldn't find an expression for the intermediary phases, id est, first and second quarter. Casquilho (disputatio) 01:55, 21 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

Apud Augustinum invenires "primam vel quatuordecimam lunam", i.e. cum crescit, septima luna, aut, si mavis, vel dimidia vel semiformis luna, verumtamen dimidium lunae, cum descrescit. Laurentianus (disputatio) 17:18, 21 Septembris 2014 (UTC)
Nescio utrum classicus fons sit, sed Arcadius Avellanus in libro "Palaestra" descripsit phases lunae sic: "primus quadrans", dein "media luna" dein "luna plena" seu "plenilunium" dein decrescens "ultimus quadrans" dein "novilunium".--Rafael
Columella speaks of the "luna crescens" and "decrescens", though he seems to refer more to a general change than to a specific phase. My guess is that the division of the moon into quarters is medieval in origin. Here are some Renaissance and later sources for "prima quarta Lunae"[313][314][315] and "prima Lunae quarta"[316]. Lesgles (disputatio) 21:29, 22 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

09:04, 22 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

Font size in intro

On my iPad the web browser creates a line break in the middle of "Bene advenisti in Vicipaediam," in pagina prima. I therefore made Vicipaedia:Pagina prima/Praefatio which has a 210 instead of 220 % font size for this text. This could be introduced. If people think an extra template is a bad idea then an admin should perhaps adjust the text size on the main page. Thanks. -Ssolbergj (disputatio) 21:57, 22 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

I suppose it's difficult to have everything look good on all browsers, but I'd be fine with a smaller "bene advenisti", 210% or even 200%. Alii quid dicunt? Lesgles (disputatio) 21:26, 23 Septembris 2014 (UTC)
It is indeed nearly impossible to have a page look good on all browsers at all screen sizes, but I have now changed the main page to use Vicipaedia:Pagina prima/Praefatio. Greetings, --UV (disputatio) 21:45, 23 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

Thanks! Sure, it's difficult to make something that's perfect for all screens, but quite a few readers probably own the most popular tablet computer, with its standardised dimensions. - Ssolbergj (disputatio) 22:45, 23 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

Usor I will wreck Wikip3dia obstruendus?

Usor I will wreck Wikip3dia nihil nisi ineptias facere videtur; nonne obstruendus est?--Utilo (disputatio) 12:13, 27 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

Tu obstruere potes, mi amice! Sed de hoc usore non iam necesse est, quia administrator e Meta peregrinus usorem nunc "globaliter" obstruxit. Si rursus mutationes tales multiplices videas, ita, oportet statim obstruere et mutationes revertere. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:57, 27 Septembris 2014 (UTC)
Cum vandalismum eius vidi eum quam celeriter obstruxi sed nunc legi quod hic scripsisti quod is iam globaliter obstructus est et vandalismus eius etiam iam deletus est ! :) --Rafaelgarcia (disputatio) 13:11, 27 Septembris 2014 (UTC)
Me obstruere posse intellexi, sed cum legissem "Hoc non nisi secundum consilium fieri potest" disputationem mihi incipiendum esse arbitratus sum.--Utilo (disputatio) 14:05, 27 Septembris 2014 (UTC)
A! optime intellego. Id quod legisti verum est, sed, si aliquis mutationes inconsulte vel "vandalistice" continuo faciat, nobis licet intra mentem consilium capere et statim obstruere. Si alii magistratús nos rem non idoneam fecisse suadent, possumus cito deobstruere et (si oportet) veniam petere. Nemo vulnerabitur!
Id dico quia hic apud Vicipaediam pauci sumus. Saepe nullus magistratus, saepe unus tantum, vigilat. Apud Anglos, Francogallos, Germanos multi sunt! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:23, 27 Septembris 2014 (UTC)
Agedum! Ne quis ultra vandalizare audeat ... --Utilo (disputatio) 14:38, 27 Septembris 2014 (UTC)

Monuments of Spain Challenge

Excuse me for not speaking Latin yet.

Wikimedia España invites you to join the Monuments of Spain Challenge. And what’s that? It’s a contest. You have to edit, translate or expand articles about the Spanish monuments and you will be granted points. So you’re not just writing about wonderful buildings: you can get prizes!

The time of the contest will include all October and any information you may need is right here.

Join in and good luck!

PS: We would be grateful if you could translate this note into Latin.

B25es on behalf of Wikimedia España.